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I'm getting sick of everybody go nuts saying that Amanda Todd was a whore, yes she made a few mistakes doesn't mean you have a right to be a asshole.


Making fun of Nuns is NOT cute. And if your going to be that much of a idiot and make fun of them

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It's disrespectful on so many levels ,

And gross as firetruck.

Edited by 4Everbee

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I despise when people blindly follow other peoples mindsets, those are the people who are not intelligent enough to think for themselves. What really bothers me about those people is that they preach another persons ideals, and expect everyone to accept them as absolute. They do this and expect nobody else to refute them. Then when someone refutes them not only can they not follow up with any logical arguments (especially if that view point has a lot of flaws in it) but they also look down on you for dare dissagreeing with them.

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I hate it when people affiliate themselves with the political group their parents affiliate themselves with and don't have any idea who they are supporting.


That sorta happened with me growing up... except not political exactly

I'm glad I shed my parent's perspective

I would hate being a homophobic asshole xD

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Amanda Todd knew what she was doing. If she was going around showing her body to a guy that was already in a relationship, she should have known that the consequences would be drastic.


im sorry pls forgive me but i just hate people worshipping her where she made her own mistake

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I think there're many people out there in the world who say they respect other people's opinion but they don't really do that at all. Especially if it's something they don't agree on, they act more like apes than respecting one and another opinions.


Also if you really can't stand LGBT people, then don't say anything awful to them. It's not hard to ignore something that isn't affecting you. You may not like it, but don't use actions that are disrespectful and pretty awful.


Where art thou quota gone?


Amanda Todd knew what she was doing. If she was going around showing her body to a guy that was already in a relationship, she should have known that the consequences would be drastic.


im sorry pls forgive me but i just hate people worshipping her where she made her own mistake


I want to interject, I'm not trying to start an argument, PLEASE believe me. ;w;


Amanda Todd did that when she was seventh grade. She had no idea what she doing, not many people at that age do. I'm not saying it's an excuse but still. To say she deserved what she got or brought all that on herself years after she did it is harsh and, in my opinion, a bit heartless. Because nobody should ever have to go through that kind of treatment. I'm not expecting you to agree with me, what you said really bothered me so I felt I needed to say something. ;w;

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I've been seeing this happen around my peers for a few years and you know I really don't find this behavior okay even though a lot of people apparently do:


Say Bob gets a test grade and it's lower than oh say their friend's grade; however, while Bob is happy that he even passed the test his friend is really upset because they got a B instead of an A or a C instead of a B. That same friend is really down about it because they have higher standards of themselves. Bob is somewhat offended by that, for whatever reason, and calls his friend out and says, "I would kill for the grade you got, gosh" and continues to bash his friend about being down about a grade that Bob would do anything for.


Okay well I think that behavior is really rude because just because a person doesn't have the same grades you make and they make a grade they aren't proud of doesn't give someone the right to make them feel even worse about themselves. Sure it may seem ridiculous in one person's eyes that someone is upset about making a low B but to that one person you are making feel like shit they might think differently. Basically just think before you say something because you can really look so rude when you do something like this. Not everyone shares the same standards as you. I know what a shocker right?

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Ew, I hate Shakespeare and sonnets are awful.


even after all of the beautiful ones I wrote for you? </3


I don't get why most foreign people can't talk, or understand English.


English is a necessity nowadays.


Um, English is the second most known language in the world. xD

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I despise when people blindly follow other peoples mindsets, those are the people who are not intelligent enough to think for themselves. What really bothers me about those people is that they preach another persons ideals, and expect everyone to accept them as absolute. They do this and expect nobody else to refute them. Then when someone refutes them not only can they not follow up with any logical arguments (especially if that view point has a lot of flaws in it) but they also look down on you for dare dissagreeing with them.


Gee willikers, it seems to me you're getting at something here.

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I don't get why most foreign people can't talk, or understand English.


English is a necessity nowadays.


not everyone has the privilege to learn English

and tbh Spanish is actuall becoming more dominant, at least in America

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not everyone has the privilege to learn English

and tbh Spanish is actuall becoming more dominant, at least in America


I agree, Spanish is becoming more dominant.

As a business language, English dominates in that.

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It pisses me off so much when people align themselves with a political party with no regard as to what the political party is about, don't even bother to look at the values of each major party, and yet they still have the audacity to ridicule and berate the other party of which they do not know anything about other than what general media or the typical public stereotype gives about them. I can't but help seriously judge all of these people and it's one of the many causes as to why I don't align with a specific party. :I


It also is very frustrating to walk down my campus and hear people harass students to the point of say, "vote for X candidate, or don't vote," joke's on you that isn't how it works. :U


Sadly enough this mentality has run rampant in the upcoming election, people out there are voting and they don't even know what their voting for.

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French and Spanish are some of the most beautiful languages in world. :)


I've been seeing this happen around my peers for a few years and you know I really don't find this behavior okay even though a lot of people apparently do:


Say Bob gets a test grade and it's lower than oh say their friend's grade; however, while Bob is happy that he even passed the test his friend is really upset because they got a B instead of an A or a C instead of a B. That same friend is really down about it because they have higher standards of themselves. Bob is somewhat offended by that, for whatever reason, and calls his friend out and says, "I would kill for the grade you got, gosh" and continues to bash his friend about being down about a grade that Bob would do anything for.


Okay well I think that behavior is really rude because just because a person doesn't have the same grades you make and they make a grade they aren't proud of doesn't give someone the right to make them feel even worse about themselves. Sure it may seem ridiculous in one person's eyes that someone is upset about making a low B but to that one person you are making feel like shit they might think differently. Basically just think before you say something because you can really look so rude when you do something like this. Not everyone shares the same standards as you. I know what a shocker right?


I am completely with you.

I have been in that position too many times. :(

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