KeyOfVentus 90 Posted October 25, 2011 (I'm guessing West's cool, it didn't do me any good, I woke up at 2 am over here, so 11pm. where you are...I think) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silvia Kuroi 1,480 Posted October 25, 2011 Silver nodded. "I'm ready. If you gus leave, i'll follow, ready for anything." Trace tackled Kenji, knocking him to the ground. "Oh no you don't! The ritual isn't finished. Tje Master isn't redy yet." He said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted October 25, 2011 Matt kept his smile, "That makes three! Lessa GO!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted October 25, 2011 Traeh had then appeared strangely and mysteriously from out of no where behind Sephiroth while wielding a new keyblade-the ultima weapon from kingdom hearts birth by sleep while saying "What are YOU doing here?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted October 25, 2011 (sorry just got back from school) darrius smiled "ok take my hand" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted October 25, 2011 Kenji couldn't move. "no..." he was getting weaker and weaker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted October 25, 2011 "Well, answer me...Sephiroth!" Said Traeh to Sephiroth in a very serious manner. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silvia Kuroi 1,480 Posted October 25, 2011 Sephiroth flipped around, unsheathing his blade. "Trace. Deal with Kenji. I will deal with this....intruder." Spehiroth said, swinging his blade several times. Trace nodded, and poured the darkness the was Trace's heart into Kenji. "No one to stop the Master now! And once you're dealt with, I can deal with the wretched Other." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted October 25, 2011 Before Sephiroth could run his mouth any further did Traeh continue attacking him while saying "Enough, your boring me like last time....SEPHIROTH!!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted October 26, 2011 Kenji tried and tried, but he was too weak. He finally have into the darkness Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted October 26, 2011 Matt blinked, nothing yet, they were still in Radient Garden, "Well...wassup?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted October 26, 2011 (haha sorry I forgot) "oh sorry, I was drifting off. Ok here we go." He closed his eyes. He could read it from his book, but didn't need to as he memorized it, so the book disappeared. He then chanted, "As we desire not to be conceited, Take us to where help is most needed!" everybody's body began to materialize away, from the ground up Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted October 26, 2011 Matt felt light-headed, the sensation felt as if he were being pulled apart in the most painless way, and being put back together in the same way. The scene of his house faded around him, Izzy, Hammy, they both slowly dissapeared. The house went too, and suddenly the sensation stopped, somewhere along the way Matt had closed his eyes, trying to place a fingure on how exactly the sensation felt, "Awesome." he said, under his breath. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted October 26, 2011 They had been taken to a place where a battle was going on. Unfortuneately they were about 13 feet off the ground. Darrius fell with a thud. "ow" he uttered. He didn't really have that kink of the spell fixed yet Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted October 26, 2011 Matt rubbed his behind, "Not so awesome..." He got up and looked to the ongoing battle, "Looks intense, but...they also don't seem to be doing so bad..." he watched intently, with his Aubade summoned, ready to jump in as soon as he felt needed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MDSVeritas 299 Posted October 26, 2011 Darkness. Then a spark, Veren would not let Kenji fall to it. "Kenji now is not the time to falter!" Veren shouted, fighting off the onslaught of darkness. Kenji was weak against the darkness. But Veren was once weak against it to, and now he stood confident in it's wake now. Kenji's heart was being pulled from the darkness. "Now get up!" Veren yelled. He had to hope Kenji had any true strength in him, all depended upon him now. "If there was any point not to falter, any point not to give in, any point to not die, now would be that time!" Veren could only do so much, he and Kenji were one now, but even now, were they strong enough to beat Sephiroth? He had to hope so. He had to believe in that. He slashed at the darkness once more and it continued it's retreat, then he faced upward, and yelled as loud as he had ever done before: "Now GET UP!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted October 26, 2011 Kenji's eyes opened, and blasted Trace away. He slowly stood up, and summoned his keyblades. "I'll never join the darkness!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silvia Kuroi 1,480 Posted October 26, 2011 Silver fell. "Next time...teleport us so i can't break a rib....or two." Trace landed several feet away. "What?!" He mumbled, before he knocked out. However, several Neoshadows appeared, eager to defend their master. Sephiroth, was having too much fun. He easily sidestepped, blocked, or countered all of the moves his attacker sent his way. "Scintillia." Spehirtoh muttered, preparing his barrage of blows. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted October 26, 2011 Kenji began to levitate off the ground. His keyblades started to leave his hand, as he transformed into his final form. Darrius used his powers to blow up the neoshadows. "hey, a hundred against one isn't fair!" he joked Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted October 26, 2011 Mat cut at the flurry of NeoShadows as fast as he could, "Great, got held up by some measly Heartless?" he summoned his Abaddon Plasma, and went to work, double time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silvia Kuroi 1,480 Posted October 26, 2011 Trace groggily got up. He then noticed Silver. "Heh. So both of my targets are here. Excellent." Trace began to pulse with dark energy, and his formed shifted to that of Ansem, the seeker of darkness. He ran to Kenji, knocking aside, racing to Silver. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted October 26, 2011 Darrius began to blow up more neoshadows. If one attempted to jump on him, he would freeze them, and use his telekinesis to throw them at other neoshadows. "wow this is sooo cool!" he laughed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites