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Unto The abyss

Beyblade: the collisiOn of the past and present.

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What are we still doing here???

Chase quoted the girl.

Look rai i have fan girls i must be more famous than i thought....

Huh hey rai look a picture of miru with a note...........I have a bad feeling about this rai

Chase said as he handed rai the note

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Miru struggled against the bonds "Where am I!" she yelled. as she continued to struggle. "whats going on here! How did i get here!" she yelled. as she was confused.




suri followed the two boys. "hey come back here!" she yelled at them.

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Great now the fan girl is stalking me sheesh the price of being famous i guess....hey fan girl stop stalking me or i'll call the cops.

Chase said while running backwards

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Rai stopped infront of a tower. "she is here" he said as he ran into the building.




a man in a black suit walked into the room where MIru was "welcome to the Zero Corperation! you are here because we saw the power of your friends bit beast and we want it." he looked at a screen. "well what do you know here they are right now. he pressed a button and as Suri entered the building the doors locked and the building locked down. "wecome if you want her she is on the top floor"

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What the.......the doors they just closed and locked themselves.

Chase said as he tried to open the doors

0k if miru is on the top floor then i'll take the elevatory.

Chase said as he ran into the elevatory and pressed buttons

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They didn't work. "Their testing us" he said running down the hall way to find 3 bladers and an arena. "get out of my way Bain!" he yelled


"I'm glad you still remember me."


"shut up and move LET IT RIP!" Story flew straight at him. "and take this as well. "cYber Dranzer!"

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Suri walked up to chase when she had the chance and slapped him right across the face " I'm not a stalker I don't know who you are." she said as she walked into the room. With three people. "LET IT RIP DRAGOON" she yelled.

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Chase said while rubbing his face

Hey will pay for that you......you......you..noncool person LET IT RIP!!!!!


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Rai looked at chase "how did you become team leader again?" he asked. suddenly he noticed the dranzer bey was gone. "what the hell!"


"looking for this" said nox holding the cyber dranzer. "thanks for returning it." he said as he launched it at the three.


wyborg came back to Rai. "so what you have dranzer back!" he yelled as he launched wyborg.


The Intercome turned on "there are 8 floors with bladers on each if you want to get your friend back i recommed you hurry!"


"fine then let's get through he quickly! WYBORG!" The purpled bey glowed and the sea serpent came out at Nox and Li. "destroy them! TEMPEST!" wyborg summoned a giant wind storm blowing the two beys to the wall and then Nox and Li grabbed their beys and ran scared.

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Hey i think that it'll be best if we spilt up and take a floor.Chase said while looking at Rai battling Nox getting annoyed.

AHHHHhhhhhh i can't take it anyone more.

Chase ran opening a door and darting threw it.

ARGHHHHH..........i can't take this anymore i'm going to find the strongest guy here and defeat him just watch.

Chase runs up a filght of stairs

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"you act before you think dont you!" Rai yelled running after him to find the 4th floor stairwell blocked. "well we skipped the 2nd floor." he said as he entered the room to find a surfer


"welcome i am the water blader. Quinn get ready dudes. SURFS UP SEABORG!" he yelled as a beyblade launched at the two

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Stop following me i don't have to think because i'm strong enough to win without it.

Chase argued totally ignoreing the blader Quinn and his Seaborg

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"Stop chatting and start blading!" yelled suri as she ran between the two with dragoon ready "Let it rip!" she yelled and the sniper activated and she hit the seaborg

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Why you.......when this is over rai me and you are going to battle as well...

Chase said as he watched the dragoon bey clashed with Seaborg.

Dragoon but thats tyson's bey??? she isn't worthy of such power.

Chase thought as he crossed his arms and watched on

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"who cares let's go!" he yelled as he ran past Quinn and up the stairs to the 6th floor. There was a british looking guy.


"I am now your opponent." he said "Go Wind Striker!" he yelled as a beyblade with a unicorn bit beast was launched at rai.


"Let It Rip! Wyborg" he yelled as those two collided "chase! When you reach this room go up to the top floor and save miru!" he yelled as other bladers came from the other floors. "I'll take you all on!" a dark aura englufed wyborg and rai. "I was the first blader to have a cyber! And here he is the prototype! Wyborg! How do you like own creation attacking you!"

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Miru was still trying to escape the binds.




Suri watched chase. "are you going yet! Or just gonna stand there?" she yelled as seaborg proved a worth oponent of dragoon. "if you want to know why tyson gave me dragoon I'll tell you later now get it off your mind!"

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Yea whatever i'm going i'm going.Chase said as he walked toward the the next flight of stairs.

You better not lose or i'll never forgive you.Chase said as he looked back to Suri then ran to the next filght passing Rai who had his hands full with foes all around him.

Tch....that show off.

Chase ran up a spiraling stair case that stoped infront of a large looming door a strong presence was felt threw it.

Here goes nothing right Draciel.

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Miru saw chase but had tape over her mouth because she was making too much noise she tried to scream

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Rai was totally engulfed by the darkness. "I will take you all on one verse 100!" he yelled as wyborg came back to him he put his string launcher away and went old fashion but it was a ripcord three times longer than normal ripcords. And his sniper, angle compass, and he took off the dodge system and added more weaight to it and then equiped an attack system as well as a speed tip. It was now an attack bey. The enemies launched all 100+ beys at him "now rage! Ultamite Wyborg!" he yelled as he ran forward and wyborg hit the ground perfectly and a giant blast of wind took place. "the darkness will guide me!" wyborg was literaly destroying the room.

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Hey miru i didn't know you was into bondage.

Chase said while scaning the room

0h yea thats rite i have too untie you first ok then.

Chase rips the tape from miru's mouth

Ok u should be able to talk now oh yea i was rite and you was wrong ~laughs~

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-Maybe I should help Rai.- thought Roxas, looking at his beyblade. He rearranged his scarf and casually walked over to the fight, and saw Wyborg tearing things up. -Jesus, you'd think Rai would be more stylish. "Hey, Rai, I'll help you !" he then ripped his beyblade off the rip cord. "Dreadnought!" said Roxas, and the dragon appeared and flew to Wyborg's side, slashing at an enemy with it's claws.

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