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TV My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion thread

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Does anyone here know for sure when MLP: FiM S03E01 will be airing on The Hub?


After doing some searches, there's nothing about an exact date. Only that it may be released around August or September. Dx


But they did release some season 3 spoilers if you've heard about that. >:3




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After doing some searches, there's nothing about an exact date. Only that it may be released around August or September. Dx

I sure hope it's early or mid September. It's definitely never coming out in August.

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Bronys, non bronys, people how like the show or people how like to suport indie and independent development, this a call for help, something awful has just happend, the developers of the non profit independent game "Fighting is magic" had resive an C&D letter from hasbro, they were told to stop their work and remove any material of the game on their posetion.

if you dont know what is "Fighting is magic" well, it was a fighting game made with the characters from the tv series "My little pony: Frindship is magic" there still some videos of the game around youtube (im not posting  here, im sure you all are able to find them), srly words cant describe how awsome their work was, and to be honest there is pretty few we can do about it, but hope is still alive and leting proyect to die would be a shame seeing the big effort the developers has made this far.

 on few words, am asking you guys if can take a moment to singh the petition, iam not sure if 'll work but sighing it its the less i can do. Thank you very much for reading this, not sure if im violating any forum rule, sorry if i do. 


http://www.thepetitionsite.com/526/847/063/allow-the-continuation-of-the-development-of-mane6s-mlp-fighting-is-magic/ (Here is the linke, feel free to share it)

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I signed it yesterday :3 I do understand why they don't want it. MLP is a show about friendship, kindness, love, etc. They don't want fighting made of their franchise :3

Edited by Rainbow Dash

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What do you think is going to happen in the fourth season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? My opinion is that the entire theme of the show was clearly shown at the end of Season 3, and I don't see how there could be anymore episodes. 

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I really hope there's a season 4. It's a great show and probably the only cartoon I actually watch. idk about themes but I already saw somewhere that they have paid the money produce the fourth season so they'll come up with something.

Edited by Keysofblades

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I really hope there's a season 4. It's a great show and probably the only cartoon I actually watch. idk about themes but I already saw somewhere that they have paid the money produce the fourth season so they'll come up with something.

Another season has already been confirmed. 

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There will be more season's of MLP: FiM however I feel the show is reverting back to the previous generations of MLP which were basically 20 minute long commercials for the toys. 

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A thread like this can only lead to more Alicorn!Twilight arguments and I will not tolerate them on this website.  Even though I'm not a mod and wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

I won't let things get too out of control. ;)

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Which is your favorite character?


I dunno I just wanted to ask lol


Not sure who's my favorite, really.... Although Pinkie Pie is hallerious. xD

Edited by DragonMaster
edited to reflect merging of threads

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As a male I feel weird even looking at photos of MLP

Which you ask me, is pretty stupid. Why do you have to gender things so much?


Anyways. I'm still trying to figure out the proper time it comes on the hub, its rather entertaining to watch on television imo lol


But the fandom is oximoronic for thinking they're so 'special' for watching this show. Really; is heartlessness THAT expected out of males? My God. My poor Riku doll, is he ever LUCKY he's NOT EVEN A LIVING BEING......





If I was male. I'd probably be dead by now, if those standerds are a concideration D: probably long dead...


I'll say no more. I'm not responcable for the possable suicides or adtempts created by this post; your own human stupidity is....

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Nightmare Moon = Maleficent

Trixie Lulamoon = Eddie Brock

Discord = Q

Queen Chrysalis = Ursula

King Sombra = Sauron

Alicorn Amulet = Venom Symbiote


What could've been:


Sunset Shimmer = Lex Luthor


What was instead:


Sunset Shimmer = Diamond Tiara



Edited by Alan Smithee

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