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KHBbS Lady Tremaine

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Re-watching the Castle of Dreams during Aqua's scenario, when I realized that the game never answers whether or not Lady Tremaine and her two daughters are dead. Any thoughts

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I thought long and hard about what happened with Lady Tremaine and her daughters... as a roleplayer, I had to come to some conclusion or another just so I wouldn't break head-canon whenever I let Vanitas loose on any world. That meant patching up/deciding what actually happens. I think the Unversed just go around stirring up trouble, breeding the emotions they like to feed on. But I don't think this means actually eating the people. They aren't Heartless running around taking hearts, y'know? I think, though, they should be able to 'harvest' what they've managed to stirr up in people, and this might cause them to black out and wake up later, not really remembering the incident very clearly. Ala 'I think I was angry... why was I so angry?'


Hell, in one roleplay I did Vanitas got so pissed at this person that he personally just ripped all the emotions he could find from her. Now, that doesn't make the victim a Nobody by any means, it'll all grow back, they do still have hearts afterall. It did leave the poor woman pretty blank for a while, though... had no idea what to feel. But with friends around to help, they regrow. (Compare this to how blank Ventus was after Vanitas was taken from him... it took weeks for him to stabilize and be social with Terra and Aqua,)


Unversed all seemed based on individual emotions, though. They probably only feed off the type that they are?

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She should be alive. That way, they can use Cinderella 2 and 3 for a future story for a future KH game. Sora still has to go to the BBS worlds.


y know darkness can brought peoples back alive like maleficent did for oogie boogie

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