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Unto The abyss

Beyblade: the collisiOn of the past and present.

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Chase sees as the L-Drago bey is taking massive damage by his fellow teammates ok guys lets finished he off.


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"...........................NOW BURN IN HELL! WWWWWWWWWWYYYYYYYYYYYYYYBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRGGGGG!" Roared Rai as the darkness engulfed him and wyborg as all 4 beys smashed into L-drago.


"what a pity" said the man as the smoke cleared and Virgo, Dracil, wyborg, and Dragoon stopped spinning and L-Drago was fine. "how pathetic." he walked away "and thanks for your data!" he dissapeared down an elevator.

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awwww Draciel how cloud that happen and what did he mean by data?

all 4 of us weren't enough to take down 1 blader how are we supose to win the BBA tournament.

Chasesaid as he picked up draciel and brushed him off.

Great job everyone now lets get out of here guys we still have to go to the USA.

Chase got up and patted rai on the back and smiled

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the two girls picked up their beys and looked at them. "what just happened?" asked miru


"really!" added Suri

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Rai sighed "we all had right spin." he said "and he used a left spin legendary forbiddin bey. he also took our data and will creat cyber versions of your beys. my data is useless/ because I was the first cyber blader and still am. i stole wyborg from them. because wyborg is cybernetic. that man goes by the name GUARDIAN" he said as they left the building "how are you doing by the way miru?"

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"fine thank. but how do you know so much about this person?" she asked


suri glared with suspicion "yeah how do you know!"

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he handed Chase 3 tickets of the four to the USA. "I was one of them. i had defeated the beybreakers after they broke up onece and for all and then gathered their data for cybers. but then i decided it was wrong but they created cybers of dirigger and dranzer before i deleted the data." he said "so i guess this is good bye." he ran off and dissapeared around a corner in a cloud of smoke

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Huh? hey wait!

Darn it hes gone now what.....he gave of three tickets to USA maybe he'll meet us there....

Ok guys looks like its just us three so i'd suggest we get our stuff packed and head towards the air port.

Rai you better show up we can't win with just three members.Chase thought as he handed the girls there tickets.

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suri and Miru looked at the ticketes then to eachother then to chase ".........WTF!" They said in unison. "what jsut happened here?" miru asked. as they went to the Airport

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Don't worry guys rai well be back trust me he wouldn't leave just like that......Rai you better not let us down you jerk.Chase thought as he entered the airport and prepared to board the plane.

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they plane took off and the next morning they landed in new york city. Rai was the first off and dissapeared before anyone could see him.




"welcome to the first round of the world wide nationals! we have an exiciting matchup today." said the announcer first up team USA verse Team Japan.

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as suri and Miru got off they looked around. "i dont see rai." said Miru


"neither do i" added suri

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Rai!?!?!?! you better show up.Chase thought while looking at the poster for the nationals

So guys did you enjoy the plane ride.Chase said as he forced a smile while lookin at the girls worried faces

Hey don't worry i'm sure rai is at the stadium waiting for us ok you know how he likes to show up at the last second.

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"Are you sure? I thought he just does whatever" miru replied as they entered


suri said nothin

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Rai walked into an abandoned warehouse. he was wearing a travling cloak. he entered and the who wearhouse went silent. suddenly he was surrounded by gang members. "what do we have here? a kid?" said one


"hehe what a quick rationalization. i hope you arent that quick to judge." said Rai as he revealed his rip cord and loaded launcher. "how about we place a bet. i battle each one of you and i take a part from your bey. you win and you can have my bey. deal?"


they chattered "alright then" they all readied their beyblades. "LET IT RIP!" all of them launched


"what fools." said Rai "NOW WYBORG!" he yelled as he jumped up onto a rafter angle compass perfect and launched the attack wyborg. it landed its engine gear seemed to be hooked to its purpose and wyborg spun faster. "alright 72,000 TPS. GO!" he yelled and the darkness engulfed. The number shot up. "2,305,000 TPS" he grinned . "now go!" wyborg rushed at the army and was unseeable. Rai walked over and took a part from each bey. in total he had obtained 15 parts and created a new bey. "ok Wyborg im substituting you out. we dont want to be seen." he said. as he left to the dome. when he arrived he saw miru, suri, and Chase and hid by running around a corner and swifty climbed up the building to the top of the dome. he had then found the inside light fixation isle and smiled at his angle.

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miru looked back and saw a dark figure run around a corner. "huh?" she ran over and turned a corner to find nobody there. when she was going back she ran into a large man and fell down. he had many people behind him. "uh oh."



suri looked back. "hey where is miru?"

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Rai turned and saw Miru. "damnit." he loaded the bey. "LET IT RIP!" said Rai. the custom bey landed infront of Miru and it starteded. to move arounf insanly and the thugs ran off. "the bey then returned to Rai but the sun was behind him and the cloak as well he was unseeable

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"Huh?" miru looked but saw nothing. "i guess i am just imagining things" she said to herself.

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Huh miru is rig~?

Darn it not again i didn't sign up to play babysitter argh ok suri check near the entrance and i'll check next to the registration station.

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"ok" suri replied. as she ran off to the entrance. "MIRU!!" she yelled


miru came from around the corner a little dazed. "i think i saw Rai." she said. as she walked past her. and entered the dome.

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ok no signs of miru at the sign up stands i hope suri is having better luck the team is falling apart......its hopeless maybe i should just abandon ship and join the PBB All-stars ~signs~

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