P50L 610 Posted October 7, 2011 I have recently found my old Dark Cloud 1 and 2 PS2 Games. I closed my eyes and thought of all the adventures I had with Toan, Xiao, Goro, Ruby, Ungaga, Osmond, Maximillian (Max), and Monica So this is deticated to all of those who played the dark chronicle/ dark cloud series. Those who are or AREN'T in the kh13 forum I hope you like it. The world is soon going to be at war. Both the East and the West are locking arms. But the East has a trick, Summoning the power of the Dark Genie. But that will all change, A destined group of teenagers will soon be granted power to the legendary stones, the atlamillia. What are the powers of the Atlamillia? You will soon find out. But there is a catch, the east wants to destroy the west and will do anything to destory the west's atlamillia bearers Rules: 1. Don't quick post, 5 sentences at least 2. No killling each other unless you both agree. 3. You must ask the person first if you want them to do a minor action, like this:"I walked up to Irvine and He dropped his keyblade down"4: Cursing is allowed children. 5. NO SEX ALLOWED, KEEP IT PG-13, I DON'T WANT THAT SH!T TO SCAR YOUNGER MEMBERS If you want to cyber, Do it in private chat, we don't wanna see you infect the roleplaying thread with XXX ;A; 6. If you read these rules, Please post CHEESE at the end of your sign-up 7: No godmodding, I had enough of that. Sign-Up Sheet Name: Age: Apperance:(Pictures are allowed): Weapon: Atlamillia Color: (only if west) Bio: East or West Town: (IF WEST, YOU HAVE CHOICES, NORUNE VILLAGE, MATATAKI VILLAGE, QUEENS, OR MUSKA RACKA. IF EAST YOU AUTOMATICALLY LIVE IN THE EASTERN CITY. Here's mine: Name: Chris Age: 16 Apperance: Brown Kango, White Shirt, Blue jeans, Black shoes, Brown Cowhide Gloves, Black straight hair Weapon: Claymore Atlamillia Color: Aquamarine Bio: ONCE CHRIS FINDS OUT ANYTHING UNUSUAL, HE IS READY FOR ADVENTURE! He knows the tracks and everything around his surroundings also! He is brave! Also knows his swords! East or West: West Home town: Norune Village IF YA WANT MORE INFO ON THIS GAME AND THE AVALIBLE WEAPONS GO HERE! http://darkcloud.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page Let's start signing up? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gardevoir101 40 Posted October 7, 2011 Grr, your link isn't working for me so I'm going off memory. It has been such a long time since I've played. Name: Shaun Age: 14 Appearance: Brown hair, white shoes, black gloves, blue shirt, grey shorts, small backpack and black shoes. Weapon: 7th Heaven Atlamillia Color: Yellow Bio: Always looking for adventure but a little bit shy, Shaun uses both physical and mental power. Town: Norume Village CHESSE Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
P50L 610 Posted October 7, 2011 accepted! I'm gonna start...this is an under rated game :c "Oww...My head...." Chris woke up and noticed Shaun next to him "Shaun! Wake up! Something happened to this place!" He looked around and noticed no one was around...it was a wasteland... He looked down sad. But can't remember on what happened except purple energy beams attacking the town. "Say what can we do?" HE ASKED. "you can do something" a voice came. Both shaun and chris were engulfed and met an old man. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gardevoir101 40 Posted October 7, 2011 The old man is revealed to be the Fairy King who give Chris and Shaun an Atlamillia. Chris receives an Aquamarine Atlamillia and Shaun receives a yellow one both placed on their gloves. "But what do we do with these?" They both asked. "Before your town and others were attacked I sealed the people and building in Atla and using your Atlamillia you can restore what was once hear. "But where are they located?" Chris asked. The Fairy King presented them with a key to the town's nearby dungeon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
P50L 610 Posted October 7, 2011 ((btw no controlling, only minor stuff, not speakin I'll let that one slide though )) "Alright...Let's go!" Both of them ran over to the cave and looked around. They reached to the first floor and looked around. "Oh yeah, I should take out the claymore..." He pulls out his sword from his sword holister. "Alright, So we need to find these..orbs?" They both walked into one room and say an orb smack in the middle of the room. "Oh there it is!" Chris ran after the atla, but soon he doesn't know that there is something waiting for him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites