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System Replica: True Core

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"That darkness.............." She got off him before walking a steady pace somewhere as she didn't stop to focused on what she wanted to get to as she seemed void of anything else but that focus. "I can't believe it the one thing I can find is something I hate with great insanity....." Coming upon Guardian as it cocked it's head with confusion. "I'll never get rid of you but you got eyes so come on let's go to Ansem's study."

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"I'm not the one leading I got Guardian for that one so it's not as useless now." Now in the computer room as she typed in the password Sora, Donald, and Goofy into it as it came up. "Now for the files and the reports as well.........." Typing in Organization XII as she put in a disk taking all of the files before going to something else. "World Reports......." She typed it in as well as she got different readings of Heartless, Nobodies, Darkness, and Light readings for many of the worlds. Taking those and putting them into the disk before pulling it out before turning to Noah. "I got what I needed so what world would you want to go to or do you need something?"

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Noah stared at the computer, "I'm fine, I'll probably stay here and look around for a bit."

Suddenly the sound of a Keyblade being summoned startled him, "Damn right you're going to stay right here." It was a girl's voice. Noah turned and saw a figure in a Black Cloak, it looked like a brand new Organization Cloak. He could only see her hair and the bottom of her mouth through the shadow.

He summoned his x-blade, "Oh? Who are you?"

The figure hessitated, he Keyblade still pointed at his face, "That's of no concern to you." there was a definite tone of shock in her voice, "And I should be asking that! What are you doing here?" she seemed to almost choke on the last question, as if she was about to cry. She must've realized it as well, "Leave, now." a portal opened under her, and she fell through. Noah stood there, confused, and slightly glad, Keybladers seemed to have made a comback since he'd been gone, which meant more possible allies.

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"Nice one I got her in range to find to. Rookies are so forgetful it's not even funny after a while till you get to mess with them a bit. Which I took pleasure of most of the time." Silently gazing at the spot now before mumbling something and turning to the computer before taping a few buttons. "I'm going back in there I must be insane........." Walking up to the other side as it scanned her before coming up on the screen in a black cloak with purple lines as she appeared to be able to see. "Tron were are you now........." She mumbled with a annoyed look as she began walking.

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(Just to Make her an official character now)


Name: Maya Chase

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Side: Light

Keyblade and other weapons: Redemption(it's a fan made keyblade that I found on a google search, I'm not taking credit for it though, cause it's not mine)

Posted Image

Your old keyblade master: Yen Sid

Appearance: Long, White hair, like Noah's, bright Green eyes, she wears an Organization Cloak, as a shout out to Rixku.

Bio: After being separated from noah for 10 years, they were finally reunited only for him to go missing two years later. She trained the last 10 years training under Yen Sid and gained a Keyblade, the Keychain is the one Noah gave her in System Replica(that's the only tie-in I'm going to do with it though). She has a strong sense of duty but also a good brain. She's decided to keep her identity a secret from Noah and Rixku for the time being.

Did you participate in "The Beginnings"?: I created it, what of it?(love arguing with myself)

Is your character the same as in "The Beginnings"?:Nope=)


Noah looked to Rixku, "Who is Tron? Sounds annoying." He scratched his head, "Man, I need a haircut." he said, thinking out loud.

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"A guy would know who that girl was or to check with my idea of who she is and i'm glad to have my sight in here." Looking around as she kept walking with Soul Eater at her side. She also appeared younger maybe 14 and shorter as well. "Now I have my Castle Oblivion age and looks for in here I wonder what Disney Castle would do to me at this point or even Halloween Town."

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Noah followed, "Great, now you can see? Make up your mine already."


The portal opened in The Mysterious Tower, "Yo! Old dude!" Maya walked out, taking her hood off.

Yen Sid looked up, he didn't seem to have changed, "I'm guessing he's back?"

Maya looked furious, "Yea, he's back! Why would he just suddenly be able to return? He has no idea what he's done!"

Yen Sid smiled, "You hide your joy well, young one."

