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Ever since I posted about Bamboo flooring......

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I like bamboo flooring because when I step on it I know I am contributing to the extinction of pandas


Panda's are a flawed species to begin with. They are carnivores that aren't even adapted to eating Bamboo, they're also picky about the bamboo they eat. The majority of them are infertile and the ones that aren't almost never mate because they're so choosy about partners.


They're only around still because the Chinese want them around.


But this is pointless anyhow, Panda's only eat a few species of Bamboo, none of which is used for flooring.

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Panda's are a flawed species to begin with. They are carnivores that aren't even adapted to eating Bamboo, they're also picky about the bamboo they eat. The majority of them are infertile and the ones that aren't almost never mate because they're so choosy about partners.


They're only around still because the Chinese want them around.


But this is pointless anyhow, Panda's only eat a few species of Bamboo, none of which is used for flooring.


I agree, Panda's are big, slow moving, nearly defenseless, have trouble reproducing, and have a limited food supply. The fact that they survived this long is quite amazing itself though Panda's are pretty useless except for looking very cute

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