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KHDays Xion's Final Form

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What in the world did she turn into?! I mean, I didn't think even replicas were capable of something like that! Is it similar to what Xemnas does at the end of KH2? Discuss.




EDIT: Added official spoiler tags. Thanks DeathSkull3000!

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...I can see the spoilers. Turn the SPOILERS to spoiler. For both spoiler tags before you spoiler someone.


Anways, I believe that is her orginal form as a doll until she got her personality and

Sora's memeories. Now she designed to look like Sora so I guess her orginal form was supposed to look like Sora but since she was imcomplete, she looked like some creepy thing


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That's a possibility, however





Her enemy profile states that Sora's memories from each world has multiplied her powers. You'll not that when ever you beat one of her forms, she draws upon a 'Device's power to change into something different.


My theory as to why she transformed in the first place before using the 'Device's to augment her power is that Xemnas transformed her himself.


Think about it, Since Repliku is albeit a failed clone, he would have the same shape shifting abilites as Xion nevertheless. he just wouldn't be able to draw on Sora's memories.


I also don't think that the memories Xion is using are fake. Technically the Organization lost the ability to tamper with memories the minute the lost Namine in Chain of Memories.




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She turned into her true form such as the Dragon in KH2 was Xemnas' and the Death's Angel looking thing was Marluxia's

it's not QUITE a true form but an armored version...........



BTW KYAA~ it reminds me ALOT of when Hollows release.............just saying...........

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Umm, guys. Technically, you don't even need to use spoiler tags anymore. xD

The game was already released, so they aren't really spoilers anymore, lol.

To who haven't played the game, then too bad. xD

But you don't have to use the spoiler tags, getting to my point, lol.


@ topic, yeah, I reacted the same way, lol. I was like, "What the firetruck is in that organization coat o.o?"


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Uh, guys, theres no need for spoiler boxes.. xD If its titled Xions Final Form and its in the Days section, only a dumbass would get spoiled.

But innywho


She kind of looks like his drive forms, no?

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