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System Replica: True Core

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"Over there," Ohxan said in a casual manner, as he pointed to a limping Rixku, "Yep, don't like that light does she?"

Noah tilted his head, "She always seemed to tolerate it..." he thought a bit and realized he'd never seen Rixku in a heavily lighted area., "Nevermind, Rixku!" he yelled after her, running to her.

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Face palming before leaving her search as she did a clone trick making two more of herself pointing at Noah as they went after them. "Last floor is next and maybe i'll find it. Come on Guardian we need to get up there and do something............." Fading away again with Guardian behind her giving Noah a sad glance before vanishing all the way.

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Noah hessitated before fighting the clones. Unfortunately for him it would have been alot easier for him if he didn't have to deal with the stinkin cards. "Castle Oblivion, God I hate this place." he said as he managed to block one of the clones.

Ohxan seemed to be having fun, "Come on Man! It's all a game! It's not that hard! YOU CAN DO IT!" the last part was spoken with a deeper voice.

"Would you SHUT UP AND DEAL WITH THESE CLONES!" Naoh somehow managed to stab one through, and afterwards he hessitated to move, until he had to as a clone came up and kicked him in the face, "OW!" he said, holding his nose. "Oh Screw it!" He summoned his Fatal Crest and started swinging like crazy, not caring what he hit or what cards were being used.

Oxhan found the whole thing a riot, "HAHA! Dude that was hysterical!"

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A dump struck expression came to the last clone at Noah's tries to hit him as it snickered backing up. Giving Noah a smile as it bowed before speaking. "You're a nitwit now in my view. I guess I best be gone now though." Finishing the bow before vanishing in a burst of light.


"Door number ten is going to be a pain in the ass now. Castle Oblivion from my memories. Riku and Replica the most unwanted to be seen by now.............." Holding the card to the door as she entered her last challenge in Castle Oblivion.

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Noah seemed depressed, "Nitwit? That's cruel..." he said, before the memory faded.

Ohxan stood next to him in Castle Oblivion, he elbowed him playfully, "I think we're almost done."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, it could be that I just know this place very well, or it could be that this next card has a picture of...well, here."

Ohxan showed Noah the card, sure enough, it was Castle Oblivion, "So I guess this mean we've come full circle?"

Ohxan clapped, "Good job, maybe Nitwit wasn't the right term, what about 'mildly stupid'? Yea, you're Mildly Stupid!" Ohxan seemed pleased with himself.

Noah snatched the card from him, "Let's go, the sooner I can get out of here and get rid of you the better." Noah held the card up, then though it redundant, and just opened the door, continuing through the floor.

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Noah looked around, "This is SO BORING!" he said, exagerating the last word.

Ohxan glared at him, "You know, we're still like, two stories to the top, I wonder why we're already walking through the halls. Maybe something's wrong with her."

"Who?" Noah asked, trying to find something to take his mind off the emptyness of the halls.

"You'll see."

"Thanks..." he said sarcastically.

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Silver calmly walked through the worlds, not even bothering with the people. There just data. He told himself, The don't exist. Just go with what Ansem said. I have to find....find... SIlver realized he had forgotten whom he was looking for in the first place. "Did you not know?" A voice said, "Castle Oblivion is a place of mystery. Here, to Lose is to Find, and to Find is to Lose."

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Noah walked on, "This sucks...I'm just putting that out there." he waited for a response, and realized there was none, "Yo Nobody Me? Where are you?" he turned around and saw Ohxan had dissapeared.

"Looking for me?" suddenly, Noah saw Ohxan, but it wasn't. He had his hood up, "You look familiar. Guess I was meant to meet you here." He summoned an Aubade and a Fatal Crest, but they also weren't, Noah stared at him, "You wanna fight? But you're my Nobody! What's the point of that? it's like fighting myself!"

Ohxan shrugged and ran towards him.

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"This is interesting to say the very least. But why this look and what floor am I on now..............." Looking at her aged body now the age of fourteen when she went into Castle Oblivion. Guardian remained unchanged while hovering behind her. "I need to find Riku, Ansem's, and the other Organization members without being seen by myself or make it so she doesn't figure it out. I know where are on the fourth floor but where is Sora?"

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Duck, swing, look at a card, do it again. Noah fell into a rut, quickly. He couldn't tell how long he'd been fighting his Nobody, but he was almost out of steam. Suddenly, Ohxan stabbed the ground next to Noah, and unleashed a massive fireball, which destroyed the floor, multiple floors.

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"That sound. The two guys they where. Oh crap there going to die when I get up there with Marluxia, Axel, and Vexen. I have have to save the two idiots now don't?!" SHe began running as she listened for the other Rixku, Marluxia, Axel, and Vexen to see if she could stop them before they got to Noah and Ohxan. "There going to pay for this one..........."

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Noah stared at the hole in the floors, it definately spanned at least two or three floors, all the white made it difficult to see the true damage. Ohxan looked to him, "Well? That's our power, destruction! Isn't it great?"

"You call that great? How many enemies do you think are here? And how many of them do you think you've just attracted? This isn't great! This is gonna get us killed!"

Ohxan shrugged, "Eh, maybe, but what a great story it'll be!"

Noah rushed toward him and stabbed the Nobody in the chest, "You weren't even supposed to exist." he said under his breath. Ohxan faded, and Noah was alone.

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(Lol guess which one it is?)

"Well that was show now but I must ask this. How did you even get into Castle Oblivion when we have all kinds of nobodies preventing anyone from coming in now? Oh well i'll just have to deal with the trash. Any last words before I deal with you?" No hood with a demonic smile on her face she summoned Soul Eater before getting into a battle stance as she waited for Noah's move. "I guess i'll ask this though. What's your name?"

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(Gonna guess Ri)

Noah looked at her, with a cold icy stare, something about destroying his own Nobody seemed to have put him in a bad mood, "My name is Noah Chase, but you should know that, the demonic smile gave you away." Noah, with his two Keyblades already out, rushed towards the hodded girl and slashed at her, with a level 9 card, and a level 6 card.

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Silver walked on, not fased by the mysterious voice, nor the loss of his memories. "I-I don't seem to remember whom were looking for. Did you hear the voice? It said something about losing and finding." Silver said to Psymond. He walked up to the next door, but was blocked by a shadow. "The way to the next room is blocked." The shadow said, "Your friends are in there. I have the card, but i'm not willing to give it up to an incompetent like you." The shadow summoned an icy shield. "Oh no. You'll have to fight me for it."

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Noah fought hard, but his mind was elsewhere, there was a memory, one he just couldn't shake, one of...a girl? She looked exactly like him, but Noah couldn't think of who she was, but his memories had returned, so...How was it he couldn't remember her. Suddenly he made the wrong move and fell into the hole Ohxan had made, catching himself with his Keyblades, "Focus!" he told himself, before using the weapons to pole-vault himself back up, "Gotta Focus."

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(Sorry this is really young Rixku)

Playing a level 8 Soul Eater card before speaking. "My name is Rixku or who used to be was Riku. You're not from here and you're not a nobody either. So how did you get here?!" Getting a stock with a 6 Soul Eater, a 8 Soul Eater, and a 9 Soul Eater for a total of 23 as a ability became ready to use. "Okay try this for size! Light's Redemption!" Rushing at Noah as she slammed him with Soul Eater before launching him in the air hitting him with little orbs of light and ending it as she slammed him to the ground. Now limping on her right leg as she waited for him. "Now if you didn't make it through that.... You must be weak to now make it to say."

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Noah stood up, "Oh come on! Nobody told me I could do that!" He used three cards, a level seven, and two eights, and then yelled, "Faith!" suddenly, he felt rejuvinated, and blades of light circled him...that's when it hit him..."I probably should have done that right near you."

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"Not going to beat this one!" Putting three level 0 Soul Eaters as she rushed at him. "Light's Pain!" Rushing at him fast before fading and reappearing behind Noah before stabbing him a few times with Soul Eater before taking Soul Eater slicing it down his back as she finished it by letting a burst of light hit the area she and Noah were in.

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Noah flew across the room. Landing on his back, sheer pain went through him. He was barely able to get up, but he managed, "you let me in, I'll tell you, but it's not you, it's your Nobody. Her name's Ri, Rixku. You and I meet sometime in the future, somehow, I think I'm in your memories. Not my own."

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"That's not even possible for a nobody. No heart to make a heartless. The only people that can't get one are the princess of light. I'm not one of those so I guess I have the job of finishing you off. Any last words before you loose you're life?" getting a stock of all 9 Soul Eaters. "I'll end this quickly for your sack of heart............" Getting ready to attack Noah as she waited for his response but also thinking about what he said. "It can't be possible can it? I wonder if 'another' one is here." Looking a little frustrated as she though this.

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'Awesome,' he thought, 'she's destracted, time to take my leave,' he said, slipping through a door, and using another Faith to make it so he could run. "Dang." Noah said as he ran, "She was alot younger, I probably would have beaten her if I knew how to use these stupid cards. Noah burst through to the last floor and stopped, "Should be safe here for a second." he said, shuffling trough his deck to find some cures, and firing off as many as he could.

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"Trying to escape Noah? Well that isn't possible here in Castle Oblivion. Where to lose is to find and find is to lose. The way of Castle Oblivion. But you know that don't you?" Appearing behind him as she grabbed his shoulder and her mouth coming close to his ear. "Now how did you get here? And if the possibility remains what about the other me?" Whispering this smoothly and quietly as she waited for an answer.

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Noah would have jumped in surprise, two years ago, but instead he wrapped his Fatal Crest Keyblade around her foot and tripped her, "Say 'Hi' to Guardian for me!" he said as he ran to the door, holding up a Card he'd just found in his pocket, "Final floor I'm guessing, time to go." He walked through, and found himself in a lush green field, he found himself in the same world he'd been in, not too long ago, Portus Novus. "So...I get to chill for a whole floor? Awesome!" he lay down on the grass, and looked at the sky.

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