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System Replica: True Core

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Psymond got up on his feet and said to himself "I wonder where i am, Maybe some kind of Alien beacon area." Said Psymond to himself as he thought that much just by looking at the top bit of the mysterious tower which resembles a hat that looks like a beacon and also looks unusual which gave Psymond the idea.

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"That's true enough but how couldn't you have figured out where beginning if you could of payed attention! But that's what you lack and what I do not!" A dark mist came up behind her as Ansem's Guardian appeared behind her while she gave Noah a demonic smile. "You're forgetting so much about otherwise you might have already seen the problem. But that's what you lack." She let Soul Eater and Way to Dawn go as she began to use Guardian.


Ri looked at this with a smile. "He can't even remember that she always does something with reason never without. Even though she'd reminded him so many times about this. Yet he can't remember. The idiot is going to get hurt but not killed." Ri continued to watch with a smile knowing what was going to happen between the two.

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Noah dodged most of Guardian's attacks, "You know," he yelled to the Heartless, "I used to like you!" He swung his Keyblades at it and spun, to run towards Rixku, "I know clarity durring battle and within my mind, I lack that, and I know that makes me basically useless." He jumped up and swung both Keyblades down at her, "But that doesn't mean I can't do anything right!"

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Psymond then started hearing fighting somewhere with his high sensitive ears but could not guess where it was coming from while saying "Is it just me or do i hear something that sounds like the high noises of church bells by any chance."

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"Hmph. It still can't get through that thick skull of your's! Yet I remind you over and over. Try to remember if you can't maybe that's why I think you're such a nuisance to me. If Ri hasn't proven that yet but she has." Blocking the attack with Reflectaga as it broke and damaged Noah. "And still can't land a hit on me can you? Or is it that I once was your friend holding you back. Well I guess could say I never was. Hehe the irony of the truth. I bet i'm breaking that poor heart of your's. If you die i'll make sure to bring Maya next so you won't be so lonely where ever you go to." She continued to block everything as Guardian kept at trying to hit him.

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Noah simultainusly dodged Guardian and attacked Rixku. "What do I have to remember? You're from my memories, shouldn't you just be able to tell me?"


Maya looked on through the portal in Yen Sid's study, silently whispering, "Come on Noah, you can do this." repeatedly.


Noah, got between Rixku and Guardian, "Faith!"

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"Not so fast Noah! Blitz Light Delta!" Dropping to the ground Rixku sped at Noah knocking him off his feet before getting him in the air going a short air combo and ending the attack by slamming him the ground with a keyblade infused in light as she landed again limping slightly as Guardian came back to her side. "Don't think an old trick will get me so easily now Noah. You are right about me a memory but which one is the question. Am I one that gave you the scars on the neck, the one who took hearts for pleasure, the one who helped you through the worlds, or the one who saved your poor little sister. So many choices so little time. Which one am I? Good or Bad. Maybe you might figure it out or i'll just end you ever so easily." Rixku gave him another demonic smile before saying something else. "Here's what you forgot. I do things only with reason the thing I remind you of ever so often Noah but never seem to be able to remember that one little rule about me."

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Noah lay on the ground, in pain from the attacks, "It's not that I forgot that about you..." he said while getting up, using the Aubade as a crutch, "It's that I know you well enough to trust whatever reason you may have!" He pointed his Fatal Crest at her, "And to answer your question! You're all of them! Cause the Rixku I remember is the one who was my friend! And that Rixku was made of all those memories, good or bad or crazy, it doesn't matter, cause that's who you are!"

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"Yet you still haven't answered because each time something happened to her changing her more and more as time went on. I bet little Ri would know the answer to that question and as for this I see point in showing what you just can't see." Pointing Way to Dawn at her chest before telling Noah one more thing. "Suggestion from me is to ask Ri and maybe she might get what I wanted to tell through that thick skull of yours and if that fails well to bad so sad." Giving Noah one little smile before shooting herself as she faded into darkness.


Ri face palmed as she knew that she would have to get him to see it. "Can anything go through his skull? Anything at all!" She sat on the floor in defeat until another portal opened on the Awakening. "And now he faces the real one............."


The real Rixku stood on her and Riku's Awakening waiting for Noah to follow. She had her hood up not making the slightest sound as she waited. "Now Noah it's time for a true test........ I just hope you make it through what lies behind it."

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Noah stood still for a short time, watching the Rixku from his memories shoot herself was hard, even if she had been fake. Finally he snapped out of it, "Ri, you got some explaining to do when I get back." he said outloud, knowing she could hear him. He walked through the portal and saw, once again, Rixku, "What the? Didn't you just shoot yourself, or are you possible the real one?"

