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Razorwind Keyblade

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"I'll need a crossbow,a rope, three goats, and a jam to go like this * wiggles fingers*"


"I know a man with a goat"


"Great, I can go like this *wiggles fingers*"


"Heroes from the realm of light, of light and darkness are eternal, them surely we nothings must be the same. Eternal"


"You're right, light and darkness are eternal, noting probably goes on forever too, but you know what..."


"That doesn't mean YOU'RE eternal!"


"Hhmm...No more eternal them they radiance of your's"

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"I'm trying to think of a polite way to say it... but I can't. That was a dick move, Master." -Archer, Fate/EXTRA



"I am father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roomate."


*counts on fingers* "Then what does that make us?"


"Absolutely nothing. Which is what you are about to become!" -Dark Helmet and Lone Starr, Spaceballs



"Otacon, Lysol this bitch!" -My sister for Snake, Metal Gear Solid 4

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