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Bieber is in danger!

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I lol'd so hard at this. Serious, in MY OPINION, Bieber is really annoying, but this is too... Heartless (no pun intended :P). Looks like the world really wants to dispose of Bieber no matter what xD


Where do I sign? *add trollface here*

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HOLY SHIT! Look under the image of JB in jail!


They are going to release a petition to put him in jail!


Victory is within our grasp! There is still a chance to save the music industry!



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Lol, seriously? Even if the bill passed, you know they couldn't put him in jail for something he did before the law against it was passed. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Bieber fan at all...but he doesn't deserve to go to jail, and they wouldn't be able to put him in jail anyways. :mellow:

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Lol, seriously? Even if the bill passed, you know they couldn't put him in jail for something he did before the law against it was passed. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Bieber fan at all...but he doesn't deserve to go to jail, and they wouldn't be able to put him in jail anyways. :mellow:


I totally agree http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png if it wasn't in effect before, theres no chance of him being punished. (unless they don't like him cause of who he is)

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I feel bad for the senators getting flooded by fangirls over a bill they dont even understand.


Btw, it would only be applied to people after the bill is enacted. They wont impose it on people who violated the law before it was enacted. Thats true with any new law passed. So really he would just have to delete the videos (omg >.> )

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HOLY SHIT! Look under the image of JB in jail!


They are going to release a petition to put him in jail!


Victory is within our grasp! There is still a chance to save the music industry!


Still a heap of artists like him. CS, JV, GC etc.

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Trolololololo. Waited this for soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long.

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I prefer to think of this as "Anyone who ever posts something containing copyrighted content, regardless of fair use, will get hit with 5 years in jail, possibly leading to the end of free speech" rather than "ZOMG Bieber might go to jail!!!!1!11!".

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Someone should really post a more serious topic on the bill since obviously, no one here is really paying much attention to anything but the fact that "YAY BIEBER MIGHT GO TO JAIL."


The thing with this is, it's important.


And probably to a lot of you. I know a lot of KH fans are also AMV makers. This could get you in trouble if it passes, or youtube itself if you read around... Anywhere that hosts possibly infringing copyrighted material.


I'm sorry for being a killjoy and so serious but... yes.


And yes none of us are very fond of bieber. But I'm sure you wouldn't want to wind up in jail anymore than he would, and he actually spoke out /against/ this bill. Which say the least might get his fans on board to support against it.


And yes. this is real.


Perhaps I'm a little overly serious, but this is a serious issue.


One more thing? it could probably get this website shut down too.


Okay... I was a little grouchy this morning. So I apologize if I insulted anyone with that one line... that in itself wasn't very mature and I was kind of fed up this morning. My point still stands... this bill isn't about bieber, it's about the internet. Someone really should close this and open a more serious topic.

Edited by KairiSpaz

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why do ithave to be a good and bad side by stuff

GOOD: justin bieber get's jailed >=3

BAD: my legend of zelda video's might get copyrtighted and i'¨ll be jailed D=......but i am just 13 xP

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