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The Unpopular Opinions Thread

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People shouldnt wear really short shorts or have there pants hanging low. People also should be able to have piercings and stuff without being judged. Live is Evil spelled backwards xD

I hate rap music, and homophobics.

Gym class is stupid and pointless.

I hate how some people only like Aqua because of her...looks.

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Nicki Minaj is great, her rapping might not be amazing, but she's cute and I love her and she's just so adorable and badass.

Pastel colors >>>>>> neon/bright colors

Cargo shorts are the most comfortable things ever. Especially guy cargo shorts.

I think kids should actually be made to do something in Physical Education and be taught the dangers of unhealthy eating and the benefits of a healthy diet and regular exercise. It's a pity that a great class goes to waste because the teachers usually don't care to actually teach. Seriously guys, there's something wrong when by 2030, 50% of US adults will be obese.

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Nicki Minaj is great, her rapping might not be amazing, but she's cute and I love her and she's just so adorable and badass.

Pastel colors >>>>>> neon/bright colors

Cargo shorts are the most comfortable things ever. Especially guy cargo shorts.

I think kids should actually be made to do something in Physical Education and be taught the dangers of unhealthy eating and the benefits of a healthy diet and regular exercise. It's a pity that a great class goes to waste because the teachers usually don't care to actually teach. Seriously guys, there's something wrong when by 2030, 50% of US adults will be obese.





AND IT WAS WAY BETTER THAN BACK WHEN WE WERE LIKE AN ELEMENTARY GYM CLASS! It was fun learning about health and the body and stuff

I loved those jogs too

even though I failed the mile all the time xD


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AND IT WAS WAY BETTER THAN BACK WHEN WE WERE LIKE AN ELEMENTARY GYM CLASS! It was fun learning about health and the body and stuff

I loved those jogs too

even though I failed the mile all the time xD



I really like learning about diet and exercise and trying my best to get/keep in shape. It's like the best thing ever. Not a lot of people think so tho ;A;

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I really like learning about diet and exercise and trying my best to get/keep in shape. It's like the best thing ever. Not a lot of people think so tho ;A;


Because we went out, when I heard my sister order what she wanted at McDonald's; I wanted to puke from simply hearing what she wanted to eat. It sounded so gross and fattening. >:

Edited by TheApprenticeofKingMickey

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I wear short shorts tho,,,,

and push up bras are good for support :3 imo


I still think Push up bras are stupid. Sorry.

i think guys who wear short shorts are really attractive. i think feminine guys in general are really attractive, lol.


Meh I just hate it when they wear shorts shorts,

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I don't get why do people say that they won't drink alcohol.


It's something that we eventually do.


At least drink with moderation, don't shove it down your troath.

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Here is a rant I've kept bottled up in me. Here it goes:


I hate that when a person is offended by something the only solution is to ban it.

In my town, our local college team had a mascot called the Chief. I grew up watching the Chief. He was someone the town loved and he represented courage, perseverance, and strength. Several years ago, a Native American student was offended because the dance wasn't authentic and it was done by a white student. The Chief was thus banned as a mascot.

It's really sad, because all the people who loved the Chief are angry about the ban, and that has tarnished their positive emotions towards probably the only positive role model of Native Americans in their life. I wish that people could explore other options other than banning. The dance could have been changed to represent Native American heritage. The role of the Chief should really be open to any race since we're all Americans. But instead they had to ban the Chief, ruining a chance to create positive, multicultural awareness that both parties could be happy with.

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I think P.E. should be an optional class. Don't get me wrong it's a fun class and we do learn to stay healthy because of it but when it's graded and causes you to fail well then we have problems. Not that I hate P.E. sports just aren't my thing. Well optional or not graded. Sorry if you don't like what I have to say. -__- ;p

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P,E is the best class ever. When I was in school our teacher didn't just tell us about Exercise she also told us about how smoking can kill you,

And how to stay healthy.



Now adays 'Trolls.' Are just cyber-Bullies.

Edited by 4Everbee

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I hate it when some females or males complain about that they are cold but yet you wore the outfit. That's your damn own fault. Try watching the weather or if you have one, go on your cell that you love to text so much on download a weather application, and shut up.


I apologize if I sound angry, that's just something that kind of really bothers me a bit.

Edited by The One Truth

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I hate how the society around me views Asians. I want to punch them all in the face.



Me too, whenever I go to school, I hate it when people keeps thinking I'm Chinese just because I'm Asian and they make that stupid "Ching chong ching" joke and they keep making fun of our eyes. I just want to kick all their asses. Also, I hate it when girls talk behind your back talking about your business like your face, the clothes you wear, and the way you act. That includes the guys too. Almost all the guys in my school are jerks. They just go for the girls with big boobs and with a slutty attitude and not with girls that actually have a heart.

Finally, I hate it when singers sing about drugs and getting drunk, these things can ruin your life but they keep singing it like it's a good thing. I hate this social generation. Wish the world would just end soon so God could take us away from this cruel world and into heaven.

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They just go for the girls with big boobs and with a slutty attitude and not with girls that actually have a heart.

Finally, I hate it when singers sing about drugs and getting drunk, these things can ruin your life but they keep singing it like it's a good thing. I hate this social generation. Wish the world would just end soon so God could take us away from this cruel world and into heaven.


They can't help who they're attracted to. Calling someone a jerk because you don't approve of who they like is really annoying and needs to stop IMO.


And if you ruin your life with drugs and booze it's your own fault, not because of singers.







On a separate note I absolutely hate it when people hate on their generation. Like Jesus Christ every generation has shitty and amazing stuff stop hatin


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I think tattooing is one of the most beautiful forms of art.


They can't help who they're attracted to. Calling someone a jerk because you don't approve of who they like is really annoying and needs to stop IMO.


And if you ruin your life with drugs and booze it's your own fault, not because of singers.







On a separate note I absolutely hate it when people hate on their generation. Like Jesus Christ every generation has shitty and amazing stuff stop hatin



Song quoting time~


I wish I grabbed a chance

To say to her

Life is too short

So take the time and appreciate

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I think history should be optional.

Some times I get interested in it, but most of US history bores me and I have to actually pass those classes.

I honestly don't see why I have to know about all this stuff when I don't wanna get into politics

I think we should get quick rundowns on things in school and then we can study them on our own if we want.

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