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In light of the news that Sony is bringing PS2 classics as downloadable games on the PSN, would you like to see the 3 Kingdom Hearts games become available in the future?


Personally, I don't think it would be completely necessary. Maybe before KH3 is releases they could do it, but at the moment it's not really needed. Although it would be awesome if they put RE:COM up for all regions, so then Europe and Australia could play it.


So, thoughts?

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I would like it to happen but I doubt Disney would ever let their games be available for download.


There are things like a Hercules game. There's also a PS1 classic of Lilo and Stitch. I haven't actively looked for the games, but I know those at least exist.

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There are things like a Hercules game. There's also a PS1 classic of Lilo and Stitch. I haven't actively looked for the games, but I know those at least exist.


exactly right there i mean why can they have those old games up but not anything Kingdom Hearts related up i mean really is it because those are old games that were made for the PS that its like hey we dont really care about those games but the games that involve us and square cant be on the PSN wtf is all i have to say

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I actually think they might. Disney is also starting to realize that digital distribution is where we're headed (with every form of home entertainment). It might take a few more years, but then they might realize it in time for KH3.


EDIT: I just read that here in Europe they're gonna release a couple of games that were previously released exclusively in Japan. Anyone thinking what I'm thinking?

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Tetsuya Nomura has already expressed plans to remake them all in HD. Releaseing the original versions as downloadable ports would take away from the sales of the remakes. So, I find it to be highly unlikely.

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