KeyOfVentus 90 Posted October 27, 2011 Noah summoned his Keyblades, "No cards, that makes the battle good already." He turned, facing Rixku, "So...only one of use will make it out of here? That kinda sucks. But...Likewise, I hope you win, if only cause you're a friend. Now...Let's finish what we started durring my exam." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted October 27, 2011 Shaking her head before running at Noah. She ran him while stepping from one side to the other so it made it look like she vanished and reappear on both sides. Coming behind him swiping as she shouted something, "Firaga!" She hit him in the head with this backing up by jumping a bit almost falling as her leg severed with pain. "Not the leg again.............." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted October 28, 2011 Noah fell to the ground after taking the hit, he still weak from his fight with Marliuxia, 'Damn, a Quad Cast would destroy us both, there's no way I can try that again, but maybe...' he thought. Slowly, he got up, "Curaga..." he muttered, healing himself just enough to be useful to himself. The he saw a flash of pain hit Rixku's face, 'She's probably just as weak as I am, if not weaker, I...I might be able to pull this off.' thinking again. He bolted forward and threw his Fatal crest at her, then jumped, and put all his strength into his Aubade as he brought it down on her shoulder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted October 28, 2011 Gritting her teeth as she pushed both Noah and his keyblade flat onto the Station of Awakening. Breathing heavily as she let four little dots from around her. One made a fire, one made of ice, one made of thunder, and one made of gravity grew around her as she barely stood on her part of the Organization XII Awakening. "Multi Element Clash!" letting the balls line in front of her as they went after Noah before she slashed once with each ending it with a hit into the Awakening as it started to crack. She thought she won till she started falling back almost over the edge. "I guess it's it for me now............" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted October 28, 2011 Noah jumped back just enough for the orbs to just barely miss him, 'Not sure I can do that again,' he thought. Then he saw Rixku falling and he ran forward, trying to stop the fall. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted October 28, 2011 Almost all the way of the edge she looked oblivious to everything else that was even around her. "And gone again but it still might not be for good though. Try finding what I gave up and maybe something good would happen to you or me to say..........."Falling all the way into darkness. She woke some where else with a thud as she looked around with blurred vision. "Ah crap.........." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted October 28, 2011 Naoh saw her fall, as he ran he thought, 'Crap, is this really how she's gonna go down? If Shade could see this, no.' He ran over and caught her as she fell, by then, she'd already passed out. "Whew..." he said, relieved. A portal opened, and he pulled her up, carrying her on his back, walked through the portal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted October 28, 2011 "Let me go................" She tried to say this as nothing came out. Pushing away from Noah noticing another problem. "No not aged again. Must be around twelve at this point..........." Still quiet when she tried to say this. Starring at herself for a minute before running into a Dark Portal away from Noah and everything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted October 28, 2011 Noah tried to follow, but the portal closed before he could, "Why does she always have to do that?" "I don't know, why don't you ask her next time you meet up?" Noah turned to see who was talking, and instantly summoned both Keyblades once he saw Anohx standing there, in a brown cloak, "Is that anyway to treat yourself?" "You're not me..." Noah growled. "Oh? Last time I checked, you never finished the job...So I guess you're partly right. We're not the same, if I was I wuss like you, I'd stab myself, well...when I found the courage to anyway. Don't you remember your Mark Of Mastery Exam? I was the moderator, but I dissapeared for most of the fighting, because you were using my power. Look! You're even using MY Keyblade!" "Take it." he threw the Fatal Crest away, "At least then we can settle this properly." Anohx sighed, "If only, If only. I'm projecting myself, to anyone around you, you're talking to yourself. Only you can see me, I can't hold that Keyblade unless you put yourself to sleep and fight me in your mind, but I might take over as we fight, and destroy a bunch of stuff while we're at it..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silvia Kuroi 1,480 Posted October 28, 2011 "Ok...Wait...what?!" Zexion sighed. "You wish to see your friends, yes? You will have to out-smart me if you wish to do so." Silver sighed. "Look." He said, "I Just fought some creepy guy named Vexen, and i don't have the time for this. So would you just GET OUTTA MY WAY!" SIlver yelled, knocking into Zexion, and the two of them landed several feet away. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted October 28, 2011 "There's also the matter of the x-blade," Anohx stated, still projecting himself in Noah's mind, "We both have reason not to obtain such a weapon," "Oh?" Noah said, his foice still full of hate, "What's my reason?" Anohx smiled, "Well, do YOU want to be the one to let the doors of Kingdom Hearts open and allow vast amounts of Darkness to swallow the light?" Noah's eyes widened, and he sighed, "Thank you, we'll have our fight one day, but for now, I'd appreciate it if you go back in my head. I have places to go. "Oh! One last thing!" Anohx, made as if he were trying to stop Noah from leaving, "There is a way for someone like you to get to the realm of Darkness, but the time that passes for her, won't be the same as if for you." Noah looked confused, "Wait...What? Why would time be different for Rixku?" "Not her..." Anohx finished before vanishing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted October 28, 2011 Rixku landed not to far away from how drained she was. "Kingdom Hearts is light Anohx! Man do I have to repeat what I did for Ansem and Xemnas!" She looked about ready to pull off her ears so she wouldn't have to listen to this. Then thinking off a better way she calmly summoned two keyblades. One being Fetal Crest and the other was Aubade. Both where longer than Noah had but still where the exact same keyblades. Twirling it slightly as she began to slip away hopefully unnoticed. Her luck however wasn't so could as Noah had lost his keyblade. "Long day alright now............." She mouthed before running. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted October 29, 2011 Noah opened a portal, "Kingdom Hearts itself is light...but it's also the door to the Realm of Darkness, I'll need that x-blade at some point...I know it." He looked at his Aubade, "It's good I have only this one for now, it's better that way, this way, he'll be less likely to temp me, though, I have been training these past two years to dual wield...whatever. Not like i'm just gonna hapen upon another, so better get going." he walked through and appeared in Victus Domum, once again. Although, this was, the real one, not an illusion. Even though it still looked the same. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silvia Kuroi 1,480 Posted October 29, 2011 Zexion kicked Silver off of him, and summoned his Lexicon. "Fool. I lied. Your friends are too busy too remember you. You don't even remember thier names, don't you?" Zexion said, flipping through the book. "SHUT UP!" Silver yelled, taking out his own Ultima. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted October 29, 2011 (Rixku can't talk any more for now so everything is what she's thinking) "I can't believe it but my job's to watch him now ever since then............." Watching Noah from higher up before turning as her eyes reflected both Kingdom Hearts. One eyes a bright circle appeared as the other one had a dull black one. "The copy and reverse of the true one. The black one leads to 'The Middle' and let's darkness enter. The other leads to the Realm of Darkness and let's light come. Together they are in balance. I guess Xemnas's copy was pretty good as the real one is hidden away for now................" She glanced at Noah twirling the blades making a whoosh sound before slowly following around making a bit of noise from up above. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted October 29, 2011 Noah thought he heard a twirling noise, which was strange, since Jeramiah had wiped almost all life from the world, "Probably nothing." he said. He walked to the castle, "Time to get a good look of this place." he walked into it, searching eveything he could. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted October 29, 2011 Lightly walking from behind as she studied the place closely. "Never has been very good at stuff has he? I wonder why here and that girl? I think I got an idea on who she was..........." Not being able to continue as she meet face first into a vase stumbling back before a crash happened. "That wasn't helpful for me was it?" Quickly as she could after seeing Noah spot her she ran toward the stairs rushing to do down. "New tricks for me that hopefully won't kill me..............." Jumping on one blade and sliding down the stairs as it went to a basement as she landed flat on her face. "I swear he laughs i'm going to kill him..............." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silvia Kuroi 1,480 Posted October 29, 2011 Silver ran towards Zexion, but Zexion muttered "Aeroga." Blowing Silver into the water. Silver groggily got up. "Zexion. You don't want me to do this." Zexion raised an eyebrow. "And what is this you are going to do?" Silver snapped his fingers. "Firaga!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted October 29, 2011 Noah turned, "Rixku? Whoever, they're heading downstairs, " He opened a portal to the basement and stepped out right as she landed on her face. He stared at her for a while, unable to really say anything. "I thought you went your own way...a bit frantic too weren't you? Then again, you must've picked something up from me." He knelt down next to her, "Cause before, if you had to tail me, you'd never make such an idiot's mistake..." Then he noticed the Keyblades, Fatal Crest and Aubade, though, a bit longer, "So...Where'd you get the new toys?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted October 29, 2011 Giving Noah her best glares as she looked herself over. She had finally managed to break something. Her left leg that already had enough problems with limping was now broken. "I swear if this doesn't straighten out i'm going to kill myself soon or later..........." Letting Fetal Crest go because it was the shortest she used Aubade to keep herself up as she began to think of how to get out of here. "Having a voice would of helped me as this point..................." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted October 29, 2011 "What's with the glares? Come on, just answer." That's when he noticed the leg, "Woah...Hold on." Noah opened a portal and stuck his hand through, pulling it out he had some bandages and medical tape. "I train on my own, have to learn the normal way to heal people, ya know?" He looked around for something straight, that could be used as a splint. He summoned his Aubade and cut up a table he found around the corner. Taking the best piece left, he returned, and ripped off the sleeve of his shirt, and tied it into a ball, "Bite down on this, and don't kill me..." Suddenly, he snapped her leg back into position. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silvia Kuroi 1,480 Posted October 29, 2011 The giant fireball slammed into Zexion, and an explosion ensued. When the dust cleared, all that remained of the Cloaked Schemer was his burnt book. Silver walked over to it, and the book crumbled into ash. A new card appeared. "Great. Two of those guys down. Lets see where this card desides to take me." He said, throwing the card out to sea. Before it sunk, a door opened. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted October 29, 2011 Glaring even more with a demonic smile as she used her good leg to throw him off his feet and onto the ground. When she did this her bad leg gave in while she fell on her ass. Her eye twitched before taking a deep breathe and returning to glare at Noah not as badly however. "This is going to be a really long day isn't it? I better get used to it now don't I?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted October 29, 2011 Noah stared at her, "I'll pretend that was just a reaction to your leg," He got up and walked over to her, taking the piece of wood and putting it under her leg, as carefully as possible. Then he proceeded to wrap the bandages around it, then the tape. "And just to be safe," He again pulled out his Aubade, "Cura. Sorry, can't heal you fully, think of it as payback." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi-wan 411 Posted October 29, 2011 Rolling her eyes as she took her hand near her broken leg as she peeled off the stuff. "Curaga!" She though as her leg went back to just having to limp with it before standing and taking her Aubade and thwacking Noah hard upside the head before beginning to think again. "Why the hell couldn't he of let me fell instead of this? I will get him some nice pay backs though.............." Giving him a demonic smile at the thought before holding Aubade behind her as she began to head up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites