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The Multiverse\\

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Wouldn’t it be interesting to have the power of dimensional travel right at your fingertips? To stumble upon some sort of technology or data that let you control when and where? Surely, it would be wonderful, if only in the right hands. They could not risk it falling into the hands of a villain, so they hid it. The ones who created such technology could not even use it. For years, it was hidden from the eyes of civilians and officials alike, because no one could handle such technology. Not yet.


The data was to stay hidden. However, there was one who discovered such technology on accident. Hidden in the form of data, he took it and examined it. He was sensing some sort of power coming from deep inside the data. So, it was only a matter of time before he discovered it’s true potential: The power to jump dimensions at will. It was his to control, and thus, the power had fell into the hands of evil.

The first few attempts were failures, obviously some sever obstacles were in the way of actually retrieving the true power. For someone with such skill, the devices would be no match for them. After several failures, there was one success. He grinned at himself, filled with triumph for the feat he accomplished. Beelzemon could take over and become the ultimate ruler of the universe.


A few months later, everything and everywhere just seemed more peaceful. Every hero was missing a nemesis, petty thieves missing at least one ally. They had all gone, seemingly without a trace. Some had jumped in joy, others simply dumbstruck, while the rest were suspicious. They had to be up to something, but there were no tracks to follow. It was impossible to tell where they were now.

One in particular was simply flustered by this behavior. How could they have slipped right through his fingers? Surely, that left one realm safe, but what about the rest? What about the ones that were unknown to him? What if they were in danger.


The Doctor had to make this right, and thus the second device was made.


It was time to prepare for war.



Earth 315 is average. No super heroes, no super villains, no robots or aliens. This is the main target of Beelzemon’s army, because they have no hope of defeating him with their lack of technology. They did not anticipate a surprise visit from their worst nightmare, those who had defeated them once in the past. There was still hope that they will overpower the goodie-goods and plow them into the ground. The Earth would become a graveyard for the fallen heroes, and the villains would be free to take over every last planet.

Who will win?




1. Let’s start with the basics. No godmod, no powerplay, need help for definition, look here. http://www.rpgfix.com/resource/bad-roleplay-guide

2. Be respectful to other players. Try not to start drama. The likes.

3. Any complaints about others shall come to me. IM or PM is fine, and if it’s very bothersome, then I will try to deal with it.

4. Try on your posts. I mean, I understand if you have writers block and your post is a little lacking, but you can’t just put in 2 sentences for every single post. If anything, try for a MININUM of 3 lines, and a maximum of whatever you want.

5. 3 characters are your maximum. If you can’t play them right or if you don’t play one of them enough and someone wants that character, they can request it.

6. With that being said, try to keep in character. If your character is a minor character, then you can probably put some fan canon in there. Just make it realistic.

7. Only canon characters are aloud.

8. Obviously, follow the roleplaying guidelines.

9. If you have read the rules either feed my ego or insult me. Seriously, I need a good insult.



So roleplay wisely.



Alright, so not everyone might know what you’re talking about. That is what we have character sheets for.










Extras (optional):



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i'm having 2 characters >.>


Name: Lucas

From(series): Mother series

Age: 13

Appearance: http://imageshack.us...mupload&newlp=1

Side: Good

Personality: Lucas is a shy, timid, docile, and a coddeled teenager, but he still grows up...

Bio: When Lucas was 9, His mother sacrificed her life to save her 2 children, Lucas and Claus, From death of a mecha-drago. After the funeral, His brother Claus told Lucas he will get stronger and avenge their mother....but he disapears and never comes back....3 years later, he ventures out to pull the 7 needles, not knowing that the masked man was someone he knew. After clashing against porky and defeating him, he has the final battle with the masked man...who was actually his brother Claus. His brother shot a last resort attack...but Lucas' Franklin badge deflected the lighting and back towards Claus....He commited Child suicide....His brother and mother are lost..and the only ones left are His father Flint Norris and Lucas. He pulls the last needle, and restarts the world...In the end...He grows up.

Skills: PSI Attacks.


I'll provide a list!

PK Love Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Omega.

PK Freeze Alpha, Beta, and Gamma

PK Flash

Lifeup Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Omega,

Healing Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Omega

Shield Alpha and Omega

PSI Shield Alpha, Beta, Sigma, and Omega.

