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System Replica: True Core

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Name: Psymond.

Age: 21.

Gender: Male.

Side: Light.

Keyblade and other weapons: A beloved Scythe he simply calls "N ." Which he can call back whenever he has a habit of losing it somewhere.

Your old keyblade master: None.

Appearance: Purple hair, Purple eyes, White t-shirt, Black slacks, Red socks and Blue sneakers.

Bio: A strange and mysterious young man who likes to crack a joke or two from one time to another.

Did you participate in "The Beginnings"?: Yes.

Is your character the same as in "The Beginnings"?: No.


remember to follow the topic, I keep forgetting to remind people of this rule, since if you don't, you're dissreguarded in the story.



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Noah sat on a hill, the wind blew his hair around. If his sister Maya had been a boy, they would have looked exactly the same, except Noah had a perminant reminder that he'd once fell into Darkness. He had a black strip of hair just out of the center. He patted his neck, where the pendant she'd given him over twelve years earlier hung. He stood up, "I'll come for you soon, I'll find you then, we'll take care of this problem." Noah had decided to become a full fledged Keyblade Master before leaving to find Rixku, whose heart was almost definately inside him. But it had taken longer than he'd thought, he was now going to Yen Sid for training, as his old Master was defeated two years earlier.

Noah walked through a portal of Light and appeared outside the Mysterious Tower, "Finally, I'll become a Master." He walked towards the tower. and walked up the stairs, savoring the final moments of being an apprentice.

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Rixku sat now in the Realm of Darkness near the shore line. In an Organization XII hood over head as she waited there for something to happen to her. "I'm just nothing........... Something cast away into darkness like a shell. Nothing is left for me or anything like me for that matter.............. Something, anything, finish me and put me into the darkness where I might belong in this world................."


"Two years now since I was born now. The nobody of a nobody pretty weird right? I wonder where all of them are now. The real Rixku, Noah, Maya, Silver, and everyone else. I guess i'll find out eventually won't I?" Being found on the streets of Twilight Town Ri had little to know knowledge where to go. "Now how to find them? I guess if I could get into the mansion that computer might work out well. And will you ever leave me alone?!" The heartless created after Rixku lost her somehow gained heart was a light copy of Ansem's Guardian and Ri shared her dislike for it just as much as Rixku. "Fine let's get into the Mansion so I can find them. Need them to get to Rixku now don't we?"

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Psymond appeared from out of no where using a corridoor of light and says "Wow, look at THAT scenery!" as we see that Psymond is looking towards the scenery of Raident Garden, Being that he is at the front gate of the very city itself.

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Noah walked into Yen Sid's study, Maya was sitting in the corner reading a book, and smiled when he entered. Noah smiled back and the bowed to Yen Sid, who was sitting at his chair, "Good Morning, Master"

Yen Sid wave a hand at him, "Are you ready? Noah."

"Yes, Master I am. I'm ready for-" suddenly he had a powerfull headache, Noah fell to his knees and closed his eyes in pain. Maya ran over to him, abandoning the book on the floor.

"Noah!" she'd yelled, as she knelt beside him. Noah was seeing, though his eyes were closed. He was getting visions of a long hallway, a man, tall, with long hair, he had a Keyblade. Then Noah saw two massively sized doors, and saw two giant hearts in the sky, one blue, one gray.

"Kingdom...Hearts?" he muttered, "Jeramiah...Keyblade..." Suddenly and with as much warning as when it had come, it stopped. Noah opened his eyes, Maya looked worried and close to tears...she'd been pretty protective of Noah since they reunited. They were twins, they'd just spent most of their lives in two technically different Realms. Jeramiah had brought Noah to a world that he hadn't turned into a Replica, and kept Maya in their home world, Victus Domum, which was a Replica world, following the rules of the Realm of Darkness.

"Are you okay? Noah?" Maya asked repetetively.

Noah nodded and smiled, "Just a headache, nothing much." he stood up, "I'm ready to take the Exam Master." he said it as officially as he could.

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Psymond made his way near over to the fountains where here he noticed creatures with strange emblems on their heads and said "Jiminy Crickets! Those are Whatchamathingies." Not realising that these strange creatures were actually Nobodies and this was the word he would use when confronting them as he did not know their proper name.

