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Reason behind my hate is due to my synesthesia and my Asperger's. It's some weird sensory thing I go through. Synesthesia gives me sensivity to colours via my senses and my Asperger's heightens my senses. Combined, it just gets a whole lot worse. When I'm exposed for too long or to too many heat colours, mainly orange and yellow, I get a sensory overload and I start to feel sick or in pain. Cool colours are the opposite. They make me feel happy, energetic and healthy, I guess you could say. I don't get how my brain works.


/end explanation


Ohhh ok, well you have a legit reason for hating them. and anyways it's good to surround yourself with blue bc it encourages your brain to think better and it makes you more creative :3 and it's very calming. I've heard that being surrounded by orange can actually make people more aggressive, bc it's such a bright energetic color :/

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Ohhh ok, well you have a legit reason for hating them. and anyways it's good to surround yourself with blue bc it encourages your brain to think better and it makes you more creative :3 and it's very calming. I've heard that being surrounded by orange can actually make people more aggressive, bc it's such a bright energetic color :/


I like Riku's new haircut. :wub:


I would like these. But quota.


Here's something. Daniel should extend the amount of likes we can give. Because liking the awesomeness of what people have to say is too hard to resist.

Edited by TheApprenticeofKingMickey

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I would like these. But quota.


Here's something. Daniel should extend the amount of likes we can give. Because liking the awesomeness of what people have to say is too hard to resist.



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Feminism will never work due to the fact that it is a flawed system. One cannot bring about equality by only working on one side and giving them rights while ignoring the other side. The image below best describes my feelings.


Posted Image


Also, Vaan is one of the best characters in Final Fantasy XII and Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy.

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Feminism will never work due to the fact that it is a flawed system. One cannot bring about equality by only working on one side and giving them rights while ignoring the other side. The image below best describes my feelings.


Posted Image


Also, Vaan is one of the best characters in Final Fantasy XII and Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy.


The 'feminism' you are referring to is not feminism however, imo. It's bullshit.


Feminism works to bring equality to both genders and benefits men as well and when more people start learning and working towards that, it'll be for the better



Also yes I consider myself a feminist

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I hate it when people on the internet love to talk using the most horrible grammar. I automatically assume I am dealing with a little butthurt kid on the internet rather than a supposedly smart girl my age.

I also really hate it when girls want to rush into a relationship at a young age. And no, I think it's ok to be 13 and have a nice boyfriend and it all works out, but I hear 10-year-old's crying and whining about how they broke up with their boyfriend. I hear them complain about how they are never going to be loved and about how they are ugly and crap... I do believe that there can be mature 10-year-old's who can actually be trustworthy to have a boyfriend, but you usually don't see that now a days.

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I hate that people don't know when to use You're and when to use Your, I have seen tons of grammar nazis to fail on that.


I really don't think that Smoking will make you to "hard dude", what is point being hard dude? and why to destroy yourself slowly? Also: Smoking doesn't make you look good.

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I can't understand people who are complaining that they can't listen lyrics on Metal music.

Just go and listen poetry if you want to hear cool lyrics and stuff.


Also: Why in actual firetruck would people generize people who listen metal music as satanic?

One time there was some grave stone fell over in graveyard and it became directly to Satanic people's fault who actually just listen Metal music, who aren't satanic.

And then one band called Nightwish was almost imprisoned because they made satanic music, just because they had some crosses and stuff in their music video.

That band isn't half bad, not really my favourite, but many metal music friends may like it.

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One time, I had one of my friends complain to me all because I like some songs by Nicki Minaj. I am the type of person that I don't really have a favorite genre of music. I listen to whatever songs to beats I like. If you go in my i-pod, you would see just about every random song you can think of. Anyway, I like her music. Also, I believe she is a rather nice person and she should not be judged by the way she dresses, or acts.

I also hate really ignorant people who stop the class every two seconds to ask really stupid, obvious questions. And then they don't even listen to the answer; just text on their phone.

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