Counter Alpha and Omega

PSI Counter Alpha and Omega

PSI Magnet


Extras (optional): Lucas's non-PSI attacks make a Keytar sound. He also weilds a Stick that brings out his true emotions.




Name: Beelzemon

From(series): Digimon

Age: ???

Appearance: Posted Image

Side: Evil

Personality: Powerhungry, Evil, Honorable and refuses to attack weaker opponents without a reason

Bio: A powerhungry digimon when he was born from his digiegg. He has found something that allows him to travel the dimensions, But with this traveling, he remains glitched depending on the distance he has traveled for every dimension


Darkness Claw: Slashes through an enemy with a claw filled with darkness.

Double Impact: Rapidly fires the Berenjena/Pistols

Heartbreak Shot A single bullet filled with negative emotions that pierces through an enemy



yeah um -ventus- sucks at pokemon batteling, she can't battle for sh!t :P

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lol I know. The instant I saw The Doctor i was like OHHHH!!!


Name: Arakune

From(series): Blazblue

Age: Unknown

Appearance: http://img354.images...kunefullzu6.jpg the picture is fairly big so ill use link.

Side: Neutral

Personality: Went Insane By The Power Of The Boundary.

Bio: Researched the Power of the BOundary eventually forcing him into insanity and turning him into the creature he is now. Voice has pushed to a point inconherency but he is not aware of the fact that others dont understand. Thirst for power and knowledge above all.Skills: Body itself is a black glob with bones underneath. Can mend himself into any shape.

Extras (optional): Body is also comprised of bugs. Used as a weapon as well.



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Name: The Doctor (just The Doctor)

From(series): Doctor Who

Age: About 900 years, give or take.

Appearance: At his tenth regeneration, he was first described as "slim and a little bit foxy." And although he's upset at his hair not being ginger, he's grown fond of his luscious brown locks. There is never a set style, due to him constantly running his hands through it in times of distress. The Doctor is tall, and as described, thin. He has a nice pair of brown eyes, which he often wears a pair of rectangular frame glasses over them when inspecting an object. He's often seen in a brown with blue pinstripes suit, a shirt and tie underneath, a pair of converse, and a light brown overcoat. The Doctor also has a charming smile and trusting disposition.

Side: Good, naturally.

Personality: Most of the time, he's light-hearted and cheerful (and slightly whimsical). This doesn't stop him from being serious when the situation calls for it. The moment he discovers something is off in the scene, he tones down and gets to business. However, there are times when he's --as described by himself-- "rude but not ginger." The Doctor doesn't give second chances. When you used up your first chance, he won't spare you. The rage of The Doctor is said to be feared through all. There is a side of him that his companions quickly catch up on. The side of loneliness. He gets uncomfortable when it comes to talking about his previous companions, since it gives him pain to think about what he's done to them. They get caught up in the wonders of time and space, and if they continued on, they'd never want to return to their normal lives. The Doctor cares about their well being above his own, and sacrifices his own happiness to ensure that they're safe. The Doctor's loneliness is well hidden by the witty manner he puts up as a front.

Bio: 900 years of history is a lot to cover, so let's catch up with what The Doctor's done recently. The Doctor has had many companions. Each of them were brilliant in their own way. The most recent one, Donna Noble, had to have of all the memories of their travels locked away deep inside her mind. Now part-Time Lord, she couldn't handle all the information that was flashing in her brain. It was a terrible sacrifice; to have her forget how brilliant and fantastic she was as a person in order for her to keep living. For if she were to remember those travels, she would explode. Now alone, The Doctor continues to travel. It was only a matter of time he started to realize that wherever he traveled, there wasn't an alien or monster for him to defeat. There weren't any problems for him to fix. It was odd, since no matter where he traveled, he got no moment of rest. That was when he decided to investigate. In every point in time, and on every planet, there were no --by the words of humans-- villains. No bad guys, no head honcho, nothing! And that's when things started to get... funky. There were people and creatures popping up. But not ordinary people or creatures; ones he's never seen before! That was sure a feat for him, THE Doctor. He knew every species of creature, knew every nook and cranny of the universe. So that only meant one thing: alternate universes. With the crack of space and time open, The Doctor began to panic. That crack needed to be closed in order to restore balance to his universe. He needed to get the bottom of things, and fast. And with the power and technology from planets both young and old in time and space, he was able to create another dimensional teleporter. The Doctor was going to set things straight.

