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System Replica: True Core

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"I'm Ri not Rixku and oh ya............" Walking up to Noah as Ri gave him a hard hit to the head with her right hand. "That's for giving me this damn hole!" RI glared before breathing deeply as she shrugged it off. "I'm going to love it when Rixku gets back now..........." Guardain brought out a high potion as Ri swiped it away to drink.

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"Well stop confusing me then, you're the same thing! You both like blowing shit up...so yea, basically the same. And you're welcome. I take pride in that one." Noah said, He looked down the path, "Let's set out, the core souldn't be too far away, well, I have been walking for a week, so I'm not too sure."

Maya stared at him, "Noah...it's been only a few minutes..."

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Silver unleashed his Ultima, following Noah. "Just how long have I been gone? Rixku never felt that....dark. And whos the little girl that keeps hitting you?" Silver asked, clearly confused by the days events.

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"I don't blow up stuff and i'm not a freaking manic damn it but I could be one if I get to blow you up!" Glaring before kicking him where the sun don't shine as she opened a dark conidor. "You're welcome Noah!" She said in a happy tone as she vanished with guardian. "I congratulate you in managing to get hit by her twice!" Rixku had a sly smile as she said this while sitting on one of the higher dark rocks. "I enjoy the darkness when it evolves revenge............."

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"Cur...Curaga..." he muttered, then turning to Silver, "Which one, cause one of them is Rixku's nobody...don't ask, and the other one is My little Sister, Maya." He took a breath, "Let's go...this is gonna take a while now that the peanut gallery is here." He picked up the x-blade, Maya flinched, so he put it away, "It's fine," he whispered to her, "I won't hurt you...I'm...I'm back to how I was twelve years ago." He reached in his pocket as they walked, and pulled out the picture, which had come together as he had, it now showed Maya and Noah the same age smiling like idiots with and arm around each other.

As he handed it to Maya, she lit up, then hid her expression, "So...Why did you come here?"

"Victus Domum is gone, I can't keep that promise, but at least we can return the worlds back to normal. And destroy System Replica in the process. Which I'm not sure what'll happen when we do," he turned to Rixku and snapped at her, "Which is why I didn't want you and Maya here! Cause I knew you'd look after her!" He looked at Silver, "Sorry, I knew I needed help, and I thought of you first."

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"Hey hey a choice is a choice and I say she's made up her mind and so have I. This time I might actually die for once and not get bothered by anyone else if i'm lucky." She shrugged at the end before jumping down and landing perfectly as she thought for a minute. "I wonder if it's still there..........." She looked like she was in deep thought as she was debating weather or not to do something. "I wonder if it could........." Smiling a bit before saying something. "You know how removed my somehow gained heart again? It got connected to your's so if i'm thinking this through it might work as a replacement if you somehow died."

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Noah sighed, "Mhm, probably," He summoned his x-blade, and created personal barriers around him, Maya and Silver, "Good luck with that though." he wore a sly smile.

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Rolling her eyes as she got ready to follow. "I'm not going to get left behind when this might actually kill me so go head and i'll follow along." Silently Way to Dawn and Soul Eater as they worked as wings behind her. "I really want to not give you these but no use for me anymore............." Summoning the Aubade and Fetal Crest before tossing them at Noah. "I only need my main two at this point so those are your's to keep as long as you come out alive.............."

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Noah grabbed the Keyblades, "They're a bit longer than I'm used to...Thanks." he twirled them in his hands, "Hehe, this is fun." They walked for what seemed forever, in silence. The core never seemed to get too much closer. At one point he put away both the Aubade and Fatal Crest and carried Maya piggy back style. "Lazy little." he muttered under his breath.

She hit him on the head, then put her head back down, "I heard that..." Noah couldn't help but smile.

"Hehe, what a child..."

"I heard that too..."

Noah looked around. It felt like they'd been walking for about two days, "Let's rest here." he said to the group, who he could tell was getting tired.

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"This must of been a few minutes............" vanishing for a minute or two before coming back up. "Okay it had been a few minutes up there. How long was I gone anyways?" She seem a little distracted from the look of her eyes as she though about something else. "I can't help but wonder if it made it alright....................."

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Noah blinked, "You were gone for about half an hour if I had to guess. This place messes with my head." Maya's head was on his lap, she was asleep, he looked around towards the Core, "You think we'll get there any time soon? Or do you think we'll have to walk like this for a good amount of time?"

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"I wonder if I could mess with something here and make it a little faster since when I went up there it was only a few seconds before I came back here.........................." Looking around as she though since she didn't need sleep right now. "How could I fix it.............Keyblade Graveyard might have what I want to make it faster."

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Noah waved the idea off, "I don't think that's a really good idea, I'm tired as it is, if we don't have anyone to keep the portal open for you, you can't get back in." Noah thought for a bit, "You still have guardian right?"

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'I can get back because i'm connected to this place. It's still part of the Realm of Darkness......" Thinking a bit more before making up her mind as she opened up a dark conidor and walked through. As soon as she entered the keyblade graveyard her appearance sparked to looking like a sinister shadow as her eyes glowed with a eerie light. "Right where I left it.................."

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Noah woke up Maya, "Hey...We're heading out." He shoved Silver and the continued walking.

