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Lu Xun

Do you miss your childhood?

Do you miss your childhood?  

116 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you miss your childhood?

    • Yes, I do. I loved that time!
    • Yes, a bit. It was a good time!
    • More or less. I didn't have a very good childhood.
    • No, I don't. I am happy for not being a child anymore.
    • I'm still at my childhood!

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Do you miss your childhood?


Personally, I do, Things were so easier :/ I wish I could go back in time. I was happy and I didn't know :(


School was easier, life was easier. There was nothing we needed to worry about :/ And I had more time to do what I wanted!

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I didn't vote because...I'm now a teenager. But who says that i cant be something else. As the years pass and my attitude,my fellings,my body,my brain changes i always keep a small spark of childhood. I play with my lil sis dolls,i play with my lil sis again action games, i like doing things that a teenager wouldnt do and that is cuz i know deep down there is a light..That never goes out


DA END!!!!

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I missed my childhood, and I'm seventeen so I still am a child(then again to me, 25 is more adulthood than 18...won't be calling myself an adult unless I'm joking around till September 30, 2019)

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my childhood was the best, christmases with my family, playing n64 with my brother and sisters like mario tennis and mario party...i dont think i will ever grow up...im a mature kid and will stay as such even though im a freshman in college....

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I'm now a teenager and I do miss my childhood :( though not like I would go back in time and stay there as a child forever. But I do miss miss my friends that I had in my childhood and the times I had during it. I remember most things happening there. Though still I miss it but not too much.

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YES! It was the best time of my life! I could do whatever I wanted! Fake sick to stay home from school, fake being asleep so my mom would take me to bed, rip the heads off my sister's dolls, write on the wall... ugh, i need a time machine really bad

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To be honest, I have a lot of memories of being really frustrated in my childhood. Sure I had fun playing games and not having the worries I have now, but I always was frustrated that I had no control over the things I could do. My parents say I was a problem child xD. But now that Im older, I dont have those problems anymore. Its strange.


But I still act like a kid ;)

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I am still technically in my childhood (I count 13-17 as being part of childhood), but I already miss it. I wish I could go back and force my younger self to keep playing sports (probably just Soccer), be more outgoing, and eat less junk food. If I had just done those three things, maybe I would actually have real friends and have higher self esteem.


Oh, and please don't let that make me sound like an emo, depressed person. I am pretty happy as is, I would just be much better off if I had done what I said in the above.

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Yea I miss my childhood alot. Back then I'd hang around my sis and nephew (he was 7 years younger than us, so more like a little brother). Every weekend, my nephew would come over, and the three of us would play video games together, play outside together - we'd do everything together. We were like a team!


But as we grew older, we drifted apart. That was the hardest thing about growing up for me. Sure school work got harder and everything, but I think the worst thing was remembering all the good times I used to have with them, and realizing those times were over. Even now as I'm typing this, the thoughts of my childhood both make me smile and also make me want to cry a little inside. Difficult subject for me..

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I'm still in my childhood and I have to worry about many things...homework being one of them...and here I am typing instead of writing.


Lol, yeah, but until you're like, 12 years old, it doesn't matter that much.

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