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Unto The abyss

Beyblade: the collisiOn of the past and present.

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Miru glared at him "I'm not now shut up and untie me!" she said to him. "Huh!" there was a man at the entrance of the room

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"now tear it up wyborg!" he yelled as the mechanical sea serpent rose from the hey and destroyed the remaining enemies. "now let's go!" RAi said as he ran up the stair to find the door locked "Miru! Chase! The door is locked!"

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"thanks chase" Miru said as she glared at the man.




Siri had just beaten the surfer and was walking towards the stairs.

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"welcome chase to the Zero corporation. We have shown great interest in your dracil and this young girl's dragoon he held up an IPad that was wifi connected to cameras. And trapdoors. "let's bring her here shall he?" he hit a button and the stairs turned into a slide and a trap door opened at the bottom that had a small elevator connected to the top room


RAi was listening to the conversation and ran down to find Suri.

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Suri slid down the stairs and hit the elevator.. "where am I!" she sad as she stepped out of the elevator and found chase and Miru.

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Oh hey its the stalker.....who slaps really hard.Chase said as he finished untieing miru

The stairs turned into a slide sending chase slideing down them.

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"ok then" Rai said aiming the bey at the door. "LET IT RIP!" he yelled but the bey barley scratched the door.





"now then please hand over dracil, virgo, and dragoon." said the man. "or i will have to take them by force!" he said as he pulled out a bey "with Lightining L-Drago!" he said

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"what!" suri yelled as she heard the demand. "no way are you taking Dragoon!" she yelled as she prepared her bey.


Miru had gotten out Virgo and preped it as well. "she is right your not getting them without a fight!" she looked at chase. "well oh great leader" she mocked "what are we gonna do?"

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Well what do you think we'll take him on as a team ~laughs~ i bet you didn't think that i'll ever say that did ya

Chase ask miru as he took out his launcher and bey.

Ok i don't know who you are but i'll never give away draciel you got that.

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"Alright! lets get him!" said MIru.


Suri nodded 'as a team?' she thought to herself. "whatever" she said as she prepared

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Yea lets go Draciel!!!!!


Lets show this guy why he shouldn't mess with the Zero G's

Chase said as he launched Draciel waiting for his foe to make the first move

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"Let it Rip! Dragoon!" yelled suri


"GO Storm Virgo!" yelled Miru.


the two beys joined dracil but circled it as if to defend it.

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Hey you two actually got my back on this one huh?

Chase laughs then looks at his teammates and smiled

Looks like Rai put together a good team after all better yet hes found good team members ok lets get this battle started


The Draciel bey shines green and a beckon of light shines upward releaseing the giant sea trutle Draciel

Yea Draciel lets show them how strong the future leader of the Zero G is

ROOOOAAAAARRRRRRRRR Draciel let out a huge roar.

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The man grinned evilly "you are yet to see your flaws." he said as he launched L-Drago but the bey was spinning in the left direction instead of the right. like the other two. "take this!" the 3 dragons flew out of the bey and at dracil virgo and Dragoon

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"Virgo!" yelled miru as the female human bit beast rose out as it held a series of kuni. "thats the storm!" she yelled as virgo began to attack one of the dragons.



"DragooN!" yelled Suri. suddenly a wind picked up and the dragoon with winds flew out of her bey. "go!" she yelled leaving one more dragon head for dracil

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"SHIT!" yelled Rai as he aimed at the lock and felt like an idiot. he launched it it broke he then ran in.


"a fourth!"yelled the man. "attack L-Drago!" another head appeared out of the left spin bey and attacked rai.


"BACK OFF!" yelled rai launching Wyborg.


"ah so your rai" he said as he watched wyborg instead of its normal calm steady wind disk and parts it was completly different. it spun faster it was jumping around, and it was on a rampage.


"yeah im Rai!"


"i want Wyborg back you little brat!" yelled the man. "that little bey of yours is cyber and belongs to us!"

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"Right!" yelled Rai Wyborg came back he quickly changed parts ti his original bey and launched it with the x3 long rip cord giving it more speed. "GO WYBORG!!! AQUA GRAVITY WHIPLASH!"



( boosted speed turns aqua gravity pull to aqua gravity whiplash because it litterally throws the foe)

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Right on rai send him for a ride and i'll smack him higher in the air then we'll finish the job by sending him crashing into the ground


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"Virgo! Dance of death!" virgo began to furiously attack keeping L-Drago in the air.


"Dragoon!" the dragon caused a cyclone increasing the height of dracil's attack.

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