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Kingdom Hearts-Birth By "Before" Sleep.

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"Ugh what's with these headaches now..........." Cassidy was wandering around as headaches came and passed. "I need to get more sleep and maybe a trip to Twilight Town for Sea-salt ice cream at the clock tower there................" She started heading the direction toward outside as she slipped on her armor.

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(just a note this is about the time when I can get a chance to post stuff on weekdays hopefully that won't screw up the thing)

Kenji walked up to the students not saying a word. He wasn't there anymore. He had become darkness

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Veren dropped off his vehicle and it disappeared in a flash of light. He looked around. So this was the Land of Departure. It's architecture looked blank and a bit dreary but Getrendas had sent him here, and he had trusted the old man that was the boys master- no, used to be his master. But now he was here, to find some... Master Traeh or someone who was supposed to help him even more. He looked around; a few people off a ways, perhaps talking or sparing, but nobody was collected together. He was late. He was always late. He walked a ways, unable to find anybody of use to find Master Traeh. Then he got a sense, a feeling. He was close to somewhere he needed to be, but also he felt infinitely far away. He opened his fingers and his keyblade materialized. He threw it up and let it spin once- maybe impress a few watching- and grabbed it again to have it open a small white portal. He stepped in an appeared in a tunnel of constantly moving light. A speck of black was at the far end. It grew exponentially closer, until he was consumed by it. In the next moment, when he looked again he found several people looking at him. One looked older, his stance more perfected, his eyes more understanding. He approached him. "Master.... Traeh?"

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So lucas sat down on a chair and stared at the students that were doing the class so he started to do the same things they did. But probably it was going to be a bad thing for him to do but he didn't care.

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"I...see..." Said Traeh, replying to Alexis until seeing Veritas and says "Oh are you a student here?" and then afterwards sees Kenji off in the distance and finally says "Kenji? !! EVERYONE TAKE UP YOUR KEYBLADES! DON'T LET KENJI GET TO YOU!" As Traeh had told everyone that was with him to take up arms against Kenji who Traeh had noticed was different then he was before.

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Matt summoned his Aubade, then thought, "Um...why? Is this the exersize, cause it seemes pretty one sided? He seems fine to me." Matt tiled his head and let his Aubade hang at his side.

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Kenji started to glow dark aura, his eyes turned red, in a dual voice one being his own, the other sephiroth, said, "I only have to hit you with my keyblade and you'll be infected with darkness. Kenji summoned a dark version of his guardian soul, tilted his head and smiled. "who's first?"

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That's when it hit him. Onyx felt it.

He felt someone was in danger. Someone nearby.

He couldn't do anything, though. He was still fighting Christopher.

I'll go check after this, he thought to himself.

The atmosphere was tense and he could feel someone's aura.

A dark aura. A familiar aura. Onyx trembled.

He heard a voice whispering to him.

"Just a piece in a game. You're just a piece.", it said.

Onyx clenched his head and shook it. He needed to focus.

Finally back in reality, he had seen that Christopher was starting to recover.

Onyx had to focus if he wanted to win this fight. He knew that.

So he did.

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"Darkness. Sephiroth's doing. Where is it? I need to go now before I start changing............" Inside her room as it got dark she screeched in pain hitting the floor in the shadow of the bed with no windows open. The darkness seeped up her body covering her as she screeched again sounding like a monster before curling up as it almost stopped opening her eyes as her vision was perfect. "Oh crap not this again.........." She thought at the new appearance.

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Matt blinked, "Oh...I see. I understand," He stared at Kenji with intrest, "That's nice." Matt stepped forward and pointed at Kenji with his Aubade, "I'll go, best to show these guys what I've got! Being new and all. I've been fighting for four years before coming here, don't think I'm just a push over."

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Veren thought "What the hell is going on!?!", he saw the dark figure across, he melded with their setting. He had just arrived for this class, or this course, or whatever, and he already stood opposite a being filled with extreme darkness. His glove hand opened, and his white keyblade formed in his hand. This being had the form of a person. But it couldn't be. There was no balance here, there was no light. There was barely a person in there.But there was a person behind that face. Veren had to help him somehow. "Damn it!" He thought, "I hope I can help, but I'll have to work with these other students, I really hope this is a test." He finalized his stance and glanced around to see another wielder, one with a black vest and blue-and-white checkered shorts preparing. "Hey, let me help too!" Then he turned back to the figure. "Let's do this" he whispered.

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"Everyone...!...EVERYONE LISTEN TO ME! BUY ME SOME TIME WHILE I WILL CHARGE A LIGHT SPELL THROUGH ME KEYBLADE THAT WILL GET RID OF KENJI'S UNUSUAL DARKNESS! LUCAS! I'LL NEED YOU TO COVER ME! YOU MAY GET AFFECTED BY THIS!" Shouted Traeh as he wanted to do what he just said as he then pulled out his two keyblades and had then created a aura shield of light that covers him and Lucas while charging his light spell he mentionied through the first keyblade he drew out.

