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Let's talk magic~

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*gets out dream staff* OKAY.


We all know the magic spells. Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Cure, Reflect, Gravity, Stop, Aero, and Magnet :3


Which one is your favorite?


I like....Curaga for the flying leaves etc, and Aeroga cause you get to hit enemies if they go near you :D

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i like a lot thundaga curaga!!!


1. (X) Thundaga

2. (Square) Reflega

3. (Triangle) Blizzaga

4. (Circle) Curaga


LOL! For me my set moves are.



Square- Thundaga

Triangle- Blizzaga

Circle- Firaga

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Fire is mah thang. ;) It's the one I most frequently use. I get used to Thunder after awhile, it's okay. Blizzard, not so much. Aero? Meh. Cure? Heck yeah, best healing option ever (except in KH2 where it uses your whole magic bar and you have to wait for it to recharge).

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For me, it depends what game. In 358/2 days, I find it easier to use fire quite a bit, more than anything else. I also use cure, but it has to be leveled up enough to actually work.


In KH1, I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't have been able to finish without curaga xD It was my life, literally. I also used Aero quite a bit. And thundaga was pretty great too.


In KH2 using cure is annoying because it uses up all of your magic points D: But I still use it. I do not use fire, because it does nothing for me... magnera is pretty useful :)

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