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Psymond made his way down a endless way of stairs as he believed he finally reached the end when he saw a big huge door blocking his way to other side as Psymond then said to himself "I can a negative aura behind this door, Better stock up because i think things are gonna turn bad now, REAL bad." As Psymond checked his equipment and healed himself before going through the door only to end up in a blinding light that for some reason takes him to Riku's Awakening where awaiting Psymond upon landing there is the real Rixku and Noah while Psymond questions the real Rixku with a simple "Hey there, what's a cutie under a hood like you doing here?"

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"..................................." Not wanting to say a thing all she did was summon Oblivion and Oathkeeper but she didn't get in a fighting stance yet. "Noah are you ready for the final part of the Mark of Mastery? I give you warning after this what lies beyond is something even I can't help to be afraid of it. If you are ready i'll begin the final test." She continued to stay there waiting for Noah word. The giving the other guy a glare. "You remind me all to much of someone I would love to kill now.................." She tightened her grip on Oblivion before giving him a demonic smirk as she let him go through a portal of darkness. "Now if it where only the real one.............."

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"By the way, who are you guys? Are you some kind of wizards? I LOVE WIZARDS!" Said Psymond to both the real Rixku and Noah while ignoring their serious current conversation as he tried to lighten up the mood, knowing this was the negative feeling he was sensing before behind the big door.

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Noah, through the serious intentions he and Rixku had, couldn't help but start laughing, "You mean Sade right? Oh he was a riot!" he said at Rixku. he clamed down all too quickly and added, "A bit Recist towards you Nobodys but he was a decent being." Noah then turned to the man, "We're not Wizards, and sorry, but this is important," Noah raised his hand, "If you go through the portal, some people will be able to answer your questions, you'll also be able to watch as this goes on." Noah turned to Rixku once again, "I'm ready." he walked up next to her, "And I'm going to get you out of the Realm of Darkness, just give me some more time to find a way in."

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"You're still missing so much......................." She quickly got into a fighting stance before running at him. At the last second going behind him as she used a portal before slamming him in the back jumping back a few steps as she got ready to do something again. "I'm not going easy and I have many tricks that even you don't know about................." She then allowed herself to copy Ahonx as Soul Eater was replaced with Fetal Crest. She then simply pointed Way to Dawn at him with a dull expression.

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Maya looked up instincively as she saw a man walk through the Portal her brother had created, "Hi, i'm Maya, who are you creepy dude?" Maya tried to act as "9 years old" as she could but it sickened her. She held out her hand for him to shake.


Meanwhile, Noah was stumbling so he could fight Rixku off. "You haven't seen me, it was straight practice these past two years, i've learned alot and I can even take you down now! All I have to do is stop you where you stand!" Noah ran up and jumped, 'From my memories, she might have been stronger,' he thought. Noah swung at Rixku, 'I remember her being strong enough to take out thousands of Heartless at once, but that may just be an overstatement. I can't get myself too stressed and have to remain calm, if I can do that i can win.' She blocked the attack, and Noah yelled, "Double Firaga!" as two massive fireballs, one from each Keyblade, went towards Rixku at point-blank range.

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"Sorry i'm not going easy. Freeze Blitz Fury!" Hitting back both Firagas at Noah before running at him with both blades covered in ice launching him above her as she struck him again going up going multi strikes from the air before letting a pillar of ice hit him from the back before slamming the ice covered keyblades down on him hard as she jumped back a bit limping a little as well but now giving up. "Hmph. You're going to have to do better than that to come close to beating me. I still have a lot of counters left and I got a good idea how to break you." She gave he him a demonic smirk before holding both blades in front of her in a x-cross fashion.

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Noah got up slowly, "Ow," he cracked his back, "I'm pretty sure what you just did counts as 'Breaking' me." Noah bolted around Rixku, sending Firagas at her at every second. His spell casting was the first thing to improve as he trained. But that wasn't it, he sped past her and slashed her back with his Aubade. He jumped back twice and watched as every Firaga he'd fired made contact. He then held his hands out, and let go of his Keyblades, yelling "Barrier!" as he did so. The two blades spun around, orbiting him and creating an inreadibly powerful dome-shaped shield that couldn't be pennitrated, anticapting her next attack.


"So," Maya started, "They are Keyblade wielders, not ...What did you call them? Wizards? Yea, that's not it. HE is though." she nodded towards Yen Sid and gave a sly smile, it was her little joke towards Yen Sid, she didn't respect the man nearly as much as she should have. "Right now Noah, the boy and my Brother, is taking his Mark of Mastery exam to determine if he's worthey of being a full fledged Keyblade Master." The pride in her voice was hard to mask, so she didn't. Her smile was wide and her eyes seemed to glow.

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"Yeah how i got here was a mystery not that i mind or anything and then while i was at a place with a great big HUUGE castle did i find this stone im holding with this lightning bolt shaped thingy inside, You know what it is?" Said Psymond passing the shard he found to yen sid.

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