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System Replica: True Core

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Noah felt disoriented after being pushed through, looking at what Rixku had become, he was conflicted whether or not to attack her, but decided to turn to Jeramiah instead, "Personally, Jeramiah, I'd be scared shitless..."

Jeramiah floated above the ground, "No matter, once a Nobody, always a Nobody. You may have gained some new powers, but it means nothing. I'll destroy you, once and for all." He dashed forward, propelling himself off of rocks, and swinging a handfull of Ethereal Blades down on her.

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Seeming somehow ticked off by Master as she disappeared again before anything could hit her before appearing again and giving a swing to get Master upside the head as she vanished again. "Is he ever going to shut his mouth and actual fit with a decent challenge or am I going to be left being board? I take that back he probably still has something to use on me..............." She though before disappearing again.

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Jeramiah swung around and his ethereal blades twirled around his wrists, creating two propellar-like weapons. He shot towards Noah, who in and attempt to block was thrown off his feet. Then he looked around for Rixku. Noah, in the meantime, got up and dashed for Jeramiah, 'If I can destract him, Rixku can finish it.' he thought. He swung the x-blade as it hit Jeramiah's propellar-things and was, again, thrown backward. Jeramiah jumped up and brought the propellars onto the x-blade. Noah could only try and hold the atack off for a little while longer. Meanwhile, Jeramiah's Keyblade wings were being restless, they went insane. Like they could sense an upcomming attack or something.

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Appearing behind Noah before slipping a hand over his shoulder before pushing him out of the way as she got once twice and then she struck with a blazing Firaga as she seemed to run out of energy lightly touching her head as it became bruised. "Got anything.....worth....a good.....challenge....Master....." She said this with spaces as it was low and hollow before using Reflecaga her best magic for a while.

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Jeramiah jumped back, realizing the reflectaga's strength. He then sent a thundaga at it and used his own reflect magic, systematically quadrupling the Thundada's power and sending it back at Rixku.

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Then nothing she limped to the ground looking normal as she was even redder and banged up yet she continued with the outrageous grin as she looked at Master with a warm smile. "So I finally go.......I gave it a lot and now i'm done........I shouldn't be so happy but it feels so right to me.......Noah you can handle things right?" Holding out her hand as a small light bit of light was hovering on it. "This is everything I have left I hope you make good use of it. It's something to be hold for sure and don't worry Ri will come soon for further help............"

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Noah watched as she dissapeared, he smiled, and held out his hand as the light entered it, "Right, I'll handle this tool." Noah pointed the x-blade at Jeramiah, "Well, I'm guessing you have maybe ten minutes tops to beat me and get away before you're screwed. As bad as Rixku could be, Ri scares me in comparison."

Jeramiah still moved slowly, "Seems like she would, then again, you were always a coward." Jeramiah dashed at Noah and began to strike at him in a series of swings that Noah blocked easily, as if that light had given him more strength. Noah fended off Jeramiah's strikes, and swung at his chest, creating a cut in Jeramiah's armor.

Noah smirked again, "Seems like you're loosin it, Old Man."

Jeramiah stood there, but hatred burned throughout his voice, "On second thought, I liked her better."

"Likewise." Noah said, his face turning serious.

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"Oh thanks for talking about me so kindly. Looks like my job as almost been completed before a little something comes up from the grave. She's now going to like me for it though." Standing not ten feet away from both of them as she had a more brighter style than Rixku as she wore bright blue and green. "Now let's get it on." As this was said Guardian appeared behind her as she got ready to fight. "Time to lose!"

(Rixku is tortured now by herself..........."

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Noah looked over, "Awesome, remember, wierd dude in Armor is the enemy...not me." Noah jumped back and sent a Firaga at Jeramiah, he easily deflected them but Noah had also sent a Thundaga at him, which he reflected easily, Noah was pushed back by the bolt, but it didn't do much damage, the x-blade was an effective shield.

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"Yaya I know what my job is and what she's going to kill me for." She mumbled before running as she shot a dark Firaga at Master before Guardian went in for slashing the part of the armor already ripped. Jumping back as she jumped uneasily on her feet ready to move out of the way if needed.

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Noah spotted a strange mark where Guardian had further ripped Jeramiah's armor. Noah jumped forward and brought the x-blade down on Jeramiah's head, but was blocked by the Ethereal Blades. Noah yelled, "Faith!" and the blades of light spun around him. A few of the Ethereal Blades broke, and Noah jumped back.

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"Okay Guardian let's finish this!" She quickly ran at him as she readied some magic. "Blizzard!" The ice shoot at Master before she gave him a spin kick as Guardian ripped the armor further. "Looks like you on you last legs Master!" A smirk appeared as she back up using Reflectaga incase something happened.

