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"I want to change my username" & "I want to delete my account"

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Its been three days and I want my username to be:




Sorry about that. Looks like I'm the only one checking this and I'm not online everyday. Got it changed for you now.

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hey DChiuch can u change my name to DC Wolf11 and if ur wondering about the DC part i live in washington DC

Edited by FLASH45

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It's been a week and I would like my username changed to :


Dark Memories


I'd very much appreciate it ^.^


Sorry I'm a little late, I couldn't get to this in time, but I'd like to confirm changing my name to 'EpiXauce'.




I would like to confirm that i would like to have my name changed to Master Terra


Sorry, I looked it up and it's already taken, and MasterTerra without a space is taken too. Sorry I didn't look this up earlier. If you decide on another name I'll change it on the spot. Choose wisely.


Rob would like his name to be changed to "Lord Rob". Why? Because he is now Lord of the forums.


Nope, you are still a whore :P

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Hey, here's the procedure for changing your username:


If you want it changed, post here and tell us what you want your new username to be. Then, a week later, post here again saying you're still sure that you want it changed. This is to ensure that you don't change your mind... because we'd rather you pick a name and stick with it, rather than changing it often. Thanks. :)


Remember, in order to get your name changed, you must post here once-- and then, at least 7 days later, post here again to confirm.


Choose wisely because you may only change your name once!


I'd like to change my name to random-staircase . Yes, from now on I shall be a staircase!!

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It's been a week I think I could be wrong but I will always want it to be Roxie, k thanks.

Edited by pokemontrainor

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It's been a week I think I could be wrong but I will always want it to be Roxie, k thanks.


Ok, it's been over a week, and I would STILL like my name changed to StarStruck. Thank you.



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