XIIISwords 1,059 Posted November 3, 2011 (OOC: Gottcha. What time zone? Looking forward to this. Edit, I may not be able to post till the morn, but we'll see...) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Not-with-a-whimper 144 Posted November 3, 2011 (Sorry, I forgot about time zones. It goes live in about an hour and five minutes.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade_warrior895 51 Posted November 3, 2011 Name- Dracoran Age- 19 Home world- Land of Dragons History- A young warrior who was fully corrupted by the Unborn, at a young age and self proclaimed 'Destroyer of Light'. Bio- After he was corrupted, Dracoran killed his parents, but was driven out of his home world, he now hunts and destroys warriors of light. Primary weapon- Soul Eater Secondary weapon- Shield of Darkness Appearence- Looks like Xehanort's heartless, but with black hair. Personality- A mix between Xehanort's and Vanitas' personalities. Hobbies/Intersts- none. Goals- to seek an opponent worth killing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Not-with-a-whimper 144 Posted November 3, 2011 Dang Keyblade_warrior895, Dracoran sounds vicious! I like it, though, and he'll make for a great bad guy, so accepted. Just in time too! The story kicks off in about 30 minutes. Anyone who would still like to join the story after that time is welcome to message me about it and I'll see if we can't fit you in somewhere. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Number XV 490 Posted November 3, 2011 Name- Jacen Johnson Age- 18 Home world- Twilight Town History- Jacen lived in Twilight Town until his parents died. He wandered the streets, looking for a family and help. No one did. One day, a mysterious man prompted him to join a side against the good guys, and stop the worlds from uniting. Bio- Jacen accepted his offer, thinking the meaness would be gone if the worlds stayed separated. He joined, but thinking he was weak. Days later, he summoned his keyblade. Personality- Nice, but twisted to darkness. He's not really bad. Appearance- http://www.advanceda....php?pid=270822 Main Weapon/Keyblade- Lurebreaker http://lysa.devianta...yblade-43078071 Secondary Weapon/Keyblade- Broken heart-http://fiendraphael....yblade-47468405 Signature Ability- Final form His clothes turn red, and he can use great fire at will, making him powerful. Alignment- Bad Interests/Hobbies- Helping orphans Goal(s) (if you're a villain)- Seperate the worlds so there is no hate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azure Flame 670 Posted November 3, 2011 Can I have a Star Wars OC with a lightsaber or something? That's pretty out of the box Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted November 3, 2011 Kinda like Auron from Kingdom Hearts II right Azure Flame? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azure Flame 670 Posted November 3, 2011 Kinda like Auron from Kingdom Hearts II right Azure Flame? No, Auron was from FFX Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted November 3, 2011 No, Auron was from FFX Yeah i know but i mean like Auron was a 3rd party member who became an ally of Sora's rather then a assiststance like the other Final Fantasy Characters right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Not-with-a-whimper 144 Posted November 3, 2011 (OOC: And now the story begins. I will adress all above comments in messages) (OOC: This will be one of the longest posts of the story. Bear with me.) Augustus Concerto could tell that something wasn’t quite right. The animals had sensed it days ago and had been acting really odd, but he was just now coming to the full realization of things. He had begun his journey to the Arch Mage Lezaford’s cottage and was now nearly there. If anyone knew what was happening that had the animals on edge, it would be the oldest and wisest man in Jylland. He was the one who taught August about his ability after all. The ability to see connections things have to one another, whether past, present, or future. August looked through the air at all of the intangible colored wires, finding it odd for the millionth time that no one else could see them. They were as bright as day to him. As he looked at those connections he noticed something strange. Many of them were being pulled off of their intended course and into a far off location. The path change was so unnatural to the connections they vibrated in protest, trying to break free. At the points of these vibrations a large amount of chaotic energy was given out, swirling and converging into an odd form. A collection of five monsters appeared before August, three of which looked like red vicious mouths with legs, and August had a feeling that they weren’t hungry for jerky. The other two appeared to be blue panthers, but with six legs, four to run and two to fight. So much for a quiet journey, August thought to himself as he jumped back and readied his bow and pulled the string back in a fluid motion only acquired through practice. As the string