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TV My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion thread

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Wow xD. Are bronies not well regarded here or something? If people talk about ponies is it like..A taboo?


Nah man. There's so many here, people seem to tolerate us now. If we wanna talk about ponies, we usually talk about it in the MLP Fanclub.

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There are. I'm pretty sure they've taken over the site from the inside.


Oh gods, here we go...


there are a billion

there was an onslaught of them once or twice in this site, as I have heard


I only lived through it once


Remind me to give you a like.

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Remind me to give you a like.


Rob, I'm giving you all these likes, because you say that you will like my stuff in the future. This is quite the idea you've stumbled upon.

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What about "pegasisters"?


Yeah. . . But it isn't the best term to use because some girls would rather be a unicorn or an earth pony, and they don't like that name because it only refers to pegasi and blah blah blah

It's complicated, but personally I don't really care if you call me a pegasister or a brony.

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Yeah. . . But it isn't the best term to use because some girls would rather be a unicorn or an earth pony, and they don't like that name because it only refers to pegasi and blah blah blah

It's complicated, but personally I don't really care if you call me a pegasister or a brony.

I though no one liked that name because it sucks compared to "brony"

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I though no one liked that name because it sucks compared to "brony"


Some people do, some people don't.

*Another Life Lesson by Impersisfluff*

No matter how much the rest of the world hates something, there's always at least one person that likes it.

Take Justin Bieber for example.

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Please create ONE dedicated 'My Little Pony' thread so I don't have to see multiple 'My Little Pony' threads all the time. Open one at the 'Fanclubs' sub-forum if you must. Thank you very much.

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Haha, I AM sorry if I annoyed anyone or something like that, but I promise I won't be all up in somebody's face about the show. It's nice to meet you fellow bronies. :3. @Tarp. I'm sorry I didn't know there was a thread like that. ^^''

Edited by Kaii-Leiko

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The term 'brony' is gender-neutral. Anyone that's a fan of MLP can be considered a brony.


(I said something about Pegasisters and didn't realize someone already posted about them) Edited by FireRubies1

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