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How is your relationship with your parents?

How is your relationship with your parents?  

118 members have voted

  1. 1. How is your relationship with your parents?

    • It is pretty good. We rarely have discussions.
    • It's good. We discuss some times.
    • It's not good. We have a lot of discussions.
    • It's terrible. We have discussions every time!
    • I have a good relation with just one of them.
    • My parents are divorced, so I have a good relation with just one of them.
    • My parents are divorced, but I still have a good relation with both of them.

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ive never met my dad and my mum always critersizes averything i do averythings always wrong and i am a massive disapointment and falier i am to her but my mums boyfrend who i have known since i was about 3 is brillent and we always have a grat time and hes like a dad to me so my relasenship with my parents is wierd

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Hmm... well I only have one parent right now. My dad passed away right after I graduated from high school. Most of the last semester, he was sick, and he wasn't able to make the graduation. It was hard time for my family, because my dad was getting old and he would forget who I was and stuff, and near the end he couldn't even breathe without the help of machines. I used to argue with him (I was a teenage girl after all), but one day he was gone, and I realized how amazing my dad really was.


Anyway, I'm guessing from the way the poll is set up that having "discussions" is a bad thing? I mean my mom and I discuss things, but it's not like it's a bad thing. We just talk. We do have arguments from time to time, but that's just normal. My mom doesn't understand me all the time, but she still loves me no matter what. I think that's what makes parents special. :)

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I would say pretty good. They were always good to me so I would be an idiot not to appreciate them. Right now we have more fights than usual. It's due to my dad not being able to handle the stress of having a child in my house (my sister's son). It's one of his many flaws, and my mother has her own. But I love them anyway.

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My parents are devorced and I'm glad they are less arguments less fights and after they were divorced last yr there was problems with my older brother coming and going at my moms. But I always hated it at my moms sure she took care of me and siblings but she was a total b!t9h she started everyfight she was one of the main reasons why my dad left I had it with her and I'm perfectly fine with my dad very few fights and when we are it's just more like talking and a lil yelling but I'm slot better with my dad then mom and also me and him always get along and do things together like always watch muscle cars role down the street I'm just glad I can move in with him

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But you should really change "discussions" to "arguments" because a discussion could be talking about anything.


I agree with lizzie1238--"arguments" would be a more appropriate term than "discussions." I have plenty of discussions with my parents, but they're not always negative ones. A lot of times I have nice discussions with my parents about things like relationships, life, spirituality, politics, etc.



Hmm... well I only have one parent right now. My dad passed away right after I graduated from high school.


I'm so sorry! I have a friend whose dad passed away right before she graduated. She didn't seem to take it too hard, because he had been struggling with cancer for a long time, but that didn't make it any less sad from my point of view. The saddest part (for me) was when he couldn't make it to her prom (he had already been in the hospital for a few years, and was in no condition to go out and do other things), and wasn't there to dance with her for the father-daughter/mother-son dance. And she was prom queen! ...Yeah, I almost cried that night. :'(


The only problem I see in our relationship is that my parents treat me as an eight years old boy and I'm sixteen, about to do seventeen (next month). I really hate when they treat me as a little kid, but I think this is something normal from the parents.


Haha that's nothing. I have a friend in her early twenties who's still living with her parents and they're still really strict with her--they're not mean, but they're also not ready to let her make her own decisions and mistakes. Like, they hardly ever let her go out after dark, and when she does, they have to call her like fifty times. Needless to say, she can't wait until she has enough money to move out. :P She's an only child, so her parents are just very protective, which I can understand, but...if my parents were still like that with me, I'd feel like I was suffocating.


As for me, I've been blessed to be raised by parents who have held me to a high standard. When I was growing up, they weren't iron-fisted, but they put a lot more restrictions on me than most of my peers had from their parents, and it drove me insane sometimes, especially during my tween years. But when I was fourteen, I learned to live with it, and even appreciate it. I felt like they were quite reasonable, even if I sometimes took issue with what they had to say. I respected them a lot and almost never rebelled, and through that, I gained their trust. And by having their trust, I've been able to love them that much more. They really loosened their grip on me after my junior year of high school, and then started letting me do whatever I wanted when I legally became an adult, because they wanted me to make my own decisions and figure things out for myself. I think that was a great way to be raised.

That said, I have a wonderful relationship with my parents. They love me a lot, and are never disappointed in me, even though sometimes I think they have every right to be. And I love them sooooo much! I only wish I could express it to them more. =)

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Separated parents but still see them and love them. I'm a quiet guy so I don't talk much but maybe have little discussions about random things. I don't really get into trouble either so no arguments really.

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What Sora96 said. Being able to have discussions with your parents is a good thing, cuz that implies that both sides listen to each other. Arguments on the other hand, not so much so I'll assume that's what you meant.


I used to not like my parents like any other teenager, but now we get along alright. I'm not as close with my mom as I used to be, but the relationship with my dad has gotten a lot better over the years.

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Hmmm... that's a good question and I'm not acually sure.


I really love both of them, they're such good parents. :) But sometimes I'm not sure if everything is ok. Sometimes we have arguements and then we act like we didn't had them. I'm also very close to my sis, even more than my parents.


But either way I like them. Man, I remember when I was a little, my dad was so damm funny. All he was doing was to keep a smile on my face. My mum was always working, so dad was the one who looked after me. When I grew up a lot of things changed...


So, I'm still not sure

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My relationship with my parents is pretty good, it was better when we used to live in Illinois though. Since we moved we are having arguements more often but other than that they are wonderful parents! I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. :)

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