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Alexis summoned Way To The Dawn and twirled it around.

"Gladly." She growled, answering Kenji's challenge.

She charges Kenji and looked Keyblades with him. She smashed her palm against Kenji's face, knocking him back.

"Come on, boy!" She challenged.

Alexis focused and started to glow. An old trick her father had taught her. Using light this way should protect her from being infected in darkness...in theory.

"Get up and fight!" Alexis yelled, bringing her Keyblade down to hack at Kenji.

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Kenji used his dark powers to create enough dopplegangers for each student. And they each had the power to infect someone with darkness if they touch a person with their hands or weapons.

"I have a little spell of my own" he murmured.

"this spell will plunge this world into darkness. And then you wont be able to hide from it!" he closed his eyes and started murmuring the spell, his aura getter larger by the second

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Sprinting down the hall with her new heartless appearance. Now being a mix of a NeoShadow and what she looked like. The clothes now all black hung a lightly loose as she now had the long antenna out of her back. Her eyes big but still brown as she searched sprinting faster and faster before finding them looking at Kenji before giving a glare as she stood back up holding a small flame. "Firaga!" It came out with a hiss almost understandably by most before waiting for Kenji as Reflectaga was ready to use.

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"We will see Kenji for believe it or not, Despite not having fought alongside my students before, I BELIEVE IN THEM, PAST TENSE!." Said Traeh as he was going to risk everything on Alexis,Matt,Verendas,Lucas,Cassidy,Roy,Chris and Onyx-The students he believed he had allready formed bonds with the most, even if he had just met one of them just a second ago and even Kenji himself-As Traeh was going to preform the spell that would try to save Kenji from himself.

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Alexis squared off with a Kenji doppelgangers. The danced around each other, trading blows. Frustrated, Alexis used darkness to shift her self from in front of the doppelganger, to one behind him.

"Surprise!" She said, stabbing her Keyblade through the doppelganger's chest.

Shoving the doppelganger off, Alexis focused on the real Kenji. She spun her Keyblade around, summoning light on it;s tip. She fired the light at Kenji, disrupting his spell.

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Kenji shimmered away from the firaga spell. He looked at her and smiled. "that almost hit me." he waved his hand and fired a dark energy sphere at the new danger.

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Matt took on one of the doppelgangers, each move he made the clone copied, and defended against perfectly. Matt did his best to stop every attack but the clone was faster, Matt's size had always gone against him, but his wingspan gave him extra length to dodge and strike back. "Well, this is kinda fun!" he chided, "Too bad I have to end it!" he spun and slashed the Clone in the back, it dessolved into black smoke. He then moved to the next.

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You couldn't have seen him if you tried. Veren appeared behind one of the figures that happened to oppose him. But the clang of Veren's keyblade to the ground revealed that the figure was fast. 'He's fast' thought Veren 'But, how? He looks like a kid,' Then he got a sense. 'There's more to him, this darkness is most definitely not all his own' He again, the figure wasn't so fast this time, and their blades clanged. Veren saw no life if the black eyes that lay opposite his own. The figure disappeared and Veren glanced around frantically. 'Damn it! There's too many to know which one was just-' but the figure then came from behind just then. Veren had just enough time to catch the blade with his gloved hand. The other stabbed the keyblade into the figure. It then dissipated and flowed into the other figures. He glances down at the small cut on his glove, that went into his skin a bit, but paid it no attention as he prepared to fight the rest. A sharp pain that felt cold and lifeless appeared on his gloved hand, but he was already refocused. His keyblade went behind him as flower petal flowed around him. 'I've never tried this one before' Veren thought 'But a good time to start.' His Zentensuken had started.

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Darting around at the clones biting them as they vanished. "Already have darkness this isn't going to hurt a bit.........." Thinking to herself as she hit a few bouncing off them before jumping back a bit looking around for anything that could or would kill her. "I might need to be ready to dash after this one........." Mumbling this before hitting another one in the head.

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(No problem)

Alexis dodged out of the way of the dark sphere, but was grazed on the leg. Cursing, Alexis dropped to a knee and cast Cure on herself. After the Cure spell went to work, Alexis sent a volley of Fira at Kenji.

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A white slash. As Veren appeared behind one of the other figures he smiled, but turning around, he realized it hasn't destroyed it. He brought up his keyblade to bloke the strike, and stood face-to-face with the next figure. "Master Traeh!" He shouted "When will that spell be ready? These guys are no pushovers, and I don't want to hurt the original one!"

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