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Kingdom Hearts: Coming Together

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"Look Aria, you are not a monster. You are a wonderful person. You don't have to be here with me searching for answers of my past but look here you are anyways. You happen to be one of the kindest people I know." TK told Aria.

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"I was born here. I studied many years and travelled around worlds but when this heartless epidemic started, i headed back here to protect my home and other people." Flash walked forward and when he saw castle he started to watch it more cloesly: HawkEye." There is plenty of heartless near castle. We should still avoid combat if possible. I should take lead since i know this area pretty well." Flash took his rifle on his hand and started to run and watched if Jules followed him.

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Jules followed him, able to sense the Heartless with the Force. His hand was on his sabers, ready to defend himself if they were attacked. He scanned the area ahead and behind them, to make sure there were no Heartless in their path, or coming behind them. "The path appears clear." Jules said, following close behind.

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( one thing, im not gonna post with Gray while before main group have arrived in Twilight Town, he is just taking care of things there)

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Gray woke up in his room when he heard talking from outside. Gray took his keyblade and went down. "Who are you people?", Gray asked and wached on Group and sensed them to be Keyblade wielders. " What do you want from here?"

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Rai Takamora


unknown world from


Rai lost his memories except for his name and his need to kill ( his past is yet to be revealed)


his anger, rage, hatred, and sadness fuel his power, he always fights to the death and never gives up


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Steel Emblem(a marking on his left palm) gives him the ability to creat metal out of thin airPosted Image



Metal Entrophy : can create Bio-mechanical beasts out of metal.





to acheive ultamite power.


to become the ultamite being

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  On 11/14/2011 at 12:05 AM, 'Damion Strife' said:

"We're here to check out the mansion. Looking for any kind of strange stuff. Isn't that right?" ,Damion looked at Celeste.


Celeste nodded. "Any traces of unborn or Keyblade wielders." She bent to look at the ground. "So, Damion, where are you from?"

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(now who said i would god mod... i just like a long match)



Rai walked through the forest of twilght town his red eyes were feirce. he stopped at the edge of the forest when he saw the group of people. "keyblade weilders" he said to himself silently as he slid back into the darkness. "Redemption" the keyblade appeared in his hand. his red eyes mad him look almost heartless like. "its time" his voice echoed through the forest

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Gray said "Okay, i can show you places but be careful this place is full of heartless. If there just could be something what could sotp heartless coming and i could go to my journey again" Gray took of his keyblade and then started to walk and continued his speak: "There is one very suspicious place here, but i cant go there alone since there is so much of heartless. There may be something important."




Flash arrived in computer room and then said: "Looks like we made it." He started to look at computer. "This shouldnt take long." Flash tried to access but everytime computer said: "Access denied" "Damn! What is wrong with this?" and hitted computer screen.

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"May I try?" Jules asked. "I am very skilled in dealing with driods. Computer's can't be that much different." He wen't over to the computer and started typing. It said Access Denied, so he started looking around the computer itself. He saw a little port near the ground and said "Hmmm, that might work..." He pulled a communicator and hit a button on it. "T7, I need you to come to my location at once."

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Rai watched closely but kept out of sight from the keybladers. "its only a matter of time." he said. his palm glowed and a small metal ball with wings and eyes formed he threw it into the air and the wings were beating fast but it was silent it hovered and the began to fly around Rai was able to see what it saw and took great caution when moving. "now what are you up too?" he asked seeing 2 people in the computer room through the eyes of the humspy.

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  On 11/14/2011 at 3:58 AM, 'Damion Strife' said:

"I'm from Radient Garden. I feel nothing so far...," Damion said calmly.


"Radiant Gardens? That's where we were, right?" asked Celeste. She turned to look at Damion. "Have you ever heard of...Traverse Town? I think that's where my father was from."

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"Yeah I have, that's actually where my master was from before he got moved to where Radient Garden is now. Sure, Celeste and I will help you check out that room." ,Damion said. He put hydra into his right hand and walked into the mansion.

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Rai saw the two. "perfect." he opened his palm and the metal sign glowed. "METAL ENTROPHY!" he yelled then a wall of steel was rising quickly between the two people (Celeste and Damion). he first went after damion rushing at him with Redemption in his hand.

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his hand glowed again "now lets see here ah yes. Cannon Mech Dragon!" suddenly a dragon the size of Rai materialized infront of her with 4 cannons on its back. it bowed down and all 4 cannons were aimed at her, "Fire!!" the dragon did just that.

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Gray stepped outside and took his keyblade and Kami No Migite. "This stops right away - i dont let anyone crash down this mansion. I give you five second time to leave and after that i cannot say what happens you." Gray walked forward as he started to glow yellow aura and opened his eyes "I bring you down!"

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Rai glared "Saydora." the dragon changed its target and aimed at the keyblader (Grey) "is that so" he snickered. a metallic aura surrounded his palm with the symbol on it and the bio- mechanical dragon. "FIRE!" the dragon shot the 4 lazers from the cannons on its back. one low one high one left and one right

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