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When do you think dragon ball should have stopped?


10 members have voted

  1. 1. Dragon Ball should have ended:

    • with the original dragon ball
    • after the freiza saga
    • after garlic jr. saga
    • after cell saga
    • after buu saga
    • I like where/how it ended with GT
    • I want more

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Pretty self explanatory. Like I feel it should have stopped after the buu sage, but I know people who wanted it to stop after the freiza saga and I know some who want more. So what about you?

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It was all good until GT, that was just crap :(


So SS4 Gogeta was crap?


I would have liked the show to keep going. Shows run their course, and I wouldn't have minded it ending at GT, except for the fact they keep making video games with the same stories I've seen and played a million times, and DBZ Kai, which is reruns, but without the " it takes 10 episodes to kill Frieza but it was 5 min in real time" thing. If they are still making games, they can still continue the story.

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