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Two Sided (KH3)

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Volt finally stopped moving and Cassidy eased her grip before making another ball of light. She lightly kissed Volts cheek before speaking. "Don't give on anyone I need you more than ever....." She let the light seep into Volt's heart before giving a small smile and fainting on his chest.

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Celine defeated the last mysterious creature, and fell to the ground. "God, these things do not give up." She said to herself. She got up and walked through the second district. -Note to self: Traverse town is a terrible vacation spot.- she thought to herself. The Cerberus keyblade disappeared from her hand and she collapsed on the bench. "What I would not do for a manicure, I would like to know." she said to herself under her breath, overlooking her nails, dirty and longer than usual. She closed her eyes and caught her breath. She got up and walked on, wondering if she'd ever find what she was hoping to find.

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(Lol I forgot you are in the rp now and I let people double post)

Cassidy hung limp with a smile towards Volt. "Hehe thanks for not giving other wise I would of had some problems wouldn't I?" She looked at Volt seeing something dark coming off him. "Please no....." Her eyes rolled back as she passed out.

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This is my chance while those two are struggleing with each other i'll make my escape.

Chase grabed the orb and drained it clean of all his powers.

Thats more like it farewell Light freaks next time the results will be alot different i will send you all to the never ending void

Chase said as he vanish leaveing no trace only the sound of his laughter remains filling the room with a eerie tone.


Chase appears in traverse town

Finally i'm away from those light weilding freaks tch pain in my side i don't need

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"Not everyone......." Rixku appeared in front of Chase with a slight smile growing. "Now what the heck are you doing Chase I though you where left in the Realm of Darkness from the last time I saw you going through a dark portal?" She looked at him seeing a burn mark. "Cassidy got to you. She's got spirit and that's what she'll use to keep alive against guys and others like you at this point right Chase?"

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Yea i encoutered her shes just begging to be thrown into obilvion

i need to recoperate my dark impulses are giving me a headache but next time cassidy will be destroyed along with Volt.

As for now i'm goin to set my plan into action this time i will usher the worlds into an eternal darkness the heartless shall herald my arrival.

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Rixku just shakes her head before summoning Soul Eater and Lost Memory. "I'm sorry but you mistaken me for what side i'm on now don't you? I am on her side, Light, unlike yourself I rather see light than Darkness even though I could live in it like any other nobody." She pointed Lost Memory at Chase. "I hope this leaves a mark on you for good."

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I see.......why must everyone trun their backs on the darkness that resides in their hearts...........good bye old friend

Chase sends heartless out

Attack!!!! that should keep you busy for a minute or two

Chase fades away into the darkness leaveing behind a black feather.


Chase is seen staggering to his feet inside a dark chamber

Those fools time and time again i am force to flee arghhhh.....no matter soon the very heavens will kneel before me i will send them all to obilvion!!!!

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Celine walked on, while heartless came slowly from behind. "Where the hell do these guys even come from?" she said aloud to herself when she turned around and summoned her keyblade. She slashed through them and they disappeared in black flame. She turned around and kept walking towards the gizmo shop. She walked in and saw all sorts of gears and pulleys and levers. It was unlike any place she'd seen before. -Too bad it isn't here. He said it was somewhere in the third district.- she thought as she walked out the other door. She walked over to the door to the 3rd district. -Now, where do I start looking?-

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Name: Haruki

Age: 15

Gender: Female

weapon: monster strenght

Side: Light

Abilities: Able to read and control people's mind


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My powers arent fully restored i need.......help......arghhh i can feel myself sliping out of consciousness darn this isn't good.........

Chase collasped his dark aura protecting him from those who seek to harm him.


~Chase's dream~

I'm...i'm...losesing myself nooo....

Chase is seen sinking into darkness desperately trying to grasp a small glimmer of light.


Chase falls into darkness smileing

~End of Chase's dream~

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Cssidy winced at the dark stuff coming from Volt before weakly pushing away from him in attempt to get away from it. "make it stop it hurts Volt........" She was barely awake or able to do anything at all at this point of her day or night to say.

(Now you can post)

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Haruki was sitting in a bench in travese town. She leaned her head back and sighed. "Nothing to do.." she moans. She got up and started walking around, desperate to find something to stop her boredom.

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