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System Replica: True Core

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"He can't even see the illusion of this place. It isn't even a floor. Castle Oblivion is trying to trick him like others now. But it's not my problem now so i'll be on my way." Turning around and heading down as she continued to think about what he said. "Guardian why is that name so familiar to me............."

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Noah's eyes narrowed, "Wait, is this gonna be some sorta time-paradox thing? I hated going through this place once never mind again for all of eternity!" He got up, and opened a portal of light, "I'm skipping out, there's still too much to be done for me to be stranded here." He walked through and appeared in a white room, "What the heck?" he asked, as he looked at a large pod, "Um...awesome, now what the hell's this?"

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"Ah back in sight and in confusion now isn't he? This place is something I want to burn to the ground but I haven't figure out where it is. Sora will be here soon thanks to the girl named Namine. All because of her i'm going to lose so much of what little to nothing that a nobody can get." Starring at Noah while sitting on the pods top letting on leg fold over the other that was going over the edge. "Now I ask this. How would you be able to see a place that isn't a part of 'your' memories now Noah wasn't it?"

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The mystrious person quickly attacked Silver, wih Silver barely getting his Ultima out in time. The enemy was clever and magically superior. However, SIlver was stronger, and quite a bit faster. He managed to easily get under the enemies guard, and slice the blcack cloak. "Augh! You fool! This coat was specially made for me!" The starnger wailed. SIlver shrugged, kicking him in the chest.

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Noah turned, "I don't know, been doing it half the time I've been here anyway.you guys are just too incompitant to figure out I was here. And Sora's before my time! We're dealing with a different threat now! One that truely uses Darkness to it's full potential! I don't have time to waste here! If I had know this would take so long, and that I had to use these STUPID cards, I never would have followed Rixku!"

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Listening intently to his shouts as she put the picture together. "So I must get something good eventually from what i'm hearing. Actually getting followed by someone that cared. Odd but I don't how to explain it really. I'll give you a deal. This had to be a memory of the other Rixku right? I could help you find her if you do me a favor. Marluxia is being a pain in the ass right now. If you could I don't know beat him up a bit i'll get you straight to her. I never break a deal so she should come to me and you but only if you do what i've asked of you Noah. SO we got a deal?" Jumping down as she held out her hand now even a foot away. Before leaning into this ear. "Do this you escape. You don't i'll make sure it doesn't happen as I call Marluxia and the others down here to you to finish ya off Noah." Whispering this with a sly and sweet tone if he said no to it.

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The stranger stumbled back, allowing Silver to make one more smack with the Ultima to knock him out cold. "Impossible...no one out smarts.....Vexen..." The stranger mumbled, disappearing into a corridor, and dropping a card.

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Noah smiled, "Ah, always the Devil's little Princess aren't you?" He thought for a bit, "I'm not sure how much help I'll be, these cards don't agree with me ya know? But...I can't stop here. The way you make it sound, there's more of you guys, so if I have to deal with just one of you, instead of the lot of ya, I'll take the one." He shook her hand, "So where do I find this Marluxia guy?"

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"Well i'm glad somethings never change. Marluxia is the pinked haired guy. He uses a scythe and flower petals. He's been called the most gay member we have but don't doubt him or your poor head will be chopped off. He should be on the 7th floor which I can get you too. And just for fairness i'll be a party member so you can use my card to fight with some strength. My card when summoned once does a three slash combo before getting all of you cards back. Get three of them and you get a Blitz Light and all health, cards, and power restored in a heart beat. So you ready or what?" Stepping back a few feet giving him a devilish grin before waiting for his answer to her questions and answers. "Oh ya and we got him, Axel, Vexen, Larxene, and Zexion still alive to get ya as well."

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"Yea, I'm ready, " Noah said, doubtfully, "I'm guessing he's in charge, or else you wouldn't have me fight him." Noah imagined a pink haired homosexual with a large scythe, and couldn't help but smile. "Well, it'll be an entertaining way to die if nothing else."

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"I wouldn't say that yet and here is my card." Holding out to him a card with head shot of her with a mild smile and a white and gray backroom was behind it. "The first step always comes with 0 just like this card Noah now to Marluxia if you're ready to get beat up a bit." Opening a Portal of Darkness before waiting for Noah smiling to herself. "Now to the next test of Castle Oblivion and even I can see the victor in this round and it doesn't seem pretty for one guy............" Laughing a bit to herself as she motioned for Noah to go first.

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Noah looked at the portal, "You're better at convincing people later on, just so you know, get to practicing." He walked through, appearing in a large white space, "Why am I not surprised? You guys gotta get a new color scheme, this place could use some green, or even purple, heck, shoot it with some pink and I'd be fine, but enough with the white!" Noah said jokingly as he looked around.

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"I rather like the color actually but you have to blame Xemnas for most of it in The Castle That Never Was but this place came like it was now and by the way I see pink at o'clock Noah........." Pointing at Marluxia before giving Marluxia a glare. "You know Axel should of killed you by now so why the heck aren't you dead right now Marluxia??"

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Noah stared at Marluxia, "...Wow, his hair...is AWESOME!" Then remembering he's supposed to be fighting this guy, "Eh, whatever, how 'bout we just get to it. What'd ya say Luxi?"

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"Man you're going to get yourself killed because your talking to like that.........." Pointing to Marluxia's angered expression. She face palmed before continuing. "If more come just don't make fun of them or they'll rip you to bits so byebye.........." Vanishing in some light as the battle begun.


"I remember this all to well now............" Rixku the real one stood leaning on a wall as she watched the two. "Well she was right after all but you still got to fight him or i'm gone like she told you. Oh ya gay Marluxia please if Axel gets to you burn to death like Vexen just did a bit ago." Throwing a card with a older Rixku in the white vest and a older Riku in his vest from KH2. "Use them together and you get a great combo so I guess i'll see ya on the final floor now Noah." Turning and going through yet another door.

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Noah scratshed his head, "I was serious, but okay..." He grabbed a card which seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, "Uh...Rixku."

"It's a rare sight for someone to have so many memories this far into the Castle." Marluxia taunted.

"Well," Noah replied, turning, "Guess that makes me different then, that's okay, I always have been." He rush for Marluxia, baring both Keyblades.

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At the final door as she held out a card printed with a Station of Awakening on it. "My final battle, his test, and to see if I really can go back after everything i've done now. May the best be good and no cards to slow anyone down either. That means no help at all after going through the final test of Castle Oblivion now Noah I wish you luck as you enter and pray that you're the winner." Walking through as she was enclosed in light.

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Noah had two of the cards he needed, two Rixku cards at level 0. Marluxia was a tough opponent, and it was easy to understand how he could give Rixku trouble, especially if she was a few years less experienced as she'd been when they met. Noah didged, slashed, jumped back, and repeated the sequence over and over again. Marluxia laughed and taunted him, "What's wrong? Can't find an opening?"

Noah jumped back for the umpteenth time, breathing heavily, "I'm just getting started," Finally, he found the third card, and grabbed it, 'Now to just figure out the right time.' He thought to himself.

"FOOL!" Marluxia rushed forward and slashed at Noah, who sidestepped and then yelled, "Blitz Light." He hid Marluxia three times, and gained a new hope, as he continued to strike the Nobody even after the attack had ended.

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Now on a Station covered in Nobody Symbols and had a circle with each member of Organization XII starting with Xemnas and going clockwise to Xion. Rixku now having her white vest and jeans on. Her hair undone and shorter than she wanted. Standing on her circle at the other end of the Station was the younger one with a smile. "This should be enjoyable when i'm on the otherside........" Glancing at the older one who had a deep expression of anger, worry, and loss.

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"Why you!" Marluxia warned, holding himself up with his scythe after the flurry of attacks. Noah had made sure he wouldn't be moving as fast as before, focusing his extra attacks on his arms and legs.

"You're welcome." He then threw three level 9 cards together and rushed forward, "Quad Cast!" suddenly, he fired off Faith, Salvation, Trancendence and Ars Arcanum attacks all at once, barraging Marluxia as he'd done to Rixku in his exam. As the attack ended, Noah jumped back, and fell to one knee.

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The younger Rixku vanished as she was knocked out of the way and off the Station. "I wish you the best of luck after i'm gone Noah..........................." Now in the middle as she waited for Noah to get to the final floor.

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Noah stood, and walked away from the injured man, figuring his time would come. "There, now, keep you end of the deal." he yelled, hoping Rixku could hear him. He walked through the door.

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Staying silent as Noah walked on to the Station of Awakening. The opening her mouth and talking smoothly and calmly to Noah. "The final test of Castle Oblivion and only one will survive this. I only hope you come the victor Noah............." Taking out both blades as she got ready to fight. "No cards for this fight so I hope you enjoy it now............."

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Silver walked aimlessly around the island, not finding anything interesting in particular, that is, til' he found another person in a coat. "Um...who are you?" Silver asked. The boy turned, his long blue hair swishing. "I am number two. The data replica of Zexion." The replica replied.

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