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Razorwind Keyblade

Damn that Nicktoons Forum, and all the 10 year olds on it


17 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think about the Nicktoons Forum?

    • Those kids are annoying with their DBZ and Cartoon Network combination's
    • Well they're kids, what do you ecspect?
    • Those kids are idiots, they need to stick to watching Spongebob and stop watching anime
    • Those kids are complete buffons, kids shouldn't be watching anime

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I really, really hate that Nicktoons forum! Those kids their act like complete imbeciles. Making Dragon Ball Z fan fics with Disney and Kingdom Hearts characters in it, they really most be losing there marbles. And if you even say something slightly offensive they delete you're post (by the way I'm their because they have a Dragon Ball Z Kai Forum).


I remember one kid making up a story with Fish Hooks and Dragon Ball Z Kai, personally one of the most idiotic combination's ever made. I also remember one of them trying to make up there own story and act like it's funny. And really, none of those kids are funny so they can sit in there chairs laughing, thinking they just made up something clever.


The Next thing they do is make some stupid shit called "Dragon Ball Z Idol", I don't think I even have to explain what that is. So this is what happens when Anime come on kids networks, they go to forums and make idiotic combination's of Dragon Ball Z, Disney, Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon. None of these kids are funny, not even a little and most DBZ fans would be embarrassed to see these little kids making ridiculous topics about there anime.


And last of all, you have the Avatar fan boys coming over to the Dragon Ball Z Kai forum and it's a whole idiotic fight between 10 year olds who know nothing about there shows. One kid even said "Vegito and Gogeta can't beat Aang" and another kids says "yeah i know dat" when he doesn't even know what Vegito and Gogeta are. After that they try to make fun of the characters saying "Frieza's voice sounds like a Teenage girl with a sore throught".


Yes people, this is what goes on at the Nicktoons Forums and what makes it worse is the fact that you can't reply to there comment in any negative way. I'm starting to think Americans are too imature to be watchign Anime.

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Oh my god! That seems absolutely horrendous! They really do need to stop deleting things they don't like, some people need to learn how to deal with negative comments. I had to now I don't really care about them, they're just people trying to get you down. Though I would seriously that's just really annoying just thinking about what you go through on that forum. Why would they even think of a mixture of Dragon Ball Z Kai and Fish hooks? That really shouldn't be thought of a combination. Since Fish Hooks is a Disney show and Dragon Ball Z Kai is an anime with actual fighting.

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I couldn't get onto those forums... it wouldn't let me register in the first place!!!!

But seriously, they are kids, what do you expect?? xD

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The thing is, when most kids get into anime at a young age, they act pretty immaturely about it. So really, what do you expect? They also watch anime and cartoons designed for kids. Animes like Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Naruto, etc, they're mostly for kids around the ages of 10-13. Then there are animes designed for teens, such as Soul Eater, InuYasha, Bleach, Kuroshitsuji, etc. And then there are more mature animes for adults, such as Monster, Rainbow: Nisha Rokubō no Shichinin, Cowboy Bebop, Elfen Lied, and many others. If they're kids watching anime meant for kids, they're going to act like kids.


But what is it that kids do? They write crack fanfiction about anything and everything with piss poor grammar and spelling. They don't bother to use spellcheck, and also post in many different colors. They get butthurt over the smallest comments. They have a childish sense of humor. How dare they! A child with a childish sense of humor! I remember when I was a kid I found the most ridiculous things funny, and I enjoyed the weirdest fanfiction crossovers. Pretty much any person who gets into anime at a young age act that way. As they grow older and if they still like anime they'll grow out of it. Because they're just kids. If you were talking about seventeen, or even fifteen-year-olds, it'd be a different story. But those kids are ten. I really wouldn't expect any different from them. Because really, do you expect a kid to analyze an anime at a high school level? Heck I can't even do that, I suck at analyzing things.


So yeah, don't be so hard on them, they're kids. They'll grow out of it in 4-5 years. We all do.

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The thing is, when most kids get into anime at a young age, they act pretty immaturely about it. So really, what do you expect? They also watch anime and cartoons designed for kids. Animes like Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Naruto, etc, they're mostly for kids around the ages of 10-13. Then there are animes designed for teens, such as Soul Eater, InuYasha, Bleach, Kuroshitsuji, etc. And then there are more mature animes for adults, such as Monster, Rainbow: Nisha Rokubō no Shichinin, Cowboy Bebop, Elfen Lied, and many others. If they're kids watching anime meant for kids, they're going to act like kids.


But what is it that kids do? They write crack fanfiction about anything and everything with piss poor grammar and spelling. They don't bother to use spellcheck, and also post in many different colors. They get butthurt over the smallest comments. They have a childish sense of humor. How dare they! A child with a childish sense of humor! I remember when I was a kid I found the most ridiculous things funny, and I enjoyed the weirdest fanfiction crossovers. Pretty much any person who gets into anime at a young age act that way. As they grow older and if they still like anime they'll grow out of it. Because they're just kids. If you were talking about seventeen, or even fifteen-year-olds, it'd be a different story. But those kids are ten. I really wouldn't expect any different from them. Because really, do you expect a kid to analyze an anime at a high school level? Heck I can't even do that, I suck at analyzing things.


So yeah, don't be so hard on them, they're kids. They'll grow out of it in 4-5 years. We all do.


You obviosuly are confused. Dragon Ball Z and Naruto aren't designed for kids, why do you think they have so much Blood, Cursing and Profanity in them? Yeah so that post was a fail.

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You obviosuly are confused. Dragon Ball Z and Naruto aren't designed for kids, why do you think they have so much Blood, Cursing and Profanity in them?


The dubs are meant for kids, which is what most people will probably see. Way back when Dragon Ball Z and Naruto were both on Cartoonnetwork, and now Dragon Ball Z Kai is on The CW. Those are kids channels the last time I checked :/


And sure, they'll still have blood in them, which is pretty hard to edit out, but I've seen seven-year-olds play Gears of War, so things have changed as to what things kid are introduced to at a young age.

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The dubs are, which is what most people will probably see. Way back when Dragon Ball Z and Naruto were both on Cartoonnetwork, and now Dragon Ball Z Kai is on The CW. Those are kids channels the last time I checked :/


Okay the dubs are but they weren't designed for kids, they have TV-14 ratings (uncut). And Dragon Ball Z was never meant for kids to watch on Cartoon Network. Okay but you act like Dragon Ball Z and Naruto were meant for kids to watch so just get that straight. They both have blood, cursing and violence yet you're still trying to support the fact that they are kids shows?

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Plus also once you think about it, the blood and violence isn't as bad as other animes, such as Elfen Lied (it's the only anime I can think of on the spot, I don't watch much anime mind you), or Higurashi (I haven't watched it but I heard it's pretty insane). From what I remember in Dragon Ball Z and Naruto (now I haven't watched much of the newer Shippuden. Actually I only watched the first few episodes so if it is incredibly graphic then I'll take back my opinion), the blood and violence wasn't really graphic. It could be worse, like actually have some limbs ripping off instead of just seeing it through a silhouette or have them throwing up stomach bile along with blood.


While yes, blood and violence is something parents wouldn't want their kids seeing, if it were my kids I'd rather have them start off on an anime such as Naruto or Dragon Ball Z because it isn't as graphic as other animes can be. Plus it's animated, so it's not gonna be as gory as some horror movies can be. You can't keep kids censored from blood, violence, or cursing forever, and really I think an anime like Dragon Ball Z or Naruto would be a good way to introduce them to it. Like I started watching Dragon Ball Z around the age 8, and I was able to get used to the violence and then when I saw more violent animes when I was older, I wasn't really surprised by it. And yeah, 10 may be a wee bit young (like personally I'd wait until they were at least 13 so they can handle it better), but it all depends on how they're raised.

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Im a bit confused. Where is this forum, exactly?


I'm only 14, so yes, i'm still consdered a kid. Well, maybe not.I haven't watched anything on those kid channels in at least a year. The last thing i watched on TV was FullMetal Alchemist and Doctor Who.


And yes, I live in America. So what? I fully comprehend what went on in all the Anime i watched. Edward Elric hates milk, he hates being called short, etc. And to me, Dragon Ball and Naruto are a bit kiddish.

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Kid's like to do stupid things, I would know. That Dragon Ball Z Idol thing? I used to watch Kingdom Hearts Idol when I was younger and stupider. At least I learned to lurk moar, though.

Considering both Naruto and Dragon Ball Z Kai are marketed to a child audience at its time, it doesn't matter what the uncut or Japanese versions are like, because the American TV versions are what they are showing. Theres less blood and violence in these versions, and since we have kids playing games like CoD or L4D, it's really not that big of a deal. A child is immature. It has nothing to do with where they were born, just how they were raised.

I personally get lulz off of the posts. Hey, laugh at them now, because in the future, they won't be there anymore.

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The fact that these kids got you to make a thread about them and their childish talks means they win. The fact that they said Vegito and Gogeta can't beat Aang means you should just leave the forums. Stick to DBZ.

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So wait, you're going to base whether Americans should watch anime on 10 year olds? xD That's rich.


But if they are below your maturity level and that bothers you then don't stay there. Even if its a show you like doesn't mean the forum is going to be geared for an older audience. It's a forum on a kid show network. I left KHInsider because the people bothered me even though KH is my favorite series. And then here I'm older than most people, but it doesn't bother me. So, yeah, fin another forum instead of complaining about that one.


Personally, even if the stories are idiotic, I think it's great that the kids are writing at such a young age. It's a good skill and I hope they stick with it.

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I dont really consider dragonball as an anime because it is now advertised as an cartoon.

Their kids. They will do kid stuff.

You will be better off finding a pure DBZ forum.

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I dont really consider dragonball as an anime because it is now advertised as an cartoon.

Their kids. They will do kid stuff.

You will be better off finding a pure DBZ forum.


I dont really consider dragonball as an anime because it is now advertised as an cartoon.

Their kids. They will do kid stuff.

You will be better off finding a pure DBZ forum.



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You need to calm your tits.


They're ten.

Ten-year-old kids will do stupid things.

It's not like they're all going to be perfect products of 4chan that know everything about DBZ and Avatar.

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