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"I can't believe this it can't be possible. Not here not in the Realm of Darkness................" A blue moon held high in the Realm of Darkness. "Than that means the real one. The Castle that Never Was must have the other one. But a replica of Kingdom Hearts that's just insane. How could it even happen when Kingdom is light so this one could be a shadow of it. A Kingdom Hearts that's made of darkness? Please tell me that i'm only imagining this right now. That there isn't a Kingdom Hearts made of Darkness................."


"Now let's see if I can get into this still................." Pressing a few buttons the computer came back on in the mansion. "Perfect now to find out where Noah is. Actually I bet I don't even have to look. Go figure he's at the Mysterious Tower............." Leaning back Ri had a expression of confusion on her face. "But how can I get there? I can't do portals, anything keyblades is out of the question, and I can't get a Gummi Ship. SO how am I to get to him........... Wait a star piece. Wrecking Disney Castle was worth it." Digging around finally grabbing a little object that had a star in the middle. Heading outside as it started to glow. "This is going to be a fun ride..........." That being said Ri launched off as it busted with light.

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Noah waitd, Maya still standing next to him, as Yen Sid silently deliberated with himself. Finally looking up at the siblings, "First, young Noah, Tell me what you saw."

Maya spoke before he could, "He muttered something like 'Kingdom Hearts, Keyblade, and..." she hessitated before saying the last word, she hadn't spoken his name in two years, "Jeramiah." she saounded like the mention of him was enough to destroy the universe.

Yen Sid nodded to her, "Yes, but there is something else, the reason why Noah here hasn't stopped smiling."

Noah hadn't even realized he was smiling, Maya looked up at him, then back to Yen Sid, she hated that Noah was so much taller than he was, seeing as they were technically the same age. Noah stared at Yen Sid, "I saw Rixku...she's in the Realm of Darkness...but, she was looking at something, she was scared. But I know where she is now, as soon as we're done, I can go find her."

Suddenly Noah heard a crash outside the Tower. Maya ran to the window, and then out of the room. Noah looked from her to Yen Sid then, "Excuse me Master." and he followed.

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Rixku continued to look at the blue moon just trying to figure out how it go there. "I've been here two years yet it only appeared now........... Something isn't right with it and the worlds are in danger again but I can't leave here. I got sent here and I won't leave. This is one of the places I actually feel like I belong but the same was with Castle that Never Was and look where that got me. I did things there that were fun. I sorta wish I could of gotten another chance of raiding Disney Castle. Mickey would never forgive me after me Axel, Deymx, and Roxas destroyed the whole place grabbing things as we did so. I guess I sorta do miss up there........."


"Okay that's why she didn't use the thing!?" Ri landed head first into a wall leaving a rather nice bump as Guardian put the star piece away. "I need be more careful as to what I use at this point............." She mumbled as she rubbed her head looking around seeing where she landed. "I got to the right place at least. Now where is he? Better yet where a couple of ice packs that I could use?!" Getting up as she headed to the first set of stairs. "So many stairs............."

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Noah found Maya hiding behind a small pillar as a young girl appeared from the first set of Stairs. Maya looked up at him, "Could that be?"

He shook his head, "No, she's too short, and she looks too young, and I just saw Rixku. She's in the Realm of Darkness. You have to be mistaken."

Maya shook her head immitating Noah, "That has to be her, I can tell, that's definately Rixku." She ran forward, "Rixku!"

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"That feeling I wonder if she actually found them now.............." Sitting down again as she looked at the waved going by. "If she did them maybe i'll get out of here soon or at least have a way to get out every once in a while..............."


Ri rolled her eyes as she shook her head before speaking again. "So close yet so far. Want to try again Noah and maybe give a guess Maya or your last choice is ask Yen Sid because he's just that smart." Ri just kept walking up higher before stopping at the door to the second flight of stairs. "I can't believe the stairs haven't killed me yet even after everything that's happened between her and them.........." She mumbled as she waited for Noah's and Maya's answer.

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Noah felt a strange attachment to the girl, like Rixku's heart was trying to reunite with her. Noah and Maya walked behind the girl, and Noah stayed silent until finally deciding to try again, "You're her Nobody."

Maya looked at Noah like he had just told King Micky he was a Kimodo Dragon and not a mouse, "How can Rixku have a Nobody? SHE was a Nobody."

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Psymond arrives at the castle's front gates and says "Gollie,It must of been hell for the architect of this castle to design something that looks so complex." Said Psymond as he could not help but fathom why the castle could stand still like that.

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"Think she gained a heart once what says that she couldn't of gotten another one somehow not even knowing herself? Thus making me come into reality because of it. I quote "I win. I'll be back to if you haven't noticed and I know my heartless won't be as stupid as the other's to.................." and this one " Light to make a whole and a heart lost to make two more if you know what I mean." Does that answer your question Noah and Maya?" Ri leaned on the door to Yen Sid's room waiting for an answer from the two.

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Psymond went over to the guards blocking his way as they said he could not enter without premission with Psymond then saying himself "Come on dudes, I just wanna take a lookie see in there." However they brushed him and then sent him away with Psymond giving off no more then a "Tch."

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Noah and Maya looked at each other, they could read each other's minds, even after being apart for ten years, 'Does she have to act like we're that much of a neusense?' Noah wondered.

'Well, we did seem pretty stupid there.' Maya replied.

Noah straightened when he realized they were in Yen Sid's study, "I'm sorry Sir, this is the one who caused the commotion downstaors. Sorry for letting her barge in like this."

Yen Sid waved his hand, signaling that all was fine, "It is okay. Hello, Ri, I believe this is the first time we've met?"

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"Partly ya Yen Sid. I believe I interrupted the Mark Of Mastery for Noah if i'm thinking right. I also have this..........." She pulled out the star charm before giving it to Yen Sid. "At last I remember why she never used the thing. It makes me wonder why she kept it after raiding Mickey and the rest of Disney Castle?" Ri moved of to the side leaning on the wall before giving both a smile. "I believe you have the Mark to complete am I right? Something I want to see. And ya I think you're a nuisance both of you but somethings don't change after even years have gone by."

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Noah stared at her in shock, "How did you know that's what we were thinking?"

Before she could answer, Yen sid stopped him, "Yes, Noah, I have something special planned for you." He opened a portal of Light. "Go through, and face your challenge, we will watch from here." a Second portal opened, but this one black.

Noah stared at the second portal, "How do you know it'll work Master?"

"It will work as soon as you are not here. I can assure you of this."

"Right." Noah said it, "Here we go." Noah walked through the Portal of light. suddenly a picture of Noah walking onto a Station appeared from the second Portal. On one side, was Anohx, Maya trembled at the picture, on the other, Noah. There were smaller pictures of people, like Silver, Rixku, and Maya, also on the station. "What's with this place, it's changed."

"Your station will change as you do, idiot." Noah spun around and saw Anohx standing on the other end, like it had only been yesterday since their fight. two years ago, on that very station.

Noah filled with hate, he summoned both his Aubade and his Fatal Crest, "Why are you here?"

"Chill idiot, I'm only here as a Moderator. You'll be fighting someone else from your memories." Suddenly another portal opened and someone walked through, Noah couldn't believe his eyes.

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Rixku walked through in her Organization XII cloak giving Noah a dull look as she summoned Soul Eater and Way to Dawn in her hands before rushing at Noah slamming her keyblades against his with force as she continued to try and knock them away. "Give me all you got Noah. After all I was left in the Realm of Darkness for two years thanks to you! But you wouldn't care for a nobody like me would you? No a somebody wouldn't. Nothing really does do they?" She gave him a glare as she got ready to strike again.

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Psymond finally finds the source coming from the faint corridoor of light's trace of energy remaining and it turns out to be a small shard in the shape of a rock with a lightning bolt embedded in it as Psymond then says "Woah, Look's awesome for a piece of rock." until suddenly after having picked it up was he then flunged by its magic to another world which turns out to be the entrance to the mysterious tower where here Psymond says "Dude, Awesome space cruise." upon landing on the ground on his backside with the shard in his right hand.

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Noah was too shoocked to act before Rixku could strike. "Rixku how... I didn't mean to get you trapped in the Realm of Darkness, I was going to come and find you honest!" he blocked a few more blows before yelling "Salvation!" suddenly the orbs of Light circled around him, sending Rixku back just enough for him to talk, "I needed to be a Master to have the resouces I needed to find you, and I only just realized where you were, when I had the visions that showed me Jeramiah and Kingdom Hearts!" He realized he was still doing battle, so he got into stance, unwillingly mimicing Rixku's battle stance.

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