Skills: Saving all the worlds. All of them. Has an extensive library of knowledge in his brain. Sonic screwdrivering things (except for wood, it doesn't work on wood). Oh yeah and running, lots of running.

Extras (optional): People assume that time is a strict progression of cause and effect. But actually from a non-linear non-subjective view point, it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly timey whimey... stuff.


Ventus, yo mama so old that when she was in school there was no history class.

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  On 10/8/2011 at 10:55 PM, -Ventus- said:

Accepted Ivan. Yo mama joke is close enough to denting my ego.


Uhh I'll put my own characters here later.



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Name: Naruto

From(series): Naruto Shippuden

Age: 16

Appearance: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_lUid4VM4KWk/THZEBwJ3TKI/AAAAAAAAAP8/sOICfnbDylc/s1600/naruto-sage-mode.jpg

Side: Good but when he gets mad watch out

Personality: Narutos a bit of a pervert and a dumb ass but once you look past all that hes a good guy who just really wants to earn everyones respect pratect his friends and some day become Hokage

Bio: On the day Naruto an Orphan soon after born was born on the day a demon fox know as the Nine tailed fox attacked his home village soon after the fox attacked the village thought the Fourth Hokage now know to be Narutos Father sealed half the demon foxs power inside Naruto but for a long time no one knew why the fox attacked the village and Naruto did not understand why he was chosen to hold the demon fox until a time came when he tried to take control of the foxs chakra when naruto attempted this he meet his mother and she explained how she before him was the host of the nine tails until a man known as Madara took the fox out of her and had it attack the village but before naruto discovered all this he was known as an outcast to his village very slowly but shorly gaining the whole villages respect

Skills: can control the elemental chakra wind can use the nine tails that he holds him chakra to increase his power has control of many types of jutsus best known being his shadow clone jutsu and his Rasenga

Extras (optional): can use Sage Mode along with some other Jutsus i might design for him myself later if thats okay


-Ventus- your a sad ass with no life and no real friends and i agree with lord VanVan about your Mama

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  On 10/8/2011 at 8:03 PM, -Ventus- said:


Vanitas you're missing the feed my ego/insult part of the rules


Miss that lol


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  On 10/9/2011 at 1:29 AM, -Ventus- said:

When I get off my ass and write something, which can either mean later on tonight or tomorrow morning.


I'm chopping you, everyone wants to start

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Name: Dante

From(series): Devil May Cry 3 (DMC series)

Age: 19

Appearance: http://thumbs2.modth...cry-3-dante.jpg

Side: Good, but offten gets side tracked when he sees profit for himself.

Personality: Can be selfish at times, but has a deep sense of rightousness. Dante is a very sarcastic, hot-blooded and cocky person who offten taunts his enemy's on the way they look or the way they behave. He also performs stunts that are humanly impossible when fighting masses of Demons, just for fun.

Bio:Dante is the second son of the 'Legendary Dark knight' Sparda and the human Eva, and the younger twin brother of Vergil. As such, he is a half-demon, half-human hybrid. Dante is a mercenary dedicated to exterminating demons; a mission he follows in pursuit of those that killed his mother and corrupted his brother. Dante owns a shop known as 'Devil May Cry' that specifies in 'special' tasks that can only be carried out by Dante.

Skills: Dante is skilled in many types of combat such as hand to hand combat, but he excells in sword-play and gun-play.

Extras (optional): Dante is always seen with his 'Rebellion' demon sword and his twin, rapid-fire pistols 'Ebony and Ivory'. Dante also has the ability to transform into a full demon for a limited amount of time, this is known as using the 'Devil Trigger' (or D.T for short).

Rebellion Sword appearance: http://www.cosplayis...bellion4xi8.jpg

Ebony and Ivory appearance: http://images.wikia....bonyIvory_3.gif (White gun = Ivory, Black gun = Ebony)

Devil Trigger appearance: http://images.wikia....evilTrigger.png


And Ventus, Your Mother... that is all.

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((Venny said I can start us off))


A relieving vwooop vwooop echoed within the Tardis. A man that was slumped against the console sighed and put himself upright. Just moments before there was chaos. The man's beloved machine was throwing itself back and forth, more so than usual, while it was traveling between the delicate lines of time and space. Instead of the normal hum, there was a gravely vraaamp vraaamp sound. Buttons were wizzing, lights were flashing, and the man was struggling to maintain balance. His hands made quick work over the buttons, levers, and knobs. Pressing, pushing, pulling, turning --anything to stabilize the Tardis. It was a lot like the time when the man and two of his previous companions accidentally traveled to an alternate version of Earth --except this time the man was expecting these reactions from the Tardis, since the travels this time were intentional, not accidental. Eventually, the rocking motions stopped, and the vwooop vwooop had announced the Tardis's landing.


"Well then, we must've landed!" The man, or as he called himself, The Doctor, confirmed. The "we" referring to him and his time and space traveling machine, the Tardis. Or, T.A.R.D.I.S (Time And Relative Dimension In Space). Now standing upright, he checked off a mental check list. Keys to the Tardis? Check. Sonic screwdriver? Check that too. Legs? Yep, still got those. Hair? Still not ginger!! Ah well, he couldn't do anything about that. Maybe during his next regnerati- No! Don't think about that! He still had so much more to do! So much he needed to see and experience! Such an ironic thing to say for a man who had lived over 900 Earth years.


The Doctor sprung into life as he threw on his light brown overcoat that hung on the railing just by the door. He snapped his fingers and the door opened, and not hesitating at all, he stepped out into the new world. Taking a few steps he pulled out the Tardis key and locked it. There was a small beep, signaling it was secure. With that done, The Doctor took a look around.


From what he could tell, the world was similar to Earth (maybe it was another alternate universe of Earth?). There was air to breathe, that was good. Grass on the ground. Good good. There were trees behind the Tardis. So this world was capable of maintaining life. The Doctor jumped up and down a couple times. Gravity was slightly lesser than it was on Earth. And from what he could tell, there was a city in the distance, below the hill he was apparently standing on. Maybe there were people living there. Well... not people as in humans. Humans might be living there, but there might also be some other alien species. Slitheen? Adipose? CatKind? Or even Ood? Well, that was simply the mystery that was going to be unfolded.


Oooh, The Doctor rubbed his hands in anticipation. That was the fun part of traveling. What to see, what to do, what to taste, feel, smell, just plain experience. But he mustn't let himself get distracted, oh no. The Doctor needed to find out why certain species were disappearing from his universe, and why people from others were slipping through. Finding clues was the main objective. The Doctor put his hands into his trousers's pockets and headed to the city.

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Lucas encountered the Mole Cricket when he was 9.


"THIS IS OUR REMATCH! I HOPE YOU'RE READY!" The mole cricket yelled

"...Alright!" Lucas responded

Lucas guarded!

"Is that all you're gonna do?! RAAH!"

The Mole Cricket charges!

Lucas suffered only minor pain.

"Come on! I want more battle! Quit guarding!" Molecricket demanded.

"Okay! :D"

Lucas charged and bashed!

He swung his stick towards the mole cricket rapidly making a keytar following a rythme in his head


The Mole Cricket surrendered!

Lucas won the battle!

"Owww!" The molecricket layed on the floor hurt

"I'm sorry....Here let me help you

Lucas tried Lifeup Alpha.

The Mole Cricket was healed from his minor injuries.

"Sheesh..You gotten tough!" The Mole Cricket responded


A Digimon in biker clothing rides across the Digital World Desert only to be stopped by a pack of Guilmon

"GRRRR!!" the Guilmon pact became hostile for their territory.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY!" The Sinister Digimon shouted.

He pulled out his guns and started to shoot towards the Guilmon.

"AAAHH!" They panicked in fear and backed away

"Dumbass retarted dinosaurs! Screw you all!" Beelzeemon Yelled.

He kept on riding and riding until he reached the portal to the real world

"When i go through there. I'll be able to travel.."

Beelzemon rode his bike through the portal and landed on Earth 315.

"Now to find a place to park and find some friends....heheh..." With a sinister dark look, Beelzemon got off his bike and looked around.

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