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I am leaving KH13.com forums.

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For real. No joke. Actually, I am quitting Kingdom Hearts. For good. KUPOOSH!

well, I know no one is going to read this anyway....

farewell my fellow champs! Have fun. I MIGHT check this out. Next time I sign out.... I will never sign in again. SORRY! I will miss you! :heart::heart: dont be sad!:P:P:P:D:D:D:angel::angel::angel:

Reason if you wanna know:



My cuzin Lily showed me Kingdom Hearts and every-time I think of Kingdom HeartsI feel like crying... so here is a song dedicated to you and Lily:


I bet none of you even know McFly...




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Okay, not to be rude, but that song is annoying almost immediately...


Anyway, it's sad to see you go, but I guess we can't stop you.

Bye, good luck in life and all that jazz...

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Okay, not to be rude, but that song is annoying almost immediately...


Anyway, it's sad to see you go, but I guess we can't stop you.

Bye, good luck in life and all that jazz...


lol i know not many people like McFly!


ookay bye! and thank you for the luck!*puts luck in pocket*

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aww D:


o-o but uh... giving up kingdom hearts? xD BLASPHMEY. THIS IS MADNESS.


KH is life. Quitting KH is like quitting life.




...................... and now, I'm forced to say...


THIS. IS. SPARTAAAA. (cue techno music)


You srsly should have used that for your 'anthem', Kaiso. xD

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Quitting KH is suicide! DX

It's like jabbing a keyblade into your chest and fading away into darkness~!!


wow. that was lame.

Duude. Sadly, there would be a like a void in my life if KH didn't exist. D8

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Quitting KH is suicide! DX

It's like jabbing a keyblade into your chest and fading away into darkness~!!


wow. that was lame.


Edit: DAMMIT KAISO. xD Now since you changed your post this epic chunk of text is irrelevant! Well, it's irrelevant regardless, but... as;lodfihsdf. xD


Double Edit: YOU KNOW WHAT? firetruck YOU, KAISO. xD (i'll be there to do just that in about 5. /shot)


Or like turning into a creepy old man to somehow deter the powers of darkness even though you ARE darkness, and then returning to your original form after a giant heart lazer thing blows up and then taking off your (cough)STOLEN(cough) cloak to reveal your somehow amazingly disguised baggy clothes underneaaaatttthhhhhh! And don't forget the epic scene where Sora asks you to take /SOMETHING/ off (hmm, wonder what it is? :) and then your sexy eyes that are mostly covered by your silvery bangs are finally REVEALED even though we had two other games to stare at them, but now it's like an atom bomb FWOOOOSHHHHH~


I have no idea what I just said, but I think it's a run-on sentence 80 percent of the time. xD


lol so off-topic



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uh she is quitting becos her cuzin died and everytime she thinks of KH she feels like crying...

they were reeeeaaallllllllyyyyyyyy close!

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uh she is quitting becos her cuzin died and everytime she thinks of KH she feels like crying...

they were reeeeaaallllllllyyyyyyyy close!


DX I know. But still Sitar you will be missed~~~~DX I feel sorry for you DX

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