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Lady Aleister

When the Fallen Angels fell {Book one- The angel that fell from the moon}

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Blaise walked back from the curb she had been sitting on and and waved $17.00 in the air.

" Struck it rich." She said with a hint of sarcasim, although what she got was pretty good.

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Name: Caelitus Mihi Vires.


Weapon: Flaming sword.


Wing color: Grey.




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Gender: Male.


Weight: 180.


Highth: 6'0"


Peronality: Kind, protective, joking and hopeful.




What Age they Died: 12.


Where they fell from: Heaven.


Birthday: January 2nd

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Caelitus groaned. He lay on his back on the ground. He hadn't moved for a while, just staring up in the sky.

"Well." he finally said to himself. "No sense staying here."

Caelitus rolled over and pushed himself up. Standing up, he stretched a bit, taking special note of his wings. They were sore and he figured it would be best if he waited on his next time flying. Still, the question nagged of what to do. First, maybe some food. Caelitus took a sniff.

"Ah, food that way." he thought, looking to the right.

He started walked towards the smell.

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When everybody was ready we went inside. "We have came to eat" I said. "Ma'm please understand that this place is humans only ,haha like you will ever eat here" the guy at the front said. Then I've had it I pulled out my sword and pointed to his face, "You will let us eat here, or else" I told him. To my happiness he smiled nervously and took our order, one pepperoni and one cheese, both large.

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I starched the back of my head. "Ty's a human isn't he?" I asked quitely. I looked at Ty. "Are you a monster then?" He asked in a very hyper way. "Uh no." I said looking at him.

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Blaise shook her head slowly.

" Humans these days..." She muttered pulling out the money the group has collected.

" Looks like we will have some money left over." She said more to herself than the group. She glanced down at Ty wondering what could have gotten into him.

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Pizza was the smell he was getting, Caelitus decided as he drew closer to the source. He turned a corner and stopped, surprised to see other angels there. He looked up and smirked.

"Always got a plan." he commented.

He then set his sights on the other angels and walked towards them.

"Pardon my intrusion, but your food has a wonderful aroma to it." he said.

He then groaned and hung his head.

"And my manners need to be worked on as well, I see."

He then straightened up and gave a short bow.

"I am Caelitus Mihi Vires, at your service."

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I looked at the floor. "Ty why did you say that?" I ask. "I don't know." He shrugs helplessly. "Oh uh I'm Lay Pace Meme. Oh and shorty here is Ty." Ty waves a little bit.

Edited by Sora's Baby

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Air looked at him. having the need to draw his sword but backed off. "Im Air" he said



Rai sensed another presence. "maybe ill be able to clip this ones wings!" he said "ahahahahahahahahaa!" he said as suddenly he took off from the roof of the hideout. his massive wing making him seem much larger. he soon spotted the group but waited in the sky. "damnit! hes become his own form!"

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Caelitus bowed his head.

"A pleasure to met you all." he said.

He reach out and took a slice of pizza.

"My thanks, Cynthia."

He gave Air an understanding, but slightly hurt look.

"I'm not here to attack, if that's what you are worried about. I'm here for pepperoni."

He took a bit of the pizza.

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Blaise shrugged and accepted the new comer. the more the merrier. she thought looking him over once, he seemed friendly enough.

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Air took a piece and then leaned against a wall and looked up when he spotted the possible danger. "everyone! dont look up just act causual but we have company!" he said as he kept watch on Rai.

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Caelitus chewed on the slice of pizza he got.

"I'm only having one slice." he told Lay. "Still plenty left."

He then glanced over at Air.

"Big dark angel up there, I suppose?"

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"thats the one now right when we finish eating all of us should split up into two groups one of three and the other of two. unless we count the little guy. then its even but i would prefablly let the smaller group take him so they are as much noticable." he explained "or we stay and fight"

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