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I think the heart/mind/human race shouldn't have many emotions


It'd be a pretty boring existence.  Don't get me wrong, I have a respect for, say, the ant species's ability to get things done efficiently and cooperatively, but still.  Kinda boring.  Efficient, but boring.  The way I see it, if nothing we do matters in the end because it'll all end one day--whether us as individuals, us as a species, or the heat death of the universe--it won't matter how progressive and competent you are being unhindered by emotions.  So hey, why not at least try to enjoy the ride?

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I think the heart/mind/human race shouldn't have many emotions


That's part of what makes us actually human though. Many animals can feel emotions, but not on the level we can. Tool making, language, and emotions are the reason why we came out as the planet's dominant species. 

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I agree but still. People are allowed to feel angry. People are allowed to relapse, are allowed to vent and scream. You can't be outright and openly oppressed anymore where everyone can see it because that would be violating basic human rights. But people still do it less obviously, in ways that aren't brutal but still cruel because of how subtle they are.





You're female. Simple as that. Men will always treat you like property or like you are lesser to them. They might not notice they're doing it, you won't either unless you look in between the lines but the point is, you're underprivileged because men are always the favoured gender in today's society.





I'm talking about the more subtle things. Letting women be free when it comes to exploring their sexuality, not judging them for wearing the choice of attire they have, whether it shows a lot or hides everything, or putting an end to rape culture. Or having more POC representation in the media or complete accommodations for neuroatypicals in today's education system. That's what I mean.





Some people are very ignorant of their privilege and get very defensive when they get called out on it. Yeah, underprivileged groups have a tendency to bully and even attack people when trying to make an explanation but the point is, that 'continued feud' is passed down to other generations in more subtle ways and they grow up thinking it's acceptable. They don't have the intent to hurt but they're still insensitive regardless and that's why non favoured groups get upset. That's why it's important to spread the word and educate them.





You're right but I still oppressed groups are still allowed to be angry, to vent and let it all out every once in a while. It gets tiring, being battered with that kind of treatment by the society you live in. It's only if they are constantly on the offensive, it's only if all misunderstandings are clear and they still choose to attack and make whites, cispeople, males, heterosexuals and neurotypicals miserable that they are truly wrong.

I see that they're allowed to be angry and there's nothing wrong with that, but to me it seems like there would be better ways of expressing it that would actually fix things rather than getting everyone riled up but solving nothing. I can't offer any solutions because I'm really not in power or anything, but I'm sure there's something that could really be done to fix it. Granted, people are really stupid especially the prejudiced older generations, but once ours takes over, there's a good chance things will get much better.


Not all or most men are like that at all tho? And the only setback I've ever had from being female is being barred from infantry, and only extremely recently that's been lifted, so I've got nothing against me now. Men are more offensive and make sexist statements more often online than in real life--I have a lot more male than female friends IRL, and we talk about video games and how annoying bad players are, good tv shows, etc. There's practically never any talk of gender (or jokes about it w/e) My CO and MCP (military terms for people really in charge) are both female, and were selected as the best cadets by my male commander. Most of our unit's staff especially in admin and training departments are female. Not for any real reason--just that they were chosen as some of the  most skilled and best at the jobs in command. 


That makes sense. I'm not really arguing that point, I'm just bothered by the generalizations. Like, the younger generation is very open to all of that. It's the adults that are more close-minded and less open to change (I can't really base this in fact, I've just noticed that protesters are usually adults, but kids such as the ones on this website and multiple others I frequent all support a person's rights to do/feel/whatever they want.) 


I agree more with the second half. It seems like it makes more sense like you said to just spread the word and convince them of why they're wrong in a professional manner rather than just saying "I hate you". Like, if someone on the street randomly came up to me and tried to make me an atheist, I'd be far more willing to listen to the one who gave me reasons why I should etc. than the one who just yelled "I hate Christians like you". The anger and want to express it as hatred does make sense to me, but logically it makes more sense to be rational and calm, because people are more willing to listen to people like that.