"What about Rixku?" Maya asked, still groggy.

"She'll return right there, We'll be long gone. Now hold on," He threw his Aubade and Fatal Crest down, "Each of you stand on one, I'm going to go fast, they're going to follow just as fast, I'm tired of this place." Maya did as she was told and Noah charged both Light and Darkness at his feet.

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She silently grabbed something before slipping into the ground as a black smoke rose from the object she grabbed. It looked like a black winged orb that seemed to pulse with darkness. "Finally the thing to make me change........." Was the last thing heard before she seemed to slip somewhere else.

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Noah felt stupid for not thinking of this before, the distance they'd covered compaired to how much time had passed was astonishing. "Figures I don't think of the better transportation while we have all of our fighting power." he said.

Maya looked at him, terrified at flying on a Keyblade, "You're insane you know that?"

Noah looked over to her, "Just a bit, but then agian, you're my twin, so you must be just as insane."

"Not really." she responded in an unconvinced tone.

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"Well well Noah......." Throwing a keyblade ahead of him to make him fall off as she watched him do exactly so. "I need to ask you one little question. I'll give you just three chances before someone misses a body part. Most likely a important one. What has happened to me now?" Having a demonic smile grabbing Way to Dawn out of the ground as she light held the black little orb in her hands. 'and i'd be quick are for you. There darkness not even I could imagine possible creeping around. Proving this as something black shot past her.

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Noah got up, and summoned the x-blade, "Lemme guess...Bad hair day? No, it's always like that..."Oh, did you get extra evil or something?" he asked in a rediculous tone, then getting into a battle stance, "Because it shows!" he dashed forward and appeared right infront of her, just a swing from the x-blade sent a gale-force wind at her and she flew back. He reappeared a few feet away from her, "Why are you so easily manipulated?"

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Smiling as she laughed a little before locking eyes with Noah and her voice serious. "Close in a way. Let's say I was here from the beginning. I'm the original Rixku that was until someone erased my memories as I gave up or tried to rid me of light. Then 'she' came along all happy and nice. As she got close to darkness I could control here to points thus why that other Kingdom Hearts got to her. I need darkness to get rid of her so I can be here again. That means getting rid of her because of her stubbornness. I don't have to worry about her influencing me as she's in a tight spot right now. Call me Rix." Grabbing Way to Dawn as she dashed in a zigzag before knocking Noah in the chest. "Dark Redemption!" Slamming him downward before doing more combo's as she slammed something into the ground. Stumbling back for a second before she shouted something. "Reflectaga!" That covered Noah before she got hit herself. "Maybe she's not as weak as I thought............."

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Noah appeared behind her, "I'm not that much of a pushover. Whatever you try to get away with, I'll come back ten fold." He stabbed at her, the reflectaga was sent back, he dissapeared and cut her in the back of the shin. "Light..." a beam of light shot from the tip of the x-blade, "This weapon allows me to control Light and Darkness, whether together or apart, you'll need something better than some specialized magic to take me out."

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"How about I try something else then............." Holding out her hand as Heartless appeared around everyone. "Now after him and the other two are free rain at this point............." Gripping her head before speaking in a more lower voice. "Dusk's now....Help......" Shaking her head before frowning at the site of Dusk's destroying Heartless. "She won't quit. I have to get rid of her........." Standing up before using a special magic of Rixku's. "Black Out!" At this the only things seen where the eyes of heartless. "Now it's my fight!" Vanishing before running at Noah swiping the X-blade out of his hand before kicking him to the ground as she vanished again.

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Noah jumped up, holding out his hand, he resummoned the x-blade. It took seconds though, with his Aubade or Fatal Crest, it would be instantly, but this blade...it didn't seem to want to agree with him. Like he was still hesitant to have fused together with Anohx. Like there was still a part missing. He looked around, still nothing, he couldn't see in such intense darkness. He closed his eyes, using his ears to listen to everything. A bit away, due to Noah having separated him and Rix from the others, he could tell exactly where Maya was. He was stepping around nervously.

"Man, that black cloud is making me nervous...it feels...wrong." she said, mostly talking to her self.

Noah slid his foot, and twitched the x-blade, creating a barrier, then he slashed behind himself, just too make sure, "This isn't good." He closed his eyes again, then, let the Darkness he controlled with the x-blade allow him some vision, it wasn't much, but he saw around himself, ready to defend if he had to.

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Starting to get a headache die to the stubborn Rixku Rix started trying to figure out how to get rid of her. "I need to get rid of her but how?" Aiming the keyblade out of Noah's vision as she used some magic. "Dark Firaga!" Vanishing again as it struck Noah. "Well it looks like she doesn't have anything to help you with now-" Cut off as her voice got low again. "Curaga!" Using this on Noah as she got ready for one thing. "Blinding Light!" Using this on herself before stumbling back hissing as her eyes burned. "This is getting old!"

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Silver had enough. "STOP!" He yelled, hoping to pause the two. Just what the heck has gotten into Rixku lately? He thought, She refuses to stop fighting Noah for more than a second. Silver summoned his Ultima, sticking it into the ground. Tendrils of light erupted and coiled around both Rixku and Noah, in an struggle to stop both of them.

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