Obi-wan 411 Posted November 6, 2011 "It's now your choice when I go and stay in this damn world!" Using some magic as she summoned a second Claymore that was white. Now using them as she would with Dual Keyblades except with more force and power. "And a old man like you won't stop me from keeping a promise with someone!' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted November 6, 2011 Jeramiah spun in a circle right as Noah had dashed infront of Rixku and tried to strike him. Noah's strike was deflected rather easily, and Jeramiah stabbed at Rixku with his claymore, which shone with an intense light. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 6, 2011 Using the light to her advantage she took it into her white claymore and used it to hit Master as she seemed to weaken a bit before coming back up with an unknown force. "I won't lose until I had my turn to save the world just like my other half as done times before me now is my end and beginning..............." Fading back to herself as she gripped her head giving Noah a tue smile for once before slipping into sleep. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted November 6, 2011 Jeramiah brought his Claymore up to smash Rixku, but Noah dashed over and grabbed her from the line of fire just before the Claymore came crashing down. He dashed over and put her down, "Damn, not what I need right now, but I'll manage, I guess." He turned toward Jeramiah and jumped toward him, slashing with the x-blade. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 6, 2011 Rixku's body tensed at this while she got slid out of the way. Faintly opening her eyes as she turned to gazed Noah with a gentle smile so unlike herself. "Maybe...I'll finally go away......I don't deserve to be here just like I never......have....." She wheezed as she talked seeing as her lungs got hit cause her breathing to become harder. "But I still got some fight......" Slowly getting up as she held her hands in a X fashion while a barrier formed between her and the two. "Light breaks through anything and protects all of them alike.........." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted November 6, 2011 Noah looked at Rixku, his expression was cold, "Hm..." he then flicked her ear and said, "Stop with the drama, if I have to keep you here, I will." He then held up the x-blade, "Curaga" and bells suddenly chimed over her, then he did it again, and agian. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 6, 2011 She didn't let the curaga's work on her instead she let them go Noah. "Like I said this is the end for me i'm not going to let you change that. I want to see my old friends again. Sora, Kairi, and even Riku I just don't want to be here anymore Noah." She said with s sympathetic look in here eyes as she focused on Master. "And finally the bad-ass girl of the adventure goes down taking the villain with her now isn't that right?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted November 7, 2011 Noah looked to Jeramiah, whose eyes had narrowed, then he spoke, "You and I are only connected through two of my sword hilts. This one, and my Number VII. But out of my remaining four, they are the weakest, you're waisting the last of your life. My Numbers I and XIII are enough to destroy an army, they won't have a chance." Jeramiah seemed to think for a bit, "Then again, even if you were of perfect health, you wouldn't be of any help. I suppose I should let you in, before you die. All of this was planned, I needed Noah to meld with Anohx to create this System Replica. Even now this one is merging with the true System Replica, into a force powerful enough to rival Kingdom Hearts itself!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 7, 2011 "Nothing can over power the heart of all light something I can get us to if I planned it out right Master......" She had a sly smile and a look of calmness as she eased up a bit. "Oblivion and Oathkeeper can come to my aid if I need them........." Proving the fact as they appeared in her hands in a cross fashion. "Kingdom Hearts with the power of the darkness of Heartless and Nobodies would beat this by a good number. Nobodies and Heartless bound together to help light to vanish a evil that was a threat to them........." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted November 7, 2011 Jeramiah's Claymore shattered, as did the hilt with the Number VII on it. Then he pulled his Number I and it turned into Xemnas' Ethereal blades, "Light and Darkness, Twilight even, they all mirror each other, and in the end, in the center of it all, is me!" HJe rushed forward and barraged the barrier. Noah could see cracks appearing on it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 7, 2011 "Thanks for helping me!" Pulling out a card with a picture of Xemnas on it and another with Mickey as she gave him a devilish grin. "I got these from Castle Oblivion. There called alley cards and I have someone to help beat the heck out of you!" Holding out the cards as they glowed before a copy of Mickey and Xemnas appeared as allies for Rixku. "Get him!" She started repairing the barrier as the two allies swung at Master. "I love the treasures of being in Organization XII." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted November 7, 2011 Jeramiah destroyed the Mickey soon enough, surprisingly, the Xemnas held out pretty well, Noah stood up, "I'm going out there, I have to, if only to destroy him once and for all, while he's busy." He'd meant to think that all, but he'd said it loud and clear. He'd meant it to be an inspirational thought, but he felt stupid for saying it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 7, 2011 "I'll keep him busy with himself then." A sly smile appeared again as she pulled out a card with Master on it. "I love my job."Holding out the card as her second alley became the Master copy with a more light appearance as it two rushed at Master. "Try taking out yourself Master. The better half to say.........." She grinned as the Xemnas alley was healed constantly so she could keep up a good fight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted November 7, 2011 Noah burst from the barrier with new hope, three on one, even though two of them were fakes, they were strong fakes, on his side nonetheless. Jeramiah spun, and shouted, as if praying to his allmighty god, "Oh System Replica, Grant Your Master the Power you Possess!" Suddenly he glowed, and another Jeramiah appeared, they looked exactly the same, except this Jeramiah had no weapons, instead, he grabbed the Number XIII hilt and it turned into Oathkeeper and Oblivion, "Noah, I will destroy you, and Unite System Replica!" He dashed at Noah, who blocked his attack. They began fighting feverishly, the Keyblades giving this Replica Jeramiah New Found Power. And it was only a Matter of time until the other Jeramiah beat the fakes, then he'd have to deal with that as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 7, 2011 Glaring as she continued to heal the allies faster and faster. Doing this they sped up becoming more powerful as she smirked. "As long as I stand here they do to!" Holding up a card with two hearts connecting. The allies gained the symbol on the front of their coats as did Rixku. "There here as long as I am!" She continued healing as she smirked knowing what was to come. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted November 7, 2011 Noah slashed, then defended, in a pattern. The battle fell into a rut quickly. On the other hand, the orrigional Jeramiah was having more trouble, therefor, he split into another clone, and this one came with his own Ethereal Blades, taking on the Fake Xemnas and separating it into three battles. It wasn't getting very far, each battle seemed pretty equal, then Noah jumped, breaking the cycle, and shouted "Quad Cast!" all five of the others were caught in the Zero Gravity field that was transcendance, then barraged by Faith, Salvation, and Ars Arcanum. "Sorry!" he shouted to Rixku as he jumped back. All three Jeramiahs stood up, "You'll pay for that you insolant brat!" Suddenly they all lit up with a brilliant light, and merged together, he was in armour, which seemed to look like a crystalized Organization Cloak. He had skelletal wings on his back, which upon further inspection were actually eight keyblades floating behind him, moving as if they were allowing him to fly, in his hands were thirteen ethereal blades each, they swirrled around his wrists. "Face the true power of System Replica!" Jeramiah screamed, diving in to attack. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 7, 2011 Rixku got beat up a bit but shaked it off as she continued healing. "I won't lose to an old man now. I still got something left in me. Light that could destroy even the most terrible darkness!" She stood up while she kept healing everyone as she placed light mines on the field. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted November 7, 2011 Jeramiah laughed, "You think this is the work of Darkness? HA!" He glided along the field, then sent the Keyblades out to detonated the light mines, they swiftly returned, "No, this is Light at it's finest! Light so bright that it's followers fear it! Darkness joins with it, Twilight worships it! This is Dawn! You should know this power very well, or atleast, know of it...Since it's what Riku chose for'd that work out by the way? Oh yea, he got a two-bit Nobody who can't admit she's lonely and wants some fwends! Ha! Piti-" Noah jumped in and slammed the x-blade down, but Jeramiah stopped him with his ethereal blades, "You'll have to do better than that!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 7, 2011 "Never ever do you compare like that to Riku!" At her breaking as her anger fueled the darkness she had. "This is the last time you make fun of me, RIku, or anyone else!" Running at Master as she threw a punch infused with both light and darkness. "He was better than others when it came to darkness! I won't let you insult him that way!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted November 7, 2011 Noah shouted, "Rixku don't!" but it was too late, the Keyblades flew out and then hit her with a barrage, then he systematically slapped her with the Ethereal blades of his left hand. Before he could finish the assault, Noah jumped in and shouted again, "Quad Cast!" This time it was only Jeramiah who took the attack, though Rixku was close enough to get some of the healing properties of Faith and Salvation. Jeramiah jumped back, seemingly unharmed, "I never though she would be the one to fall with some mere mockery, that was always my expectations for you, Noah." Noah shrugged, "I hate this, but I kinda agree with you there." He stood in a defensive position infront of Rixku. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 7, 2011 "This is something I got to do......" Spiting out some blood as the allies appeared at the verge of knocking out as they vanished into thin air. "I won't go-" Coughing up some more blood as she had the biggest smile of her life. "Why don't you play fair? I think I got the perfect spot for it to. One rather close to me or a few others to say............" She looked pale as her eyes looked weak and blood shot. The rest of her was covered in blood and scratches yet she didn't show even the slightest notice of them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted November 8, 2011 Jeramiah had joy in his voice, "Fair, this battle ground was chosen by you! It was your choice to come here, Noah tried to get you to go back...Then again, I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for him. I believe I should thank the both of you then." Noah scowled at him, then looked to Rixku, she was in no condition to be fighting like this. Noah burst forward and sent Firaga after Firaga at Jeramiah, who brushed them off as easily as swatting a fly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 8, 2011 "I didn't say this was the place I wanted to fight in though. So want to make this even more interesting and going to my battle field?" She kept her grin on as her body didn't give up on her as she seemed to get stronger somehow. "Unless you're scared to leave here and not take any risks. I say that your such a bloody coward but we already know that." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted November 8, 2011 Jeramiah was probably grinning, but Noah couldn't see through his helmate, "From where I stand, you are the bloody one." He began to laugh. Noah looked on, she definately had something up her sleeve, but he couldn't tell what it was. As far as Noah was concerned, he wanted to end it there, it wouuld save time and energy when they went to destroy the Core. But maybe destroying the Core wasn't the best idea. He stood up straight, "Fine, you win, we'll change locations, Right Jeramiah?" Jeramiah turned to Noah, "As you wish, with the sorry state she's in, the difference in strength between you and me, and the fact that your other friend is smart enough to stay out of the battle, I won't be loosing, either way." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted November 8, 2011 "Now that doesn't mean I don't got any tricks now. Far from that Master so here we go." Jumping back as she slipped into a portal a slight sly smirk on her face before she let Guardian push them through as well. "Now I wouldn't do this normally but it's my only choice at this point........." Landing on what looked to be the Shore in the Realm of Darkness as Rixku looked drained. "Marluxia was able to transform in Castle Oblivion just like some or maybe all nobodies and now i'm going to do that same.........." Seemingly vanishing for a second before reappearing looking like with hazy blue eyes sticking out as she silently looked at Master. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites