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Should Nintendo continue on remaking popular titles?


15 members have voted

  1. 1. Should they Continue?

    • Yes
    • No

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They already remade starfox 64 and LoZ, for all we know they might go making more remakes such as old school titles from the N64, Now I would love to replay those childhood games.


But there's a downside, if they continue with these remakes, fans will want to see something new, for all we know, nintendo may be remaking more popular titles while working on a BIG project. Thoughts my fellow forum members?

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NO since people like Sony fanboys, Xbox fanboys, IGN, G4, and countless others always bash Nintendo for making SO MANY REMAKES (*rolls eyes >_>*) , they're latest example has been the 3DS. Nintendo has only remaked two games I REPEAT 2 GAMES yet they still find it reasonable to say Nintendo has too many remakes. The Vita will be filled with mostly console ports and some remakes yet they don't receive any bashing since they're cool and hip cause they have HD graphics and two analog sticks. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png Just to end this rant no they shouldn't (though the last one I'd be fine with is a remake of The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask since the assets from The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time already exist so they could use those to make Majora's Mask. :) )



From Nintendo I'm looking forward to Luigi's Mansion 2, Kid Icarus Uprising, Paper Mario, Mario Kart 7, Mario Tennis 3DS , and Super Mario 3D Land.

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No we dont need remakes,why remake all good games if people already enjoy them,they can port them on Nintendo e-shop,but there's no need to completly remake them,they should work on new titles instead,they should focusing on making games even better then they was before.A remake once in a while its okey,but remaking all old games only because the graphics are outdated,come on,what's the point.Remakes should be made only if the game had big flaws,on an anniversary,to show off the power of a new console(which was the case for Oot 3D) or maybe just once in a while,but if remaking ALL the N64 games on the 3DS could help Nintendo to beat the competition then go for it Nintendo,but you have potentiel to make game even better.

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No we dont need remakes,why remake all good games if people already enjoy them,they can port them on Nintendo e-shop,but there's no need to completly remake them,they should work on new titles instead,they should focusing on making games even better then they was before.A remake once in a while its okey,but remaking all old games only because the graphics are outdated,come on,what's the point.Remakes should be made only if the game had big flaws,on an anniversary,to show off the power of a new console(which was the case for Oot 3D) or maybe just once in a while,but if remaking ALL the N64 games on the 3DS could help Nintendo to beat the competition then go for it Nintendo,but you have potentiel to make game even better.


Tell that to gamefreak, they already remade red/green and gold/silver, now all we need is ruby/sapphire :D

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NO since people like Sony fanboys, Xbox fanboys, IGN, G4, and countless others always bash Nintendo for making SO MANY REMAKES (*rolls eyes >_>*) , they're latest example has been the 3DS. Nintendo has only remaked two games I REPEAT 2 GAMES yet they still find it reasonable to say Nintendo has too many remakes. The Vita will be filled with mostly console ports and some remakes yet they don't receive any bashing since they're cool and hip cause they have HD graphics and two analog sticks. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png Just to end this rant no they shouldn't (though the last one I'd be fine with is a remake of The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask since the assets from The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time already exist so they could use those to make Majora's Mask. :) )



From Nintendo I'm looking forward to Luigi's Mansion 2, Kid Icarus Uprising, Paper Mario, Mario Kart 7, Mario Tennis 3DS , and Super Mario 3D Land.


Are you Nintnedo i can't tell?

You think with so many videogame jouralists bashes Nintendo it might be true...

What these remakes on vita? Othe than the ff gabage

Isn't 3ds trying to have two analog sticks

There's almost more than 2 remakes on 3ds

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Personally, as long as they make new games too, let them make all the remakes they want. The point of remakes is not to let you play them again, it is to let the new generation experience games that are too old for them to have played. Personally, I never played Zelda OoT before the 3DS remake, or Starfox 64 (though I didn't by Starfox). It's not like a remake of Zelda is going to prolong the time for a new Zelda game to show up. They aren't going to get a new game on the level of Zelda with all new content in such a short time, and they wanted to have some good games in the launch window.


