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Unto The abyss

Beyblade: the collisiOn of the past and present.

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"ha! I won!" Suri bragged. "don't mess with dragoon unless you want to be blown away!" she said. As she picked up dragoon and saw the rubber preformance tip charred. "uh it almost lit on fire!"

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"of course it did. you were causing you bey to spin at an abnormal rate!" he said to her. "you need to learn how to take care of that bey!" he added as he took out a clothe and began cleaning the dirt off wyborg. he then took out a small board and launched wyborg on it and looked at its spin. "ok good now then" he took out a polisher and polished wyborg till it sparkled. "good. ." he then took wyborg apart and checked the parts. "ok now lastly" he put it together and took out his laptop and let it on a small platform and it was scanned. "ok maintenence done." he said as he looked at the sparkling bey. "its a bladers pride and joy."

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"uh! Shut up what do you know!" she yelled at him.




Miru continued to yell at Chase "chase I think RAi is blading!"

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Rai looked at her "alot more than you aparently." he said smirking. he then put his beyblade away and began to walk away. "oh and whats your name?" he asked without turning to look back.

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Arggghhhhhhh i heard you the first time sheesh.Chase said while completeing the upgrades.

Geezzzzz........ok whats all the fuss about miru is rai traped inside a well.Chase mocked as he kneeled to her height.

Hey just take a look at my draciel it screams awesomeness doesn't it of course it does.Chase said while answering his own question.



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"I saw his bit beast fighting a giant blue dragon! It had wings it's unlke anything I've seen before." she yelled at him! "so stop acting like a nut job and let's go!"

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Nut job...........tch....your just jealous but thats besides the point lets go see whats up with rai.Chase took off running leaveing miru behind


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"come back here!" Miru yelled! As she ran at him. "you jerk slow down! LET IT RIP! STORM VIRGO!" she yelled as the modified virgo spin after him.

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"VIRGO!" the bey came back. "that's for stooping down to my level! And running ahead instead of waiting!" she yelled as she stopped next to him

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"Ok" said Miru as they walked outside. "I think beypark is this way." she said goin left.

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"well im going this way!" she said as she stormed off. "i dont have to listen to you!" she said. then she was out of sight.

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Well fine then if she gets lost its her fault.Chase said as he walked off.

Hmmmm.....beypark beypark i wonder what does beypark look like???

Chase said as he realized he didn't know where he was or where beypark is located.

AHHHHHHHH I"M LOST!!!!!! 0k ok ok just stay calm i know i'll just call rai yea that'll work i hope.

Chase pulls out his phone and calls rai

Come on rai pick up pick up.........

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Miru looked around "I'm in the city!" she said as she turned into an ally. "This doesn't seem right." she said as she turned nervous.

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Chase felt someone tap him but he just ignored the person.

EH sorry but i'm too busy to give autographs.

Chase hears the beyblade song and he starts to sing a long.

~Lets beyblade beyblade dun dunna dunna dun dun~Hello hey rai i'm lost pal wheres beypark again huh?

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B. RAi tapped his shoulder again. He closed his phone with a loud clap. (flip phone) "Yo!" he yelled to him.


--/---/-----(Nex discussed this with me)


A guy walked up to Miru. "you look a little lost girl." he said.

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Hey sir i told you i'm not signing autogra........oh hey rai umm haha i guess i made it huh.

Chase turns around to see rai.

So rai i heard you was battleing but it looks like you won i guess there was no reason for me and miru to come find you...........Miru!!!!!HAHA looks like i was rite and she was wrong on so wrong haha

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(ok thanks Rai for the help)


miru had blacked out and when she woke up she was in a room and found she was tied up.




a note fell to the ground near Rai and Chase came with a picture of miru.


Suri was near them "what are you still doing here?" Suri asked.

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