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I saw a giant ass spider crawl down my wall while I was writing chapter six in my story in the writing forum.. I have no idea where it is now, and I'm scared that it's climbing on me right now. D:

It was, like, this big:


Posted Imageit was a smaller than that, but that's the main idea.



I saw it again! It was crawling around my Spelling Bee Award Certificate I have up on the wall! EEEWWW

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Spiders are creepy, and need to die. Everytime I see one in my room I start freaking out. I remember I was playing my ds one night, and I turned to pick up the stylus I dropped, only to see a big fuzzy spider on my wall. I ran to get something to smush it with, but when I came back it was gone. I never found it again..

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get a some gloves and a sheet of paper, lead it on to the paper, then release it outside


This. You won't be destroying nature :CC


My grandmother always do this when any insect shows up.

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Keep in mind that the spider is probably keeping away bugs that are not only 1000 times more disgusting, but actually deadly.


Unless of course the spider is poisonous, in which case kill that firetrucker!


Then again I'm not a spider expert so I can't say if it is poisonous. I guess you could get someone you don't like to pet it and if it bites then wait a few minutes for said person to start convulsing and drooling on the floor.

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So many pansies not wanting to kill it. I've been attacked by a spider in the middle of the night. Woke up with a swollen eye and hundreds of bite marks down half my body, that stayed for two weeks. Had to take these giant pills too. Eh, I'm probably not helping you at all, am I? >.<


Hunt it down and kill it. Even if it may seems too big for a vacuum, the force of the suction would force it into the pipe and kill it. You don't want that thing laying eggs in your house.

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