Also, I like dem Pokemon remakes. It lets us get older Pokemon not available in newer games. Like how long was it since we could get all the Johto pokemon in current gen games until HG/SS came out?

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Yeah I don't mind the Pokemon remakes, and if a game is pretty old I think they really should remake it. Like I think they should remake the first Zelda game and update it with 3D graphics, that would be awesome.

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I have no problem with it. It helps them make money from a game that's already made so they just need to improve it for the system and release. Low production cost = more profit. And the profit is good for the video game company so they can continue to expand and improve technology. Not to mention it's giving kids a chance to play these games that were made before they were born. They'll still make new games. That won't stop. But I don't mind having remakes in my video game selection.

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Are you Nintnedo i can't tell?

You think with so many videogame jouralists bashes Nintendo it might be true...

What these remakes on vita? Othe than the ff gabage

Isn't 3ds trying to have two analog sticks

There's almost more than 2 remakes on 3ds


Wow your grammar is awful. >_< (NOT WORTH MY TIME TO ANSWER TO SOMEONE WHO BELIEVES WHAT THE MEDIA TELLS HIM http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png ) Did you know you can't spell ignorant without IGN? This makes me think of someone. (hint: u )On topic:I really don't mind remakes as long as people view the system has having a mix of new quality games than seeing it as just a system filled with just remakes (currently what videogame journalists see it as). :)

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Yes, they need to remake Final Fantasy VI through IX alre-- oh wait this is a 3DS thread lol. Well Ruby and Sapphire remakes would be cool.

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Yes, they need to remake Final Fantasy VI through IX alre-- oh wait this is a 3DS thread lol. Well Ruby and Sapphire remakes would be cool.


>INB4, gamefreak hasn't even started on them YET

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Yes, they need to remake Final Fantasy VI through IX alre-- oh wait this is a 3DS thread lol. Well Ruby and Sapphire remakes would be cool.


What, you don't want a 3DS remake of either of those games?



Do you guys not realize that Nintendo outsources their remake to third party companies? They could remake the entire N64 library if they felt like it, and still make all the new games they want.

The remakes don't use up any of Nintendo's resources besides money, and considering they'll usually make more money than it costs to remake them, generally it's a good investment.

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What, you don't want a 3DS remake of either of those games?



Do you guys not realize that Nintendo outsources their remake to third party companies? They could remake the entire N64 library if they felt like it, and still make all the new games they want.

The remakes don't use up any of Nintendo's resources besides money, and considering they'll usually make more money than it costs to remake them, generally it's a good investment.


I thought my post made it pretty clear that I would enjoy remakes of Ruby and Sapphire. But whatever.

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Yeah, but what about FF VI and IX :(


Oh... Now I get it LOL.

And yes that would be awesome... But I doubt that'll ever happen for the 3DS xD.

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Oh... Now I get it LOL.

And yes that would be awesome... But I doubt that'll ever happen for the 3DS xD.


Maybe not IX, but a VI port was planned for the DS, but canned due to technical difficulties. It has been implied to have been revived for the 3DS (Along with V)

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Maybe not IX, but a VI port was planned for the DS, but canned due to technical difficulties. It has been implied to have been revived for the 3DS (Along with V)


I suppose you're right there... Now all I can do is hope.

Oh wait I don't even had a 3DS yet o_o

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tutti frutti. I wouldn't mind myself too much. So long as they are the "better" games that the company has made like LoZ. Besides, I think that LoZ and Starfox were great games that helped showed what the 3DS is capable of doing, without releasing something that's horrible.

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tutti frutti. I wouldn't mind myself too much. So long as they are the "better" games that the company has made like LoZ. Besides, I think that LoZ and Starfox were great games that helped showed what the 3DS is capable of doing, without releasing something that's horrible.


You're saying it's a good hing that Nintendo is showing off the fact that the 3DS can run stuff from nearly 15 years ago?

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