bent toward him an arrow seemingly made of light appeared in its wake. He had heard reports of mysterious monsters appearing lately, and knew that nearby Clans had been making quite a profit getting rid of them, but also that many times the wounds incurred in battle and even deaths would not be reversed by the Judges’ protection over Clans. The only explanation the Judges had was that those monsters (What were they called again? Oh, yeah, Unbound. ) were made from the same lawless, chaotic energy as a Jahd, and therefore Judge/Law magic was ineffective. One of the panthers lunged at him in a blindingly fast strike, knocking August off of his feet and out of his memories. Regaining focus, August shot his attacker through the chest with the arrow, noting that it disappeared into energy that was carried down the connection to seemingly nowhere. Without missing a beat August readied the next shot and sent it flying through one of the Hunger Unbound that was flying at his face and used his bow to knock the other into a tree. With one Pride Unbound (the blue panther thing) and one Hunger Undone (the red mouth thing) left to go, August gave up on his bow as this had become a close range battle and pulled out his sword instead. The Hunger went to bite his right ankle while the Pride circled around to his back. Thinking on his feet, August swiftly turned and kicked his right foot, Hunger and all, at the Pride. Both stumbled back and August used this opportunity to rush them both, their energy soon dissipating like dust in the wind. As soon as he entered Lezaford’s he told the man all he knew about the situation. Lezaford informed him that Unbound were beings of chaos which lived and thought only with emotion whose only goal was to spur on greater entropy. August pointed on the map to where he felt all of the connections converging. Lezaford nodded in despair, because the place was in fact the Jahd of Jylland, a dangerous place to be. August insisted that he go there to figure out what was going on with their world, and knowing that he would be unable to stop him, Lezaford instead helped him. Lezaford took him to a portal crystal in his back room and sent him to the Mist (a magical energy so powerful and concentrated that it can be seen) latent Jahd. As August walked forward, following the connections, the Mist began to dissipate until August could see his surroundings. He noted with surprise that he was in a large chasm, and that there was a magnificent castle off in the distance. His wonder was swiftly interrupted by the appearance of several dark creatures somehow different from the Unbound. As the creatures charged at him August pulled out his sword and thought to himself Well, no one said that the life of a hero would be easy! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted November 3, 2011 Damion was on his way out to the outskirts to hunt up some heartless the RGSS security system had picked up, when he notices a stranger fighting off some fierce looking heartless. " I don't know who you are stranger, but it's time to show you how heartless killing's done!" he shouts. Reving up Fenrir Damion launches the bike off the side of the crevace and dives down at the mysterious warrior and heartless. Without a moment's hesitation he quickly flips the bike, and launches a multi-shot blast with Hydra killing the weak heartless leaving only a largebody heartless. Then he dismounts the bike mid-air, letting it assume it's auto-park mode, quickly draws Nightshade, and impales the heartless on it. Damion dusts himself off, and looks at the bewildered stranger. "Need a ride?" Damion asked. "Yeah..." the man replied. Damion smirks and jumps onto Fenrir and yells, "Hop on man, I'll take ya to town." So the man hops on eager to get out of the canyon and they ride into town. Damion gives him the Radient Garden tour, from Town Square, to the Mayor's Office, to the Ice Cream Shop, to the RGSS building, and then the man after Damion's long spill asks, "What was that?! What were those weird creatures?" Damion lookes at him funny and says, "Well you must not be from around here at all...those are heartless...basicly any evil that consumes a person becomes one of those nasty things, and so...we kill them." So, just as soon as the word's 'And this is Merlin's place where we moniter...' came out of Damion's mouth, the ground began to shake, and the a dark aura appeared before them and six beastly figures appeared before them (Unbound) "Heartless!!! No...not heartless..what are they???" ,Damion asked...the man just stared bewildered..., "Well they aren't good so...time to dispose of them" The two hopped off Fenrir and drew their weapons......(Not with a whimper gave me permission to move his character this way.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azure Flame 670 Posted November 3, 2011 (No, I mean like a Jedi from Star Wars with a lightsaber who stumbled upon the KH world and fought Heartless and other things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted November 3, 2011 (Oh okay.