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Jeramiah flinched for a bit, "I...I refuse to...I REFUSE TO DYE HERE!" Suddenly the Keyblades shot out and went flying towards Noah, Jeramiah didn't even bother with with Ri, knowing the reflectaga spell well. Noah deflected all but one, which cut his arm so badly that if he'd been an inch to the left, it would have been cut off. "SEAL!" The Keyblades circled Noah, and sealed the wound, "You'll dye a slow and painfull death." His eyes narrowed and Noah fell to his knees.

"Ug...Darn...Curaga!" the spell appeared, but all it did was give him more energy, the wound was still as serious as before. Noah looked up at Jeramiah, the Keyblades swirled around him. Then Noah realized something he should have sooner, the hole in Jeramiah's armor, it was shaped like a Keyhole. It was a misshapen Keyhole, but a Keyhole nonetheless. Noah looked over to Ri, then pointed the x-blade at Jeramiah's chest a beam shot out from it, but it was blocked by the Keyblades. The only good thing, was that now Jeramiah's attention was completely on Noah, and that all the Keyblades had been needed to match the power of the x-blade. Noah nodded, seemingly to himself, and hoped Ri would pick up on the plan.

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"Screw it Master i'm going to give you a little reason to stay still!" Guardian vanished into darkness as Ri ran at Master. Jumping on his back as she pulled him getting him to kneel as she kept in on the ground with some added weight as she used the armor's weight to her advantage. "Get the keyhole before I get you!"

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Noah shot another beam, this time it hit Jeramiah right in the center of the Keyhole. There was a loud, deep, locking sound. And the next thing that happened, a brilliant glow erupted from the Keyhole. Jeramiah's armor disintergraded. The Keyblades shattered and the remaining Ethereal blades were erased. Jeramiah kneeled there, with an expression that seemed to be a mix of both absolute fear and intense shock. As Noah watched the scene, he blacked out.


A portal had opened in System Replica, a hand had appeared from it, and Maya took it, silently.


Noah saw System Replica shrink, and Kingdom Hearts appeared next to it in The World That Never Was. He saw a girl, dressed in a black cloak, her white hair visible and a Keychain in her hand. She smiled, and opened a portal, leaving the world, "Finally." was the only thing she said.

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Rixku somehow on the ground looked up hazily seeing nothing but black. "I'm unlucky can someone just kill me because i'm not going to become a walking blind girl!" She felt anger stopping right then as she put a hand on her chest feeling a heart beat. "This is going to be a long day now isn't it?" Slowly using some light as she used it to try to find someone. "Well you stick out like a sore thumb Noah."

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Noah stirred in his sleep, he'd heard a voice, and started to get up. He opened his eys, looked around, and plopped back down, in an attempt to fall asleep once again. He saw the girl he'd seen before appear from the portal, at The Mysterious Tower, "Home sweet home..." she said, depressingly. Noah's eyes shot open, and realized he was still in the Realm of Darkness.

He sat up, "Ug...how long have I been out?" He looked around, looking for anyone to answer his question.

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"I'd say a few hours at the most Noah. Your light and darkness make you stick enough for me to be able to find you from the Castle That Never Was now so be happy and get your ass so I can you out before you pass out again." She was a little annoyed but nothing new for anyone as she walked over to him still now able to see.

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Noah rubbed his head, "Looks like you're still a bucket of sunshine." He got up slowly, "Ug, I feel like I was hit by a train." He held out his hand, but nothing happened, "Right, so now I can't open portals, perfect." He looked at himself, a little beaten, but he seemed fine. He was still in control of both Light and Darkness, which was a good sign. "Guess I really haven't tried to open a portal since fusing with Anohx, o well, nothing like a good walk." he smiled sarcatically.

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"Think again I can open them still but I have no way of actually seeing which path to take but all Portals of Darkness cut through here so it means that we only have half way more to go." Proving it as she opened a portal as she held out her right hand. "Once a nobody always a nobody so can we get a move on before I leave you here in the dark were you could go insane from it?" This was a fact as she got more annoyed but still did not show it.

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Noah shrugged, okay, should I find your Seeing-Eye-Nobody for you? Or do you just wanna hold my arm?" He asked jokingly, he could see as well has he had before, and could tell she couldn't, which was just about as fun for him as poking a dead thing with a stick would be for her, and he knew it.

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"I rather leave you here and get eaten by heartless at this point. So i'd watch it before I turned the last statement into reality Noah." She gave what could of been a glare. The oddest thing was her eyes had gone gray possibly the reason she couldn't see. "Get over here and see if you can get us somewhere not infested with heartless." She twitched a bit as something didn't feel right to her.

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Noah smiled, 'At least somethings never change' he thought to himself. He went over and picked her up piggy-back style, "It's easier this way..." he said, feeling uncomfortable but not wanting to have to wait for her. He walked through the portal. As he walked, he felt severe pain, like the light in him was hurting, severly. The Darkness loved it though, which was probably why he didn't feel too much physical pain. They emerged in Radient Guardien. It looked brighter than the last time he'd been there. But that time they'd been attacked by a never-ending hoard of Heartless, this time, it was quieter. brighter, and alot less depressing. "Well this is different," he said, surprised.

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