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Help Please???

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Today our music teacher said we need to practice our graduation song on Tuesday so we need to find some classmates and form a group. The boys have no prob cause there are only 13 boys in our class and 27 girls so there are 2 groups for the girls. Me and my friends asked some of our classmates to be in our group and they said yes, but then a group of girls (who thinks they are better than us :@)said some things to make them go into their group :@:@:@ My friend and I were really pissed by the girl who said those things, and I went to ask her (In a calm voice, of course xD) why does she always do that to us and she said "because I hate your friend" WTF :@

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I wud punch he rin the face

BUT I take it u r more calm person than me soooo..........

Tell your friends and tell that girl off! shut her up!

(good luck :P)

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Oh, I was in a position like that once. I'd be treated coldly because I was friends with someone who didn't necessarily get along very well with others. I guess you could say she had a lot of "enemies"...but no one she'd go into a full on jedi style battle to the death with...

I walked up to the the girl and asked her politly not to treat me so coldly when she only disliked my friend, as I have done nothing wrong to her ever.


She just laughed in my face. :


whatever, can't have everyone like you, I guess. ^^

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The boys get along very well for some reason...But the girls are a mess, I still don't know how to tell that girl. I really do want to puch that B**ch in the face but then that group of people will prolly do something to me (maybe like my friend sitting next to me was in a corner and got beat up)

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Kso, there are 40 kids in your glass? Gee-willykers.


Anywhoo, I'm assuming groups of 13-14? And the girls had to basically split in half? And you and your friend already had the group set up how you wanted, but the group of girls from the other group came up and "stole" some of your team/class mates? Because she hated your friend.


That's bitchy. Well, why don't you try "stealing" them back? That's the most sensitive option. You could punch her in the face, but i'm only saying that 'cause i'm not in your shoes. You could tell the teacher, but that'd be tattling.


.... Or you could ignore her and move on with your life, pity the group of girls for being shallow and shrivel-hearted and look forward to the day you'll see them rot away in boxes on the back of Walmart or something.


And maybe my math is a little rusty, but wouldn't that make your teams uneven, compared to the other? Thus some classmates would be forced to join your group again?





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Yep the girls group is uneven, and we didn't sing cause we were busy with something else...


But then today that girl...I accidentally spilt her bottle of water on the floor, I didn't know it and I went out for a while. When I came back she said I spilt it and I said sorry (in a soft voice, my bad cause she didn't heard it). After some time, she gave me a message and said I was being rude for not telling her "sorry" so I wrote and said I was sorry, and she was crazy and said "you made it spill" and I said sorry again, and I even gave my bottle of water to her (her bottle was empty), and she didn't bother. Then, I heard her saying something that happened a long time ago: She said "I don't like her, she won't say it was her who didn't invite us." So I said "why do still think of that?" She said "I'm really pissed she didn't invite us." I said "Why do you keep accusing her for that?! Stay away from me and never talk to me anymore!!! Go away!!!" (this is what happens if I get angry xD)


She's still pissed by my friend for not inviting her to my friends party DX And she keeps accusing her for it. But the thing I hate most was my friend was behind me and she said "Let her listen to what we are saying! Then she'll know how pissed we are!" F**k that stupid B**ch.

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Oh, wow. So, these girls are actually jealous? Because your friend didn't invite them to her party...... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh, wow that's pitiful.


If I were you, I'd just ignore them. They're wasting your time. Pff, even if you didn't spill her water on purpose, she deserved it for hating on you and your friend for something so trivial. FFFF, some girls are so shallow.


I'm proud of you for not taking any more of it. As for your friend, she should just do the same. If you keep fighting her battles, though, I believe it's just going to continue. So, the way I see it, you have two options.


1) Fight back. You can continue with the same routine, day after day, watching you and your friends back's againt these girls that aren't worth your time. Or.


2) You can metaphorically let them 'talk to the hand.' Ignore her, make her know she's the only one in this situation being immature. That'll make her feel pretty stupid (I would,) and eventually, she'll stop.


Good luck : )

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