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion Strife 130 Posted November 3, 2011 (Damion is a bit of a free spirit so he doesn't really introduce himself or ask August to. Just incase that needed to be cleared up. I kinda thought to put that into the post, but until you introduce yourself to Damion or ask his name he won't know and you won't know.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XIIISwords 1,059 Posted November 3, 2011 (OOC: There is something mechanical about Aria, should August use his powers. He won't be able to read her memories, they're so scattered and broken.) "Okey-dokey boss," the girl said cheerily into her transeiver. "I'm on the case!" Aria looked into the portal ahead of her. Darkness swirled. "Alright then," she muttered to herself,"Onwards to the dark scary place." In she walked. She appeared on top of a crystal structure. She pulled out a device from her pocket that scanned her surroundings. "I'm in a place called Radiant Gardens, near some Crystal Fissure, that's good!" she said. Aria looked around to see the wide expanse ahead of her. "Wowee, Acedemia's never had anything as open and wonderful as this!" she exclaimed. Just then, a dark creature appeared next to her. "Heartless," she said. "I should've figured I'd see a couple." A handgun appeared out of thin air and Aria caught it. With a single shot, she destroyed the Shadow. Four more took its place, but she was ready. The handgun dissappeared and a dark gunblade in gun form appeared in its place. Four quick shots were all that it took to vanquish the next four. By the time another six had appeared, she had already leapt backwards and charged a shot from a new shotgun. "Try and dodge this!" she shouted. The blast hit the ground, and scattered into six shots, each destroying a heartless. Aria approached where the hearts had appeared briefly before vanishing. "Too bad they weren't Unbounds, but they were a piece of cake!" She turned around and raised her hand to her eyes and scouted the surroundings. "Let's see if I can find some action..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hazimie 1,595 Posted November 3, 2011 on the Dwarf Woodlands world,in the forest,Hazimie lie down and see the sky.-i wonder......why the sky feel so lonely.....-then,hazimie get up then he go to the river and take some water on his hands and drink it.suddenly,an Unbound with a species like wolf surrounded him.-why the Chaos species surrounded me,i wonder?.....-then,the wolf begin to attack them then in a blink of an eye,hazimie eliminated all of them with his keyblade.-i'm sorry....it's not that i want to kill you all.....but the light rejects me......i hope i can see the final door......the door that leads to the heart of all worlds.....-Hazimie said as he walk through forest...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azure Flame 670 Posted November 3, 2011 Name- Jules Skyhaven Age- 25 Home world- Tython History- Jules Skyhaven was born on the Zabrak homeworld of Iridonia to a Jedi human named Jules, and a Zabrak woman. Shortly after his birth, his fater was killed by the Sith, though himself and his mother were left unharmed, hidden from the Sith. Not long after that, a Jedi Master checking for force users to take to the Academy on Tython sensed his latent talent. His mother named him after his dead father, but did not know his last name. Jules was taken to have a prophecy fortold about him, to find a last name for him. His prophecy was that he would be a great Jedi Master and would create a haven in the skies, thus he was given the name Skyhaven. He was trained in the ways of the force, and rose the ranks of the Jedi until he became a Jedi Knight. Bio- While Jules was flying through the Galaxy, he came across a wormhole. Unable to fly away from it, he got sucked in, crash landing on Radient Garden, where he was attacked by Heartless, not knowing what they were. Personality- Jules is a fairly nice person. Appearance- Weapons- Two white-bladed lightsabers Signature Ability- use of the Force. Alignment- Light Side of the Force (Good) Interests/Hobbies- Meditating and practicing lightsaber combat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade_warrior895 51 Posted November 3, 2011 Lycor was walking around a world he knew nothing about, as he had only learned about his but knew there were others. Lycor was in a hooded cape with gloves on for a reason only he knew. Lycor suddenly reached a chasm and saw a strange figure facing some heartless. "Hang on!" called Lycor. He then jumped towards a heartless and threw it at a wall, defeating it. "Thought you could use some help." said Lycor as he called his keblade Oblivion. "One heartless salad coming right up." shouted Lycor as he ran at the heartless. