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U.S Military troops to be fully withdrawal from Iraq

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Yup, Mr. Obama is getting them back to the states. Let those guys worry for their own problems, we have an economy to fix anyways.

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It only took another 4 years. Despite him claiming that he would be removing them at the beginning of his term he's only doing it now.


Anyone who's been keeping up with current events knows that we're either going to be in Libya, Pakistan, or the Middle of Africa for some time. Guess we need more troops to deploy there. What a hypocrite.

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They won't, a new dictator will come to power within a decade and nearly 10 years of war would of been pointless.


Yeah, I fear that will be the case. We could try to help them more, but that would mean the some of the soldiers staying. Not good choices, all around.

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They won't, a new dictator will come to power within a decade and nearly 10 years of war would of been pointless.


Hey, at least he delivered his promise right?

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Good point. But he had to fix Bush's lie. :L


Bush didn't lie though.


There were terrorist hide outs in Iraq.

After the invasion of Afghanistan Osama hid in Iraq for some time. Records found after Navy SEALS killed Osama prove it.

The remains of WMDs were found such as canisters that once held deadly gas.


Everything he said was true.

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I doubt that. Thats only a couple of things he said. I am not a democratic, republican or any other party because Im only 15 and therefore I cannot vote. I simply say that I know he lied. If he didnt lie then we wouldnt be in Iraq in the first place. Or any other middle eastern country.

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I doubt that. Thats only a couple of things he said. I am not a democratic, republican or any other party because Im only 15 and therefore I cannot vote. I simply say that I know he lied. If he didnt lie then we wouldnt be in Iraq in the first place. Or any other middle eastern country.


We really don't have a choice in this war. We have to fight. The terrorists will keep trying to kill us no matter what. If we'd never invaded, then we'd probably have been attacked even further. It really at this point doesn't matter if he lied or not. We just can't surrender. Even if we did, we'd still be attacked.

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We really don't have a choice in this war. We have to fight. The terrorists will keep trying to kill us no matter what. If we'd never invaded, then we'd probably have been attacked even further. It really at this point doesn't matter if he lied or not. We just can't surrender. Even if we did, we'd still be attacked.


We basically have rid ourselves of the talaban. There is no reason to fight

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No reason to fight? They only killed 1,762 residents of New York, 1,402 people in Tower 1, 674 residents of New Jersey, 658 employees of Cantor Fitzgerald L.P, 614 people in Tower 2, 355 employees of Marsh Inc, 343 firefighters, 175 employees of Aon Corporation, 37 Port Authority police officers, 23 police officers, 2 paramedics, 1 firefighter was killed by a man who jumped off the top floors, on the airplanes there were 246 members of the crews and passengers, 87 on American Airlines Flight 11, 60 on United Airlines Flight 175, 59 on American Airlines Flight 77, 40 on United Flight 93. During the attack on the Pentagon 125 military personnel and civilians died.


Yeah, no reason to retaliate and defend at all...

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True, but there is another reason to fight. To defend. To stop events like 9/11 from happening again.


I was more refering to the one person who gave the statistics

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I was more refering to the one person who gave the statistics


...If someone punched you in the face what would you do? I highly doubt just walk away. You'd probably defend yourself. There was weapons of mass destruction, they were going to attack AGAIN, what would YOU do in that situation? You can't talk to these people. They don't want to talk. They want to destroy us. But I'm wrong haha Silly me ;)

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At least it's getting done.


They're not really coming home. They'll come home for a little bit only to go somewhere else, like Iran. This isn't over. Look at Germany.. we've had our troops there I think for almost 60 years now. We'll never really leave Iraq. It's sad, but they're a huge threat to us. Another psycho leader will come into power and might be just as bad or even worse than Huessain and Bin Laden. This will never be over, unfortunately. They attacked us in such a horrible way, they'll continue to attack if we let our guard down and that's something people don't understand. I HATE war, I hate troops our dying, I'm apart of a military group and I send cards to them and I feel sick and saddened when I hear deaths but it's reality. This is how it is and it's not going to stop. The ones helping us are grateful and will continue to help, but there's more bad there than good. They need us. If we leave, they'll be outnumbered, killed and the bad ones will rise again and attack us again in a more brutal and strategic way. We can't let that happen.

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