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The Unpopular Opinions Thread

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I believe that even if people say, "Well, it's reality," life can be so much better for you and it usually is. Why do people count all the negative things in life? Be thankful you're alive. 

That's a good mentality you have :)

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I'm starting to get annoyed by the "Big 3" anime, they are just continuing way too long and are getting ehhhh...and this is coming from a Naruto fan lol There are just so many cliches and bland story telling that it's really getting to be too much. That goes for quite a few other anime as well: Fairy Tail, Toriko, blah, stuff like that. It really makes me appreciate shorter anime like Gurren Lagann, Darker Than Black, Cowboy Bebop, ect a lot more.


Bleach: Should of ended a long time ago.

One Piece: How, what is even going on in that series...

Naruto: The manga is the only thing keeping me into the series, the anime has way too much filler (and bad animation most of the time).

I'm early in on One Piece........ Yeah I don't really know how it lasted so long either... the plot sounded simple enough xD

I don't know what could be happening, but the fun characters keep me going.

Imo Naruto should have ended

and Shippuden shouldn't exist

I heard Shippuden at least has character development, but really Naruto just doesn't have to continue

We can just let Sasuke die/ become a good guy

and Naturo can become Hokage already

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I'm early in on One Piece........ Yeah I don't really know how it lasted so long either... the plot sounded simple enough xD

I don't know what could be happening, but the fun characters keep me going.

Imo Naruto should have ended

and Shippuden shouldn't exist

I heard Shippuden at least has character development, but really Naruto just doesn't have to continue

We can just let Sasuke die/ become a good guy

and Naturo can become Hokage already

Yay, someone that thinks like me! I really don't understand the point of Shippuden, and I've seen like half of it. :P


My opinion:

I honestly think Sonic X isn't that bad like some people say it is. o3o And I honestly kinda like the 4kids dub for it... xD

Edited by Crisp Cucumber

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Not sure if this is unpopular or not but "It's the truth" does not excuse rudeness. If my cousin came up to me and asked if she was fat I'd tell them "Honey, maybe you could stand to lose a few pounds, you know?" I wouldn't go "Lol dayum! Lay off the McD's fatso! You pregnant or what?" and then when their feeling are hurt go "Lol but that's not mean it's the truth"


Obviously there are times where you just have to be stern and not sugar coat things, like with a crack addict, you honestly just have to straight up tell them "You will be dead in so and so weeks if you don't kick this filthy habit" But even that's not exactly being rude. THAT is when you can say it's the truth.


(BTW this cousin is actually just hypothetical, they don't exist xD)

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I don't see why everyone loves Metroid and Fire Emblem so much. I've played Super Metroid and the demo for FE Awakening, Metroid's frustrating and boring, and FE's storyline was incredibly boring...

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I don't see why everyone loves Metroid and Fire Emblem so much. I've played Super Metroid and the demo for FE Awakening, Metroid's frustrating and boring, and FE's storyline was incredibly boring...

lololol im one of those people who ONLY KNOWS WHO THOSE GUYS ARE from SSBB. not even melee.

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lololol im one of those people who ONLY KNOWS WHO THOSE GUYS ARE from SSBB. not even melee.

I'd never heard of FE until I played Brawl. xD I was interested in the series, then I played Awakening and lost interest. I'm considering giving it another go, but the story was sooo cliche.

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I'd never heard of FE until I played Brawl. xD I was interested in the series, then I played Awakening and lost interest. I'm considering giving it another go, but the story was sooo cliche.

Yeah, that's why I bought Kid Icarus Uprising and I hated the game SOOOOO MUCH!!! Like I've never hated a game that much before. I thought the whole entire game was like a fcking tutorial and I felt like we had no freedom, the camera sucked, just....ugh.

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Yeah, that's why I bought Kid Icarus Uprising and I hated the game SOOOOO MUCH!!! Like I've never hated a game that much before. I thought the whole entire game was like a fcking tutorial and I felt like we had no freedom, the camera sucked, just....ugh.


The camera was the real reason why I quit the entire game. Like I barely got through the first part because of the terrible camera. So uncomfortable. 


I don't see why everyone loves Metroid and Fire Emblem so much. I've played Super Metroid and the demo for FE Awakening, Metroid's frustrating and boring, and FE's storyline was incredibly boring...


I never got Metroid but I loveeee Fire Emblem Awakening. It's a good story for a Nintendo game IMO. I suggest playing the actual game, I grown to love it, and the demo isn't going obviously satisfy a person. After all KH3D demo was pretty boring.

Edited by Shana09

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The camera was the real reason why I quit the entire game. Like I barely got through the first part because of the terrible camera. So uncomfortable. 



I never got Metroid but I loveeee Fire Emblem Awakening. It's a good story for a Nintendo game IMO. I suggest playing the actual game, I grown to love it, and the demo isn't going obviously satisfy a person. After all KH3D demo was pretty boring.