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Not-with-a-whimper 144 Posted November 3, 2011 (To Keyblade_warrior895, who were you running to save, where are you exactly, and how did you get there? These are the kinds of questions that would be great to have answered. So far I like what I'm seeing. Good job everyone! Remember that even though the first two posts were in Radiant Garden, there is nothing wrong with starting somewhere else. To Azure Flame, character accepted. Welcome aboard.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XIIISwords 1,059 Posted November 3, 2011 (OOC: No need to worry; Aria will come and go as she pleases.) Aria heard a commotion below her and looked down. A man with two flashy swords was fighting (Jules). "Hmm, there goes my action," she thought to herself. "Better not interfere too much." Just then, a Heartless leapt at the guy with the two light-swords. She summoned a sniper rifle and took aim, destroying it with a headshot. "I hope they don't notice," she whispered. "I'm far enough away, and my shot was silent." She sat watching the scene, waiting for it to unfold. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Celeste Leonheart 6 Posted November 3, 2011 Celeste shivered. There was a change in the wind. The unborn were stirring again, somewhere near. "Calm yourself, Celeste. You can fight them all in due time," said her mentor. She rolled her eyes. "I've been training long enough! I know how to fight, Master! Let me go out and hold those evil things responsible for killing my mother! Let me go." The hooded man laughed softly. "You are not ready, you fool. You can't even figure out who your real enemies are! The Keyblade Masters killed your mother! You are wasting your time with the unborn!" "I don't care anymore! I want to make them pay. And if you won't help me, I'll do it myself." Celeste stomped away and began packing her things. "I'm leaving." As she turned around to say a last goodbye to her master, she was surprised to find he had disappeared. But she heard his last words on the breath of the wind: "If you will not aid me in my quest, you will suffer a fate worse than death." With those chilling words lodged in her mind, Celeste left the campsite and headed towards the scent of chaos. She was ready to hunt. 2 Damion Strife and Not-with-a-whimper reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Not-with-a-whimper 144 Posted November 3, 2011 (OOC: To Swordsboy: Who were the characters? You're character is in Radiant Garden, were those characters Augustus and Damion or ocs? If they were August and Damion then you may have misread our posts, if they were ocs then please make note, as they have yet to appear in the story or anywhere, for that matter.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hazimie 1,595 Posted November 3, 2011 Hazimie walk through the forest then there's nothing then he summon a corridors of darkness to go to the Radiant Garden.-it's been a while.....after eleven years.......my old home.-Hazimie said as he missed his old home.suddenly,a heartless trying to sneak behind him and trying to attack him but hazimie raised his hand from the back,knowing that there's a heartless trying to attack him.then,the heartless stop attacking,-how are you?you are still a pureblood heartless though...-hazimie said as he controlled the heartless.-can u show me where the main castle is?-hazimie said then the heartless show him direction...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azure Flame 670 Posted November 3, 2011 Jules Skyhaven got out of his ship after it crash landed in an unknown world to him. He got out and saw a sign that said Radient Garden. "What an odd name for a world." Jules said, walking around to try and find someone to help him. Suddenly, black creatures came out of the ground. "What are they?" he said to himself. Suddenly, one leapt at him and he slashed it with one of his lightsabers. "Seems they aren't too friendly." He grabbed one with the Force and threw it with the others, knocking them back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Not-with-a-whimper 144 Posted November 3, 2011 (OOC: Due to the unexpected popularity of this rp there are currently a crap ton of characters in Radiant Garden. I would appreciate it if people messaged other people and made plans for what they were going to do next, having oc's meet other oc's and devising a goal. As the leader of this rp I would like to know where people plan on going with their character and any plans they may have, so that I can make sure that this story flows as smoothly as possible and is an enjoyable experience. Thank you. The main goal of my character is to re-break the worlds apart because they are combining improperly, and to eventually find and unlock the heart of all worlds, Kingdom Hearts, so that The World on whole can be combined the way it was always meant to be. Since my character doesn't have a keyblade he can't do that on his own, so he seeks help from others. Think of it like breaking and re-setting an improperly healing bone. Other characters can feel free to have their own agenda.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites