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Kingdom Hearts-Birth By "Before" Sleep.

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Kenji shimmered away again, this time appearing behind Alexis, and whispered "Game over." he impaled Alexis with his keyblade. "you'll turn immediately."

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Matt looked around, the clones were tough, but everyone was stronger. He ran instantly at the orrigional, whom he'd kept track of some how. "Warning! This is gonna hurt!" Matt yelled as he jumped, and bounded himself off of the celing, about to slash Kenji a new one as he decended at top speed. In an attempt to get him away from Alexis.

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Alexis coughed up some blood as she fought to stay standing and in control.

"Not...before...THIS!" She managed to say.

With her last remaining strength, she reached behind her and grabbed Kenji's head. Using her fast fading light, she pumped what she could into Kenji, filling him with light. She then let go and dropped to her knees. Her eyes started to turn yellow as she fell the rest of the way to the ground.

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(cough cough >.< ummm) the aura faded and Kenji fell to his knees. The dopplegangers disappeared. Because he was filled with light he had some control. However, he still had the darkness and was in severe pain as tw light and darkness in him started to erode his heart

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"No." He saw her. "No!" The dark figure was a bit brighter now, but Veren didn't know if it would stick, and she was fading faster. He skid and caught her in her fall. He let out a yell as a white barrier appeared around him and the girl. He held her and then fell into a fall. The darkness was around him, but as he fell he saw a stained glass circle below him. "I won't let you die" Veren said in desperation. "Whoever you are, you deserve to live." He stepped onto the circle, her very heart.

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"Can you feel it Kenji? there's still a bit of you that wants to accept light, that wants to form a bond with someone and these kids are proving it, even now without my light spell needing to help them so you see even if they didn't use these fancy spells with light embued with them...CAN YOU HONESTLY SAY TO YOURSELF YOU CAN GO ABOUT YOUR WHOLE LIFE WITHOUT A SINGLE BOND!?" Said Traeh as he seemed to talk with personal experience while nearly charging up his spell.

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After the class finished Lucas felt dark powers rising him so in his mind he started to fight against his shadow but lost, so the shadow controlled him and tried to kill anybody that was near him. Throwing dark balls and gravity shaking at everybody. Making up earthquakes and destroying life that stood in his way.

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"...No...Instead, I'LL GET RID OF THAT MAN'S SHROUD HIDING RIGHT BEHIND YOU!" Said Traeh as he finally completed his light spell to make a keyhole appear in front of Kenji's heart and then using his keyblade did he unlock it and teleported himself through it to confront the man who was manipluating Kenji while saying "ALEXIS I'LL LEAVE THE OTHERS TO YOU!" As he had then disappeared at that moment while leaving Alexis who was with Veren at that moment, As allways, To take care of the current situation , Especially with Lucas.

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The stained glass was slowly turning dark and tarnished. In the middle of the platform, knelt Alexis. Her breathing was labored and she looked pale. She looked up in surprise at Veren.

"Who the heck are you?" She asked him. "And how did you get here?"

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Trying to think of what could help before a light bulb went on as she scrambled out of the room on all fours as she headed to her room. "Bonds, D-Link, Light." All at once as she grabbed a few star charms she had made. Wanting to give to all of them as she sprinted back to the room skirting a bit as she made the turn into the room holding a star charm for each. Quickly getting over to Kenji before whispering into his hear her. Looking normal for split seconds. "I'll help you through it all of it just take this.........." Putting a Gray star charm into his hands as she closed his fingers around it. "Please i'd really like if you stayed. I don't want to see more people go........."

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Lucas saw traeh and started to throw some random dark volleys to the surface and then to go below him and hit him. *help me traeh said the real lucas* Your dead traeh your mine said lucas's shadow that was controlling him

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Veren held out his hand. "I'm Veren, now quickly, your light is fading and you're badly injured, grab my hand, let me lend you my light" The darkness surrounded him, it was consuming everything. This was the last chance he had.

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Alexis reached out and grabbed Veren's hand. She used a little magic she had to cast cure on herself. That should stop the bleeding. Once the darkness was stopped, the others could worry about her wounds later.

"Thanks." She managed to say to Veren.

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Traeh's spirit was being caught by Lucas as he then said "Don't worry, Alexis and the others will get rid of that nasty darkness for ya, I promise." As Traeh's spirit then continued onwards, leaving Lucas behind, Believing in his other students to help their fellow student.

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Veren opened his eyes. He looked down at Alexis, and smiled. Looking up he realized the dark figure had become a boy once more, but then he noticed another dark figure. Thinking quickly he shouted "Everyone, point your keyblades at him, let's free his light from that darkness, NOW!"

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