I loved the KH3D demo... Fire Emblem Awakening has the cliche JRPG storyline, which bored me. The gameplay felt awkward, too. There wasn't really much of a need to switch between 2D and 3D combat, it broke the flow of combat. Demos are meant to give a good impression of a game, and if it fails to do that, people won't be interested enough to buy it.


Yeah, that's why I bought Kid Icarus Uprising and I hated the game SOOOOO MUCH!!! Like I've never hated a game that much before. I thought the whole entire game was like a fcking tutorial and I felt like we had no freedom, the camera sucked, just....ugh.

I've played my brother's copy, I personally liked it, even though the left handed control scheme sucked. >_<

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Have you ever played Metroid Prime? Completely different from the traditional metroids.


Yeah, definitely play the full game. The beginning is slow, but once it picks up the pace then it becomes weirdly fun managing your team and all that jazz. Plus that perma-death mode is just brutal and fun.

Never played Prime, I've heard they're good. I'm not a big FPS fan though, so I'm not sure about 'em. Also, like I said, the gameplay in Awakening just felt... weird. I don't really think it's a game I'd want to drop $30 for not knowing if I'd really enjoy it.

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Never played Prime, I've heard they're good. I'm not a big FPS fan though, so I'm not sure about 'em. Also, like I said, the gameplay in Awakening just felt... weird. I don't really think it's a game I'd want to drop $30 for not knowing if I'd really enjoy it.

I absolutely hated the 2D Metroid games... all awkward and stuff xD.

I also hate FPS games, but Metroid Prime is a lot more than that. (and if you don't like FPS because you're bad like I am; the gun has a lock- on :D)

The story for the first 2 were cool (3rd was good too, but it felt weird to me)

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I absolutely hated the 2D Metroid games... all awkward and stuff xD.

I also hate FPS games, but Metroid Prime is a lot more than that. (and if you don't like FPS because you're bad like I am; the gun has a lock- on :D)

The story for the first 2 were cool (3rd was good too, but it felt weird to me)

My problem with the FPS genre isn't that I'm bad at them, it's the gameplay and storylines. They always feel boring and repetitive. Of course, there's also the issue that I don't see how playing them with a controller and not a mouse/keyboard is comfortable. ._.

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-people don't need to sugarcoat things, it's easier dealt with if people are straightforward, even if they come off a little rude. if both parties are a least a little respectful then deal with the truthfulness of the words. ya feel me?


-when people whine about the same thing a million times i stop caring


-Nine is one of the best doctors hands down

Edited by Larxene12

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My problem with the FPS genre isn't that I'm bad at them, it's the gameplay and storylines. They always feel boring and repetitive. Of course, there's also the issue that I don't see how playing them with a controller and not a mouse/keyboard is comfortable. ._.

oh yeah most FPS games are really uninteresting, but Metroid Prime is actually interesting... it's futuristic sci-fi o3o.

And the gameplay is great too

sure there's a lot of shoot things until they're dead, but the first cool thing is the weapons; there's the standard power beam, as well as others that usually

Freeze, Burn, and a real powerful beam.

so they make things interesting. And the bosses are innovative; some contain your power ups and actually have powers based on them.


As for controller, the Gamecube version is pretty cool. The auto lock system makes the playing bearable

and there's a Wii version aswell that seems cool

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oh yeah most FPS games are really uninteresting, but Metroid Prime is actually interesting... it's futuristic sci-fi o3o.


And the gameplay is great too

sure there's a lot of shoot things until they're dead, but the first cool thing is the weapons; there's the standard power beam, as well as others that usually

Freeze, Burn, and a real powerful beam.

so they make things interesting. And the bosses are innovative; some contain your power ups and actually have powers based on them.


As for controller, the Gamecube version is pretty cool. The auto lock system makes the playing bearable

and there's a Wii version aswell that seems cool

I've heard they're great, so if I ever find a copy somewhere, I'll probably get it if I have the money. As for the controller things, I'd probably get the Gamecube versions. I'm honestly not a big fan of motion controls (Zelda: Skyward Sword is the only game that I really liked the use of motion controls is), so I'm not getting the Wii remakes of the first two. I might get the third at some point, though. I'm also incredibly shaky with the Wii Remote so I'd screw up a lot probably.

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another one cos im special and editing my other post is pointless. besides someone posted one before so suck it


-people should be made aware what asexuality really is instead of assuming. it's hard for everyone involved otherwise

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Never played Prime, I've heard they're good. I'm not a big FPS fan though, so I'm not sure about 'em. Also, like I said, the gameplay in Awakening just felt... weird. I don't really think it's a game I'd want to drop $30 for not knowing if I'd really enjoy it.

Well the Prime series is more of a first-person "adventure" sort of thing, it's not just a bunch of shooting and stuff. I think Awakening is more a tactical RPG rather than just a straight RPG, idk maybe that's what makes it feel weird. If you know someone who has it (and is willing to let you borrow it) or it's on sale, then give it a shot. It get's better the more you play through it. Plus some guy says "HEEEEELLLL no".

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