Like I said I agree they've got a right to be angry. I've noticed most of them are fairly open minded and don't judge everyone, but it bothers me that I do see some people who do, and they assume it's okay. Kind of off-topic example, but there's a club at my school called Black Awareness Club. And that's fine and it doesn't really bother me, except that a lot of the members run around telling white kids how much they hate them, throwing food at them, one kid got attacked and he didn't get anything broken but he had a black eye and looked pretty bad--all because these people were white. I'm not at all okay with that--yes sadly in history the same thing has been done to them, but it makes more sense to break the cycle rather than continue it and things never get better. It'd be like saying it's okay for them to enslave someone just because they're right--sure it's an eye for an eye, but it doesn't mean it's right--it never was in the first place. If they're willing to accept someone is more privileged if they're a good person, then I really don't see anything wrong with that. It's when they're like that club at my school when they physically attack and verbally tell people how much they hate them that I think it crosses a line. Especially at the physicality. That boy they (I want to say "beat up", but no bones were broken so I don't know what other words to use) was actually PART OF their club--he obviously supported them and they still hurt him just because he was white.

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I never liked Harlem Shake. Sure it's funny but it's really stupid (worse then Gagnam Style. Although I like Gagnam Style xD)


Yeah this. Harlem Shake is just annoying and Gagnam Style while a little annoying too it was actually pretty catchy.

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Slut shaming should get the firetruck out of here. I am a girl, I am allowed to wear what I want, if I want to wear a bra outside. I will wear a god damn bra outside.If a man can walk outside shirtless then why can't I? My boobs are not something for you to look at and if you stare at them I'm gonna punch you in the face.Just cause somebody is above my knees does not make it 'to short." I'm 5'6. Everything is gonna be 'to short' on me.And all the cute dresses are made that way so get over

People should feel free to wear what they want, as long as it's appropriate for the social situation/laws. However, people should'nt complain if others look at a specific part of their body if its fully visible. If you don't want people to look, cover it up. Which matters more, your own comfort or your privacy? You can't have both when it comes to clothes. Put it this way, if a dude is wearing tight pants that make his junk buldge out, the guy shouldn't complain about it. He is fully aware of what he is wearing, same thing goes with girls that wear outfits that accent their breast, legs, or butts. It's a different story though if there is a wardrobe malfunction and an observer exploits it though. Edited by Amon

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I see that they're allowed to be angry and there's nothing wrong with that, but to me it seems like there would be better ways of expressing it that would actually fix things rather than getting everyone riled up but solving nothing. I can't offer any solutions because I'm really not in power or anything, but I'm sure there's something that could really be done to fix it. Granted, people are really stupid especially the prejudiced older generations, but once ours takes over, there's a good chance things will get much better.


Not all or most men are like that at all tho? And the only setback I've ever had from being female is being barred from infantry, and only extremely recently that's been lifted, so I've got nothing against me now. Men are more offensive and make sexist statements more often online than in real life--I have a lot more male than female friends IRL, and we talk about video games and how annoying bad players are, good tv shows, etc. There's practically never any talk of gender (or jokes about it w/e) My CO and MCP (military terms for people really in charge) are both female, and were selected as the best cadets by my male commander. Most of our unit's staff especially in admin and training departments are female. Not for any real reason--just that they were chosen as some of the  most skilled and best at the jobs in command. 


That makes sense. I'm not really arguing that point, I'm just bothered by the generalizations. Like, the younger generation is very open to all of that. It's the adults that are more close-minded and less open to change (I can't really base this in fact, I've just noticed that protesters are usually adults, but kids such as the ones on this website and multiple others I frequent all support a person's rights to do/feel/whatever they want.) 


I agree more with the second half. It seems like it makes more sense like you said to just spread the word and convince them of why they're wrong in a professional manner rather than just saying "I hate you". Like, if someone on the street randomly came up to me and tried to make me an atheist, I'd be far more willing to listen to the one who gave me reasons why I should etc. than the one who just yelled "I hate Christians like you". The anger and want to express it as hatred does make sense to me, but logically it makes more sense to be rational and calm, because people are more willing to listen to people like that.


Like I said I agree they've got a right to be angry. I've noticed most of them are fairly open minded and don't judge everyone, but it bothers me that I do see some people who do, and they assume it's okay. Kind of off-topic example, but there's a club at my school called Black Awareness Club. And that's fine and it doesn't really bother me, except that a lot of the members run around telling white kids how much they hate them, throwing food at them, one kid got attacked and he didn't get anything broken but he had a black eye and looked pretty bad--all because these people were white. I'm not at all okay with that--yes sadly in history the same thing has been done to them, but it makes more sense to break the cycle rather than continue it and things never get better. It'd be like saying it's okay for them to enslave someone just because they're right--sure it's an eye for an eye, but it doesn't mean it's right--it never was in the first place. If they're willing to accept someone is more privileged if they're a good person, then I really don't see anything wrong with that. It's when they're like that club at my school when they physically attack and verbally tell people how much they hate them that I think it crosses a line. Especially at the physicality. That boy they (I want to say "beat up", but no bones were broken so I don't know what other words to use) was actually PART OF their club--he obviously supported them and they still hurt him just because he was white.


