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Goodbye... :'(

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...my homeschooling hours just got increased...v__v ..Why?! WHY?! How much schoolwork does one kid need?! GUH!

*sigh* So...with my free-time cut even shorter, I had to make a decision...I gave it a lot of thought, and...I won't be able to come on here anymore http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cry.png

I had to choose whether to give up computer time, or drawing time...drawing is like a passion to me, and I truly want to keep improving...I just can't bring myself to give it up. I hope you understand... http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png


What little computer time I have will go to DeviantART, because observing other's art helps me pick up tips/etc...other than that, I really won't be able to come on the computer for anything other than studying http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png


I'm really depressed as I type this...I'm going to miss you guys so much...

Take care, all of you....

Goodbye... http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cry.png

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I will never forget our parties and songs and etc. NIPPI WHY YOU CAN COME IN WEEKENDS CAN'T YOU OR MAYBE CHRISTMAS OR ELSE WHY NIPPI YOU WERE ONE OF MY CLOSE FIENDS GONNA MISS YA I WILL CHAT WITH YOU AGAIN ONE DAY FOR SURE. Good luck in your jobs and etc. and hope you will be fine and have fun


your good friend

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Oh, it's sad to see you go. Although we didn't chat, you seem to be a cool person :D


Hope you get better and better at drawing :)


Good luck on your life from now on!

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No... Nikki... I will miss you so much. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cry.png


It may not mean a lot to you, but for me you're one of my best friends KH13 friends. I still rember all our conversations and fun we had. You're so funny, nice and good person. I'll really miss the chattering with you.


And to tell you the truth... you inspired me to draw again. I used to love drawing, but that was when I was a little girl... when I was ten I didn't like it anymore. I threw all my drawing stuff away... I hated it...

But when I met you, it was like: hey I wanna try to draw like she does! And I tried. While drawing one picture simmilar to yours, I started to realize what did I truly throw away. My talent, my imagination, dreams, ideas... practically everything.


So, thank you so much Nikki, for bringing my drawing skills back. I really wished to tell you that, but I simply didn't find a way to tell you.

Take care and thank you for all those comments you made on my stories. It really meant a lot to me.


Thank you for everything... my friend.


*bursts out crying*

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Well, see you later Desti. I still remember the time you didn't even know what Destati meant and I told you the meaning of it... I'll miss our ever-so few awkward talks we had about... *thinks really hard* anything! Well, sayonara.

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:'( AWWWWW you won't be on here as much anymore :'( though its good that you'll still be on dA (since thats usually how I get to talk to you now a days) though I'll still miss you on here! :'( I hope you'll still be on dA as much as possible so you can see my art and other stuff as well and you need continue posting art on dA as well! I love your art and I hope we'll be able to chat on dA as much as we can. I'm gonna miss you a lot Nikki!!!!!! :'(

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It's not goodbye forever right don't worry hopefully we will see you again in the future so yeah don't worry at least too much about it and look on the bright side as a joke played by fate or the world or something we could actually meet each in real life one time or not without even knowing lol.

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Still missing my best budy its been so lOng but missing Nippi

Still missing my bestfriend... Still am...

And I will always love youuuu I I will always love youuuuuu

Still this house is empty no parties since u left....

And I wish to you JOY and happyness








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