"Shut up! How does he expect to fight the Mirrored?"

"I'm not sure he knows of their existance yet, but you have done well to fight them off so far, his addition may be what we need to erradicate them."

"Whatever..." Maya walked back through the portal, throwing her hood on.


Noah sneezed, "Damn allergies." He walked on in silence, making a comment or two, but nothing of rellevance.

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"She better of not touched that computer or so help me i'll get the brat............" Closing her other hand tightly before going on the path way as heartless appeared. Now saying a word as she slashed at any that got in her way as she continued up silently as she thought about everything right from the beginning.

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"Well, how long do you supposed we've been gone? Anyone could have touched that computer, maybe she should be the one getting mad at you?" Noah said, the first relevant sound he'd made in a while.

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"I know the little brat most likely did it. I know her from any where and how you can't tell is beyond me so i'll let you figure it out your own Noah since you're not helping!" Her dark tone returning as she shot a deadly glare at him before running even faster toward the computer where she could get a lot of information.

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"Well, I never said I was trying to help? And you're only just able to give me that glance 'cause you can now see again." Noah said, in a tone that burned with sarcasm, "If you've forgotten," he held out his hand, the x-blade appeared, "I'm still in control of this baby. And you're not a Nobody anymore, which makes me more powerful than you." he thought for a bit, and gained a slight smile, "She did seem familiar though, like, an old friend or something." He sat down and threw his head back, "MAN! Castle Oblivion must've REALLY messed up my memory, I blame you, by the way."


Maya walked out of the portal, infront of a castle in Radient Guarden, "Fools. They have no idea what they're even doing. I can't even believe they're jumping back without knowing anything." Suddenly, a Black dusk with an upsidedown Nobody symbol appeared infront of her. Then another, and another, suddenly they poped up everywhere. Maya summoned her Redemption Keyblade and held it at her side, "I knew you'd show up if he was here. Mirrored Nobodys, what trash." In a display of elegant spint and jumps, Maya quickly and systemattically destroyed each and every one of the Mirrored Nobodys. "Not even Rixku could controll them though, she'd get herself killed trying." Maya smiled, and pulled up her hood, "It's been a long ten years, but I can finally fight with you, brother."

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Coming to a stop as she looked at Noah glaring. "That still doesn't mean I won't do things like I did then dear Noah. You know what i'm done with this. I have something to do and i'm not having you around while I do it so how about this!" Rushing at Noah as she slashed both blades at him before backing up while Guardian returned to her side. "No one ever expects the nice girl to be a villain because i'm not the real Rixku! She's long gone cast into darkness where she belongs in the depths of her own heart! It's sorta like what happened to Riku except she'll never come back as long as I don't let her!" Looking demonic as she rushed at Noah again this time being throw of balance because of Guardian. It looked like it was glaring as it had blue eyes instead of yellow.

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Noah side-stepped and slashed at her with the x-blade, thenhit her in the back with the butt of the weapon, which was so wide it took up her whole back. "Wow, you really have been out of it. Rixku always attacks me, I've come to expect it, too bad for you, Zero Graviga!" Noah trapped her in an anti gravity field, "Now what to do with you?"

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"All I needed was a little distraction to get her out again. Taking control of Guardian and hiding in there waiting fr a chance to get out again is what she's doing. Thus why my eyes are yellow and the heartless are blue now that data-" Noticing what Guardian was holding as she became freaked out. "You mangy little brat!" Guardian appeared to have smiled as it let the data go in flames before crossing it's arms in a sign of winning. "Fine then enjoy yourself for now but i'll get you sooner or later." Vanishing as Guardian was left face palming.

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Noah looked on, not quite sure about what was happening, the explanation helped, but he was still ready to strike at any moment.


Maya continued to walk, Redemption was at her side, each time an enemy appeared, she struck it down in a fierce combination. Some were black dusks with upside down nobody symbols, others were white shadows with upside down Heartless symbols, but all were annoying.

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Guardian silently looked at Noah with a expression of disappointment over something but what was unknown as it looked like it was debating something before speaking. "Quit pointing....the key at......me Noah." It came out in a low sound unlike most but it could be understood as it continued staring at Noah this time out of concern as waited for Noah to reply.

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Noah's eyes narrowed, he lowered his x-blade, "Didn't know you could talk..." his tone was full of suspicion.


Maya came to a cliff, and looked down, she saw Noah starring at Guardian. Her face seemed bored, "Is he talking to that thing?" She pulled her hood down and backed away, "He's still as weird as ever, guess there's no helping that." Suddenly more Mirrored showed up, some Nobodys and some Heartless, but all were staring her down. She burst forward and swung at them, dispatching them one by one. As soon as she finished, she dropped to one knee, "I'm gonna need to rest for a while after this one."


Noah stared down Guardian, and gained a smirk.

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"She's going.........to die........if she......doesn't get......up soon............." Looking up as Guardian spotted Maya before spotting the thing that was going to try to kill her before something formed in Guardian's right hand. A small sphere of light as Guardian flung it the faint image of Rixku could be seen as she had a annoyed expression before throwing the light with a strong throw as a smirk appeared before it vanished like that before seeing Guardian with a expression of amusement as the Heartless behind Maya vanished.

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Noah looked up, but before he cold see anything Maya had put her hood up again. She stood up and looked behind her, "Hm, looks like some Norms are here too. Guess that's what happens." She turned and began to walk away, then she sensed something." She resummoned Redemption and jumped off the cliff. Her target had seemed to be Guardian but a Mirrored Nobody had appeared behind it. Maya landed, bringing the blade down on the Mirrored. She turned to Noah, who had seem the creature clearly, then to Guardian, "Now we're even." She bolted off down a narrow path. Noah followed.

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"Not so fast......" The form of Guardian seemed a bit more faded as Rixku's appeared a bit more clearly as she stood in front of the form of Guardian as she let her faded finger touch Maya's chin. "I need a little help now........my split little dark half........took my body while I was stuck doing this like her........." He voice seemed mixed with her own and the lower one as the form of Rixku seemed to fade again as she waited for an answer. "Hurry please.........I can't.......keep doing this.........much longer.......and Noah i'm asking........for you're help as.........well now."

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Noah stared at them, "Yea, sure..." he said quietly.

Maya waved off the faded hand, "I'm not in the business of helping a lost puppy." she began to walk off.

Noah glared at her, "Hey! Where do you get off acting like such a jerk?"

She turned, her face hidden by the hood, "I lost someone, ten years ago, he left me somewhere, and I was saved, by a different person. You and I, have different enemies. I'm here to keep them in check. So the only thing I have to say to you is; 'Beware those who may follow you, and cling to those who fight you'." She opened a portal, and walked though.

Noah stared, "Where did your body go?" He asked the faded image of Rixku.

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"Now I know why I hate Maya...........I don't know where it went but most likely they would be following Maya.........I sensed the........portal a little bit ago........just after Maya.........I say the Tower is the first place to check...........and I can't keep the faded image any longer..........." The faded Rixku image vanished as Guardian tilted her head before a slight expression of concern appeared before turning to anger as she seemed conflicted.

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Noah turned, "Okay then..." He held out his hand, and with all of his might he created a small portal. One of light, with darkness swirling inside, "This is gonna hurt." and it did. As soon as he walked through, the same pain he'd had in the mother portal came rushing in.


Maya appeared in front of the Castle, the one that Maleficent had used so many years before. Maya had learned of the castle from Noah, he'd read her a story one knight when she couldn't sleep. It wasn't that she'd been unable to read, it was that she'd just wanted him to read it. She jumped, from ledge to ledge, and finally came to the front door. she walked in, and stared at the figure in the hall, standing there waiting, "You're lighter half is quite annoying. I don't remember her being so, but then again, after ten years, my memory might be a bit warped, maybe I should check how well my memory is of her fighting skills." Redemption was summoned to her hand, and she stood, ready to strike.

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