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Didn't appreciate Axel getting a keyblade.



I hate that I just ignored the spoiler button on this. *rage* /wishesIcouldtakebackvisitingthisthread Why am I so stupid?


And to make this post worth contributing:


I hate that it's called "Gay marriage" I believe it should just be called marriage because in the end it's two people who love each other.

I am all for legalizing it but I hate that it's named differently from a "normal marriage".

It's not like I go up to some one and say "bye I'm gonna go for a gay walk"



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Madotsuki's signature. It keeps me on certain pages of threads for waaaay longer than necessary. It so entertaining, I kind of hate it... :)


Also, on fanfiction, when they establish an Alternate Universe. Seriously? Why even both writing it? It's called "fanfiction" for a reason. Keep it in the world!

Edited by wayfinder823

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I used to be like this but now I have strayed from it because I find it annoying

I hate it when people complain about how new things are mediocre compared to the old things. If you were to do a critique of a newer thing and you happen to dislike it that's fine but comparing it to an older thing is just annoying and doesn't prove a point. Expect something newer to be mediocre compared to older things like with music it's hard to come up with creative new ideas

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I hate when some Musicians are just making music for money, fame, women/men or something else.

Why can't people understand that true way to make music is to make it for youself, your own happiness, so you can express your feelings with it, so other people could enjoy your music. This is something that many people doesn't seem to grasp.

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I hate when some Musicians are just making music for money, fame, women/men or something else.

Why can't people understand that true way to make music is to make it for youself, your own happiness, so you can express your feelings with it, so other people could enjoy your music. This is something that many people doesn't seem to grasp.


imo, who cares if they're only doing it for money/fame/whatever. if that's what they're happy doing, then let them do it. no one's forcing you to like them or listen to their music.

there's no "true" way to make music.

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imo, who cares if they're only doing it for money/fame/whatever. if that's what they're happy doing, then let them do it. no one's forcing you to like them or listen to their music.

there's no "true" way to make music.


Well, I see music as art so it should be done as art. Not anything else

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Gender walls. I. Hate. Gender. Walls. I always have, I always will. There's no need for them. As an example I'll use Football. Girls and Guys aren't allowed to play together or against eachother as it is called 'Unfair'. They say 'Guys are better at football than girls. Always.' When I find that rather offensive, sexist and over all untrue. I've seen girls kick footballs into the goal from the middle of the pitch. I've also seen guys kick the ball from the same area. We're all the same. Wether we have boobs or not we're all the same.


I also hate like 8-13 year olds having 'Boyfriends' or 'Girlfriends'. YOU'RE STILL A DAMN KID. I mean come on, what do you know about relationships that an adult or teenager (late teenage years, 16, 17,18) doesn't?


Just my opinions on this.

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I am super paranoid


hate kids (lol i am still 14 yrs old )

belive in the super natural

my cats name is Riku

everyone are equal (except murderers and rapists)

people should be allowed to like whatever the firetruck they want without being looked down at

i hate people that only play COD but call them selfs gamers (stupid school i go to)

i belive Elder Scrolls online might be good MIGHT

and also.....i suckt at maths xD

Edited by Gameowner5

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I am super paranoid


hate kids (lol i am still 14 yrs old )

belive in the super natural

my cats name is Riku

everyone are equal (except murderers and rapists)

people should be allowed to like whatever the firetruck they want without being looked down at

i hate people that only play COD but call them selfs gamers (stupid school i go to)

i belive Elder Scrolls online might be good MIGHT

and also.....i suckt at maths xD


Are you me in disguise? o3o

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I am super paranoid


hate kids (lol i am still 14 yrs old )

belive in the super natural

my cats name is Riku

everyone are equal (except murderers and rapists)

people should be allowed to like whatever the firetruck they want without being looked down at

i hate people that only play COD but call them selfs gamers (stupid school i go to)

i belive Elder Scrolls online might be good MIGHT

and also.....i suckt at maths xD


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I actually saw a person like that on Gamestop. He gave a critique of "Super Mario 3D Land" and said it was majorly annoying. But the dude couldn't spell at all and had horrible grammar. The only game that he suggested to people was "Call of Duty" and I'm just like "Are you firetrucking kidding me dude?!" He obviously doesn't like classic style games...

Another thing that annoys me is when people say they "hate" someone. I can understand if it's an inanimate object or something like "Oh I hate Steam Punk, it annoys the crap out of me" or "I hate an unclean room" I'm fine with that. But when you say "I hate him/her" I want to go "Do you even know the person? Have you known the person for more than a year?" And most likely they'd go "I barely know them and I met them last week" or something on the lines of that. That means you dislike the person, you don't hate the person. Hate is a strong word that should be used unless those feelings are so huge that you'd move across the country just to be away from that person. When I remember hate is a strong word, I stopped using it that much. I don't say "Oh I hate that!" Unless I've been through that and know the persons pain but I would never say I hate a person. I only dislike and a person should only dislike. Hate shouldn't really be expressed unless you've know the person for a long time.

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I have never played a Legend of Zelda game in my life. Not that I think it's bad series I just never bought one. I either didn't own the system or no money at the time.


I have to be honest I hate people who go to things like superhero movies and not know one damn thing and ask questions through out the entire movie. Listen, do a little research people. Or sit down, shut up, and watch the movie.


I like Riku's hair cut in 3DS. And one reason is because a lot of the fangirls got upset. xD


I think over obsessed fanboys are the most annoying people in the world. Little changes to their favorite game, series or etc... and they go all psming (no offense ladies X( )


I don't mind first comments, that doesn't annoy me, never did. What annoys me are people who make dislike or like jokes on Youtube or on anything like that. Or begging for likes. ARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! so damn annoying. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png


I think that some women really shouldn't be carrying so many things with them. I understand the purse with your wallet, lotion, make-up, phone, hand sanitizer, or whatever. But when you have your whole freakin bathroom in your purse thats really overboard.

But hey I'm a male, all I carry is my phone, wallet, chap stick, and mp3 player. What the hell do I know, huh? xD lol

Edited by The One Truth

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I am super paranoid


my cats name is Riku

and also.....i suckt at maths xD


these aren't opinion


everyone are equal (except murderers and rapists)


ah but the problem with this statement is, were they equal before they committed the crime? if so, why do those specific crimes take away the fact that they're human? it's possible that there may be something wrong in their head. no one knows the true reasoning in a criminals mind. they did something terrible, the most fatal of mistakes, but humans are not perfect. humans make mistakes. in a way, they are the most human if you think about it, giving in to whatever told them to do it, disregarding societies standards of right and wrong.

and why only murderers and rapists? why not child molesters, domestic abusers, animal abusers, shop lifters, bank robbers, identity stealers... the list goes on.

my opinion is, everyone is equal.

every one.

all lives are created equal, everyone deserves a chance.

if a murderer was dying from a fatal wound, any good doctor would operate and save his life because all lives are created equal. no one deserves to live more than anyone else.



oh and i love rap

rap is good

if you think rap sucks

or if you just think music 'today' sucks (which imo makes you sound like a pretentious douche)

just read this old latin poem

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