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Razorwind Keyblade

KH3D This game needs Multiplayer Mode


24 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think this game should have online Multiplayer?

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its hard to put multiplayer sometimes.

the only reason why it was in Days and BBS was because it made sence and was appropriate to have multiplayer in it.

If KH 3D doesent have a plot that really makes multiplayer sence, and nessecary then no.

like you cant have multiplayer in a game that is about isiolation and such.

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you cant have multiplayer in a game that is about isiolation and such.


But weren't Aqua, Terra, and Ventus isolated throughout Birth By Sleep? :wacko: I mean they rarely met up with each other yet they still included mutiplayer in Birth By Sleep.


I'm hoping they add Mirage Area-type online mutiplayer ^-^ , cause I have to make some use of my 3DS friends list somehow like Mario Kart 7 will be doing. If they let us customize Sora and Riku in mutiplayer, like how they're letting us customize our dream eater's colors, this game will be a sure hit! :D

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I wish people would make posts that make sense.


sorry TT_TT

i was trying to say that the multiplayer could be 2 players, 1 being sora, another being riku, and the 2 people fight each other. for it to make sense to the story it could be for the reason terra and aqua fight in bbs. got it memorized?

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sorry TT_TT

i was trying to say that the multiplayer could be 2 players, 1 being sora, another being riku, and the 2 people fight each other. for it to make sense to the story it could be for the reason terra and aqua fight in bbs. a bit clearer?


You should have said got it memorized.

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But weren't Aqua, Terra, and Ventus isolated throughout Birth By Sleep? :wacko: I mean they rarely met up with each other yet they still included mutiplayer in Birth By Sleep.


I'm hoping they add Mirage Area-type online mutiplayer ^-^ , cause I have to make some use of my 3DS friends list somehow like Mario Kart 7 will be doing. If they let us customize Sora and Riku in mutiplayer, like how they're letting us customize our dream eater's colors, this game be a sure hit! :D


yeah but the story allowed them to do multiplayer.

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I didn't even know that BBS had a multi player. The series is and always will be about the single player for me. I will be happy if they do decide to give me the option of a multiplayer, but likely not be using it.

If a game is an FPS, it is almost required to have multiplayer by today's standards, but third person action-rpgs... Not so much.

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I wish people would make posts that make sense.


Lead by example.

This game needs to have multiplayer like in Birth By Sleep. Not only would it increase the amount of units it sells but it'll be cool to play online with other people around the world. Discuss.


I doubt anybody would buy a KH game just because it has multiplayer. Why do you think it'd cause more units to be sold.

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i think they should just focus on making the story as complete as possible. the prospect of multiplayer is cool, but if it is just a distraction i would rather them just take it out and add more elements of the single player to keep people interested after one beats the intial story.

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Oh, they can fit it into the game and give an excuse for it to fit the story. This is the world of sleep. And most of the things that happen in our dreams don't make sense. So the battles can be explained away as dreams that never really happened, they just took physical form in this world. See, easy.


I'm hoping for wifi multiplayer. I don't have any friends with a 3DS so local would be useless to me -.-

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Personally, one of the greatest aspects I love about this series is its lack of multiplayer. From what I've seen, the increase of multiplayer has an inverse effect on the actual single player aspect of the game, and that's what I really enjoy about rpgs, this one especially.


I can see it in BBS, but that just seems like it would be the beginning of the end, if you catch my drift. True, they are just simple mutiplayer scenarios, nothing like mutiplayer in fps, but I really do like a game that I can play by myself. Now, a different game just for multiplayer, similar to what was done with Final Fantasy, wouldn't be a terrible thing in my opinion, but I would like to see the multi and single player aspects kept separate. Just my personal opinion, basically on rpgs as a whole :P But I see the point of adding it in, I just hope it doesn't turn out to be a CoD type outcome, where there are 7 hours of story, endless of multiplayer :P

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Multiplayer's always a welcom addition, as long as it DOESN'T impact the quality of the main campaign. As long as it follows that condition, I'd have no problem with it.


However, I would hardly say that KH3D NEEDS it. Of all the game series out there, KH isn't exactly the one that prides itself on its multiplayer functionality.

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