I would say that depends on the person. Everyone has their own way of fixing things or dealing with a problem. And when a lot of underprivileged groups become exposed to social justice, they form their own group mentality on how to fix it.


The males we do accuse of being misogynistic and sexist are usually the loudest ones, the ones who are obvious in their belief that women are lesser. Like Mitt Romney, for example. Misogynistic to the core, if his God-awful opinion on rape is any indication. There’s also the Stereotypical Nice Guy, who gets angry when a girl “friendzones” him and calls her a bitch or a hussy because she won’t say yes to a romantic and/or sexual relationship as a reward for being “nice” to her.That being said, it doesn’t make men any less privileged. This is a patriarchy; it’s going to play a part. You were probably lucky because as you said, you live in a nice area. But places like where Koko lives? Or smaller towns? Countries with different customs or political systems? It’s way more apparent and a bigger problem. For someone like Koko, you can’t blame them for feeling the way they do when they’re constantly exposed to men like that on a daily basis. That doesn’t mean they are impolite, disrespectful or unfriendly all the time either.


I'll admit I'm glad you agree and I hope you'll keep that in mind any time social justice comes up in any feud you happen to be a part of.

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People should feel free to wear what they want, as long as it's appropriate for the social situation/laws. However, people should'nt complain if others look at a specific part of their body if its fully visible. If you don't want people to look, cover it up. Which matters more, your own comfort or your privacy? You can't have both when it comes to clothes.Put it this way, if a dude is wearing tight pants that make his junk buldge out, the guy shouldn't complain about it. He is fully aware of what he is wearing, same thing goes with girls that wear outfits that accent their breast, legs, or butts.It's a different story though if there is a wardrobe malfunction and an observer exploits it though.


I think what she means that people should be allowed to wear what they like (specifically women) without being over-sexualized (seriously, who cares about a bit of leg. its just a firetrucking leg jesus christ) and either whistled at or have insults thrown at them.

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I think what she means that people should be allowed to wear what they like (specifically women) without being over-sexualized (seriously, who cares about a bit of leg. its just a firetrucking leg jesus christ) and either whistled at or have insults thrown at them.

Ah I see, that makes sense. Also, speaking of legs, here comes another unpopular opinion from me. I like girls with killer legs and smaller sized T&A quite a bit more than the other way around. Edited by Amon

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I think the heart/mind/human race shouldn't have many emotions


Why do people who write these kinds of quotes think it makes them sound intelligent or sophisticated? Protip: it doesn't, it just sounds like you're trying too hard.

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Why do people who write these kinds of quotes think it makes them sound intelligent or sophisticated? Protip: it doesn't, it just sounds like you're trying too hard.

She's not trying to sound intelligent or sophisticated. Its a legitimate and arguable opinion, even if it's an unpopular one which is what this thread is about. 

Edited by Amon

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(not sure if this is what you'd call an "unpopular opinion", but i felt it somehow still fits here ._.)
I hate people who make it an obligation upon themselves to insult someone's beliefs.
I mean, i understand criticizing a belief if you think it's wrong, but what i don't get is assholes who practically make groups/fb pages/websites just to insult it and make incredibly rude jokes about it.
What's even more annoying is that most of these inbred failures don't even know crap about the beliefs they're insulting, they just come up with completely arrogant shit to justify their BS.

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I never liked Harlem Shake. Sure it's funny but it's really stupid (worse then Gagnam Style. Although I like Gagnam Style xD)

The Harlem Shake is annoying. First I kinda like it but now it's just getting annoying.

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I prefer reading over watching tv or movies

I think most of the time tv shows and movies all get really boring

and they kinda feel the same to me

One exception for me is any anime @.@




And kinda adding on to that- I think a lot of animated movies (Disney is the best example for me right now xD) are waay better than live action movies

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I prefer reading over watching tv or movies

books > movies.books let you work your own imagination, movies- although having more visuals and stuff- don't let you use what you want. Plus they're often different from the orginal story which is really annoying >.<

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