VIIth Angel 35 Posted October 23, 2011 Darrius got up and chanted, "Keep us safe from this guy's rage, And Trap him inside an invincible cage!" he waved his hands and a cage appeared. But not over Veren, it trapped Matt. "oh my god. Your choosing now to freak out on me magic?" his spells sometimes backfired when he wasn't specific enough Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted October 23, 2011 Matt looked at the cage, then to Darrius, "Not me! Did hitting that wall confuse you or something? We're fighting the dude who's obviously encased with Darkness!" Matt spun, hitting the cage in rapid move ments, until most, if not all, the bars were dented, then he stabbed two of them and they broke, kicking the same two he made a hole big enough for himself to squeeze out of. "There," He then charged the boy, following Silver. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted October 23, 2011 Darrius sighed. "what do I do?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted October 23, 2011 Then he thought of something. When he froze someone, he froze there atoms. Could he do the opposite and accelerate atoms to explode them? He wasn't really strong at magic yet, so it would just graze him, but it was something. But he needed to wait till he had the perfect shot. He didn't wanna hit the wrong person again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MDSVeritas 299 Posted October 23, 2011 He side stepped Silver, and waved his hand, catching him up in Aero's flurry of wind. Then he spun his Keyblade just in time to absorb the Firaga carelessly. As Matt struck at him he kicked up a wall of darkness which Matt impacted, then Veren dove into a dark puddle in the ground and came back up across from his adversaries. His grin burst into a fit of sadistic laughter. "Ahahahaha! You... you're kidding me right?" He turned to the boy and grinned. "I applaud your efforts in trying to help me and all, but I can't have you trying to cast you little spells while I break these losers." With a wave of his hand a dark portal appeared next to Darrius. "Do yourself a favor and get in it before I get my hands on you again. " He turned back to see that Matt and Silver were recovering. He grinned, as darkly humorous thoughts spun through his head. 'This may actually be fun' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted October 23, 2011 "do you think I'm stupid and would just walk into a dark portal? Come on." his eyes began to glow as they did last time and he levitated off the ground again as well. "here we go!" and he flew towards Veren. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silvia Kuroi 1,480 Posted October 23, 2011 Silver crashed to the ground. Crap. This kid is stronger than I thought, time for plan B. He got up, and desummoned his Oblivion. His Oathkeeper grew longer and brighter, and it looked like Silver was holding a beam of light in his hand. "Light!" Silver yelled, once more attacking the boy overcome by darkness. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted October 23, 2011 "Ow," Matt muttered, "We need another plan other than just running at him." he his himself on the head, "Think, what have I taught myself so far?" Then he thought of the one plan he had, and hated. He ran forward, his Keyblades behind him, and jumped, he rebounded on the roof and shot himself, Keyblades first, at the boy. Matt hated this, because the last time he's pulled it off, he'd almost killed Izzy and Hammy. It was dangerous, but necessary. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MDSVeritas 299 Posted October 23, 2011 They were all coming at him again. This was going to be too easy. Silver arrived at him first. He raised his hand and darkness swelled up before him, stopping Silver's advance. Speaking over his uncontrollable laughter, he shouted "Don't you see? Darkness is so much more powerful than light, you stand no chance." Silver was more powerful than he had originally thought, and it took a bit more strength to hold him, but Veren put this to the back of his mind as he pushed his palm forward and Silver was pushed back. Now the boy. 'Rather strong' Veren thought 'But oh so naive'. He ducked under Darrius's strike and his hand shot up and grabbed Darrius by the back of his neck. Bringing the boy face to face with him, his grinning face only a foot away from the boy. "I think you'll find that you really should have gotten in that portal." His sadistic smile widened. But then there was Matt. The guy was fast, Veren would have to give him that, but Veren suspected he may get careless, so he was only waiting. Veren spun around away from the strike. Still holding the young boy he stared grinning at his adversaries once more. Then the pain came. He looked to the back of his hand, dark blood could be seen from the strike Matt had left there. "How dare you!" Veren said, annoyed now. "I'll make you suffer for that!" he shouted, bringing up his Keyblade, then looking over to Darrius. "Starting with getting rid of this little annoyance right in front of you." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted October 23, 2011 Darrius laughed. "hey Veren. THINK FAST!" and he waved his hands at Veren. Thankfully, his magic cooperated with him and caused an explosion. Throwing Veren against the ceiling and giving Darrius engough time to get up and back away Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silvia Kuroi 1,480 Posted October 23, 2011 Silver was getting covered by darkness, and he could feel it leaking into his heart. He saw Trace flash before him. "The time is near, Silver. Soon, you and I will join once more!" Trace laughed. Silver pushed back against the darkness, and managed to eliminate it with his Oathkeeper. "Light and Darkness are nothing but the same. They are equal." Silver said, snapping his fingers, and several Dusks appeared at Silver's aid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted October 23, 2011 A portal appeared and Kenji stepped through, the portal disappearing behind him. "I tried to get here as soon as I could." he summoned his keyblade. "what'd I miss?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MDSVeritas 299 Posted October 23, 2011 Veren watched the battle helplessly as his body acted on impulses and thoughts that were dark shadows of himself. He yelled out, trying to pull himself away from the darkness, trying to stop all this from happening. But the darkness just kept coming at him whenever he was able to break away for a moment. "You worthless little annoying brat!" Veren shouted to Darrius, becoming more and more annoyed. He jumped back. Then he sensed a darkness. Something touched Silver; someone. He had felt that presence before, but the only thing that mattered was that Silver was connected to it. 'Time to see how much I can exploit it.' Veren thought, his smile coming back to his face, his calmness and precision returning to his stance. Dusks appeared. "Oh what do ya know! The guy has some tricks up his sleeve!" A portal opened, Kenji stepping through. "Oh, look who's here! We have a regular party going now! I see you didn't bring that nice looking sphere with you." This was was the one who was swallowed by the darkness once. Time to see if he was so open to it a second time. He turned to Silver's dusks, and released several balls of dark energy barreling towards them. Several exploded on impact. "Tell me," Veren said to Silver, "what is that delightful dark presence that just visited you, maybe it'll come here to party with us soon." "And you!" He turned to Kenji, "You seemed to be doing so well, where's that darkness you wielded so expertly before, I can sense some of it's still there, let it out, show me your anger, fight me and use it!" Then he resumed his stance, and grinned at all the people before him. "So... who's going to be destroyed first?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silvia Kuroi 1,480 Posted October 23, 2011 Silver's gaze hardened. "Why should I tell you? Trust me. You don't want to meet him. You can just call him my.....Brother." Silver snapped his fingers and several Samurai joined the remaining Dusks. Silver pointed at Veren. "Attack." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MDSVeritas 299 Posted October 23, 2011 Veren ripped through them, though exerting more effort than he would have thought he'd needed. Feeling ever so slightly tired, his looked up, grinning at Silver. "Oh trust me, he seems delightful, you should really call him here, I get the feeling you've been giving him the cold shoulder, think of how sad that probably makes him." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted October 23, 2011 Darrius summoned his book. "my ancestors had to have battled someone possessed by darkness before, they might have written something in here. "I'm still mad at you," the book said. "now's really not the time, book. Shut up and help me look!" the book cooperated and started flipping through pages rapidly, Darrius somehow being able to skim through it all trying to find something useful. "guard me while I'm looking!" darrius said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silvia Kuroi 1,480 Posted October 23, 2011 Silver laughed. "He is sadness. He's anger. Envy. Hes the negative side. I don't want him here." Silver slipped a familiar arrowgun out of his coat. "Im tired of this. Im going to shoot you. And make sure everyone else is fine." Silver pulled the trigger. Nothing happend. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted October 23, 2011 Kenji had started to lunge at Veren. He thought to himself. Didn't Sephiroth use his darkness to possess Him, or does he really have darkness dwellin in his heart? Was his past filled with darkness? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MDSVeritas 299 Posted October 23, 2011 Veren instantly grabbed Kenji's Keyblade and spun him around by it, throwing both him and his Keyblade off a ways. Touching the Keyblade put him in connection with the source of Kenji's darkness. 'Interesting' He thought, he had felt that signature before, though it was not the source of his darkness, perhaps only the catalyst that awoke it. But now he knew Kenji's connection to the dark. Looking over to Silver, he saw him bring out an arrowgun. He pulled the trigger and nothing. "Ahahahahaha, I think you've found a way to hurt me; make me laugh too much" Veren giggled jokingly. "Trying to surprise me eh?" He asked as the back of his hand continued to sting. Then he disappeared, and the word "Stop" rang out in the room. The area around Silver stopped in time.Veren appeared behind the now-frozen Silver. "Well, surprise." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted October 23, 2011 Darrius' crystal, which had been passed down through Darrius' family also had other abilities other than scrying. It can absorb magic so Darrius is unaffected by other peoples magic. He pretended to be frozen. When Veren was near silver he waved his hands and threw Veren against the wall with his telekinesis. "Thank you mom for the crystal," he whispered to himself Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silvia Kuroi 1,480 Posted October 23, 2011 Silver was about to reload when he found he couldn't move. Veren appeared behind him. Oh god no. I can't let him kill me i can't. Wait... Trace couldn't find Kenji anywhere. After the Darkside left, Trace felt a sensation at the back of his head. 'Trace. I need you. Now.' Silver's voice said. 'Ah. so the mighty Dual-wielder needs his other halve's help? This will be fun. But no. I'd rather see you squirm and die, and then i can join with you.' Trace replied back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MDSVeritas 299 Posted October 23, 2011 Veren was furious now. He yelled out in anger, and in a moment he stood before Darrius. His grin was gone, he darkness at it's peak. "I've had it with you, you stupid kid!" He yelled as his Keyblade struck at Darrius's hand, landing a full hit and knocking the crystal across the room. He raised his Keyblade above his head. "I think I'll go find that orb, but let's make sure that you never get in my way again!" Darkness surrounded the two, obscuring view from the outside. Veren screamed out in horror watching what was happening, trapped in his own heart. He pulled himself away form the darkness, shining as he flew to regain himself. But it was no weak darkness. He could not defeat this darkness. He knew he had to fix this though. Veren began to bring the dark Keyblade down on Darrius when he fell to his knees, screaming. "Get....out!" He yelled, as the darkness around him contorted and shifted. "Gaaaahhhhh!" He yelled. His Keyblade shifted from dark to light, and then struggling every step of the way, he raised his Keyblade up in the air, and stabbed himself with it. It disappeared in a flash of light as he hit the ground. He could see all the people he had just fought, feeling sorry for every moment of it. Then he closed his eyes. He couldn't escape the breathing, but he couldn't let himself hurt an innocent person. He descended into a fragile unconsciousness, scarcely breathing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silvia Kuroi 1,480 Posted October 23, 2011 Still frozen, Silver could see everything. I have to help him! He thought, I need to concentrate. Suddenly, the spell ended, and SIlver was able to move. He summoned his Oathkeeper once more. He shot a beam of light directly at Veren, hoping to aid in destroying the darkness. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted October 23, 2011 Matt had gone through the wall and chrash landed into another, he got up, slowly, and looked into the room, only Darrius was moving, the boy had fallen to the ground an stabbed himself with his Keyblade, "No," Matt whispered, he ran forward but he stopped, realizing it was hopeless, 'It shouldn't have ended like this, he...he was a comrade...' Matt thought, remembering the battle against Kenji the day before, and that's when it hit him, like a brick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted October 23, 2011 Darrius fell to the ground. He was lucky to have been using his magic for this long. His nose began to bleed profusely and he couldn't move. He just layed there Share this post Link to post Share on other sites